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Dadar Gulung Hijau Indonesian Filled roll pancake

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey.

Green pancake stuffed with sweet grated coconut.
Suddenly I feel like want to eat this traditional green roll pancakes, miss it so much!. Been so long I do not eat this childhood snack. Back when I was in Indonesia I also had rarely make it at home, easy way, I just went to bakery which selling traditional snack or there would be somebody always around our alley selling many traditional snacks ...hhmmm... I just miss my homeland ...

Ingredients and how to make:
For Filling:
- 4 cup grated coconut (I use dessicated coconut)
- 50 gr palm sugar
- 5 tablespoons brown sugar (add more if you like more sweet)
- 2 tsp vanilla powder
- 1/2 cup water
- Pinch of salt
Heat the sugar and brown sugar with water and salt, put grated coconut and vanilli. stir over medium heat until the water a bit dry. Remove and set aside.

For Pancake Skin:

  • 150 gr all purpose flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 medium egg, lightly beaten
  • about 350 ml  coconut milk ( I use medium thickness)
  • few drops pandan paste
Whisk eggs, salt and coconut milk, pandan paste. Combine flour gradually while stirring until blended and smooth .

Heat non-stick omelet pan. Make a thin omelet (diameter about 15 cm). Flip over once you notice dry on surface and cook 1 more minute on the other side but no need too dry. 

Remove from pan,fill with stuffing mixture, fold such as folding envelopes and roll it.
Ready to serve. Enjoy ..

Check my latest post of Dadar gulung recipe here.


  1. I used to love a similar dish to this that they used to sell at Ramadhan food markets in Malaysia. Absolutely yummy!!!

  2. Hi Kim... yes, mostly we can find more during ramadhan ya for "ta'jil" Nice to remember that, right? :)

  3. Scrumptious ! Wish my husband and my son like this.

    Btw, thanks for your comment about my chicken kalas. I wish I can find all of those fresh ingredients in United States, that's why I used powder spices and so glad that they are available here. Anyway, I didn't know that people outside Bali actually know this dish.



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