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Soes Salad (Choux Pastry Salad)

Just love Choux pastry.. We can vary with any kind topping and even filling.. Today I made choux pastry and as filling I want something fresh and healthy..salad! yes, I combine it with fresh salad..have a try! it's healthy! 

For choux dough:
- 100 g unsalted butter (or margarine)
- 200 ml water
- 1 cup flour
- 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
- 4 eggs. Beaten.
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- For sprinkling,enough of sesame seeds .

Ingredients for salad:
- 1 carrot medium size. peeled and cut into matchsticks or grated coarse.
- 3 ~ 4 pieces of cabbage leaf. cut very fine.
- 1 small size red bits. peeled and cut into matchsticks or grated coarse
- 3 tablespoons of canned sweet corn.
- Enough lettuce leaf
* Combine all ingredients for salad (except lettuce). Set aside and keep in refrig.

dressing for the salad:
- 3 tablespoons mayonnaise.
- 1 tbsp tomato sauce
- 1 / 2 tbsp caster sugar
- 1 / 4 teaspoon salt
- 1 ~ 2 tbsp lemon juice

* Mix and stir ingredients for sauce. Set aside and keep in refrig.

How to make:
1. Boil butter and salt in water. Stir until boiling. Turn off the heat.
2. Turn on small heat. Pour the flour gradually, keep on stirring until the dough is completely smooth and no lump. Remove from heat and chill.
Note: As you chill the dough, keep stirring the mixture in order to make nice hollow choux shell.

3. Once completely chill, add baking powder, eggs gradually, keep stirring. Stirring can use a wooden spoon, electric mixer or manual whisk.
4. Grease some pie mold with butter. Put small amount of the dough inside that mold. Sprinkle with some sesame seeds.
5. Bake for about 25 min with a temperature of 180 deg C.
Note: Know the condition of your own oven. The size and condition of  your oven, produces different heat result.

How to serve:
Mix salad ingredients and salad dressing until blended. Cut choux shell in half horizontally. Cover the bottom side with lettuce and  fill with salad mixture. Cover with the top part.

Mix salad and fill the choux with it just before serving so it will be more fresh and choux shell will not wet quickly.


  1. These look so cool! I've never seen a combination like this before. Loving the choux pastry!

  2. Thx Koci. I love choux pastry also.. still looking forward next variation of this pastry :)

  3. Like these and I like them with prawns and seafood dressing as a starter.

  4. These are adorable! And I love the portion sizes.

  5. You found a way to make a salad more attractive. Hats off to you! :)
    I will try the dough as soon as I have some time!


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