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Pizza Stuffed

Inspired by Chicago style pizza, this I made as my friend's request for her family.. and they liked it!  @(^_^)@

For Pizza dough:

- 1 packet (5 g) dry instant yeast
-  ½ tbsp caster sugar
- about 2 ½ cup flour
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 3 tablespoon olive oil
- about 1 cup warm milk

Mix the flour,salt,  sugar and dry yeast. Make a hole in the middle, add  olive oil and warm milk, knead until soft smooth and not sticky at your hand (there may be additional flour/ warm milk at this stage). Cover with plastic film or  towel and let stand about 1 hour until the dough become double.

For filling.
- about 150 gr beef sausage. cut into small cubes (1x1cm)
- about 150 gr sucuk. cut into small cubes (1x1 cm)

- about 150 gr bonless chicken breast. Cut small cubes
- 2 medium green peppers. seeded and cut into small cubes.
- 2 medium red bell pepper. Seeded and cut into small cubes.
- Some Olive, cut into pieces.
- About 100 grams of fresh mushrooms. cut into cubes.
- about 250 grams of cheddar cheese. Cut into cubes or grated harshly.
- 1 large onion. finely chopped.
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped / grated fine.
- 2 tbsp homemade tomato paste (I mixed with chilly paste). Dilute with a little water.
- Enough Thyme and basil.
- Salt and black pepper to taste.
- 1 tablespoon butter for sauteing
For spread on top.
- 1 egg yolk beaten with 2 teaspoons water
- enough black and white sesame seed.

Heat the butter in a sauce pan. Saute onion and garlic until fragrant and transparent. Stir in chicken and mushrooms, cook until chicken done. Stir in tomato paste solution. Season with salt and pepper. Then mix in sausage and sucuk, all parika , olives. Thyme and basil. Stir until all well blended. Cook for few minutes. Remove from heat. Set aside.
Prepare 9" springform pan, grease with butter.
Using rolling pin Roll widely pizza dough approximately 1 cm thin. Put the dough in baking pan, set up to cover the entire base and sides of pan (leave the remaining dough to cover the top) . Fill with stuffing mixture alternately with with cheese. Cover with remaining dough. Brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame.
Bake in preheated oven, 160 deg C for approximately 25 minutes or until pizza bread well cooked.

Enjoy while warm with tomato sauce or chilly sauce and mayonnaise.

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  1. Wow, does that look fabulous! That last photo is restaurant perfect :)

  2. I could get in deep trouble with this recipe – will not make until I have a few guests because I could eat that entire pizza cake!!

  3. What a great idea! I'd have to eat this after going to the gym for an hour :D

  4. Wow...what a meal...this looks irresistible.

  5. Citra, Your stuffed pizza is so gorgeous, and with all the delicious fillings I'm sure everyone loved it. I notice a little Turkish inspired sesame topping on it that made it look even more festive.
    Beautiful presentation too!

  6. Enjoy while warm?? Enjoy ANY WAY YOU CAN GET IT! That pizza is amazing. Wow, it's gorgeous. It's dinner time and I'm hungry and it looks perfect. I'm sure it was inspired by Chicago, but you've left them in the dust with this creation.


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