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Lemon Honey Chicken Wings

I believe, this dish will certainly be a favorite. The combination of the sour taste of lemon, and sweet-savory of honey and garlic, will make everyone not enough just to eat one or two pieces only. More delicious again served with chilly sauce or tomato sauce..hmmm..just Yummy!

 Ingredients and how to make it:
- 12 pieces of chicken wings.
Mix all marinade ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons pure honey
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 4 cloves of garlic. Bruised and finely chopped
- 1 teaspoon salt or to taste

Marinate the chicken wings with spices. The longer the better (I soak about 2 hours). Then Roast in oven 170 deg C for 40 minutes or until cooked. Or if you can make a grill / BBQ , this can be also be roasted over coals ....
Serve hot (warm)

Bon apetite!


  1. I love chicken with lemon and honey... it's an amazing combination! :D

  2. Yes, it's great combination I think also... I regret why I made only 12 pieces.. :)))

  3. Wow, this looks so scrumptious! Fantastic combination!

  4. Wow! That's super simple... Great idea!!! :D

  5. Simple,a bit sour,a bit sweet, much savory ...I warn you to make double recipes ! :)))

  6. they look yummy and juicy! nice marinade

  7. This looks great. My children adore sweet and sour and so just perfect!

  8. This looks great. My children adore sweet and sour and so just perfect!

  9. Yummy flavor combo! The chicken looks so juicy and delicious.

  10. Yum! I'm thinking Superbowl Sunday for these...

  11. Oh my gosh. I started licking my fingers and haven't even had these! They look and sound wonderful. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  12. it looks like i was in heaven when i first bite into the chicken wings


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