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My Super Crispy Fried Chicken

This one absolutely my favorite since I was a kid. But my mom can not made them so crispy like we ate at franchise restaurant. We usually eat it with hot white steam rice and hot chili sauce. 
When I marry my husband I tried to vary the ingredients and method to make my mom's crispy fried chicken become MORE crispy @(^_^)@ .. *sorry Mom, you still the best in some other traditional Indonesia food :p 
And now... Voallaaa.... hubby likes it ssoo much! We eat it with fried potato sometime or steamed white rice or mashed potato and salad as side dish.... it's ssooo Yummy!
 and now this crispy fried chicken recipe become my recipe from now on. Hubby put the "brand" CFC or CITRA FRIED CHICKEN ... hehehehehe...

  • 6 pieces of chicken thighs or and (mix) with wings. 
  • 2~3 tsp hot chili powder or sweet chili powder (as you desire)
  • 1 egg, beaten. 
  • 1 cup whole milk 
  • 2 ½ cups flour 
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda 
  • ± 2 tsp garlic powder. 
  • ± 2 tsp salt or to taste plus more for marinate the chicken.
  • ± 1 tsp pepper powder or to taste plus some more for marinate the chicken. 
  • Cooking oil for deep fry. 
1) Steam chicken thighs and or wings until cooked through and fat is reduced, about 20 minutes. Residual water from this steam process can be used as chicken stock. Pin-prick the chicken with a fork. Seasoning with salt, pepper and chili powder. Let the herbs soak at least 1 hour.
2) Whisk the egg with fresh milk. In other bowl mix flour, baking soda, garlic powder, salt and pepper powder. One by one, dip chicken in egg mixture, 
dredge in flour until the whole surface covered with flour. Dip again in egg mixture and jerky again with flour mixture. Do the same thing to all chicken pieces.
3) Heat the oil in deep skillet /deep fry pan. Fry chicken until golden red. Drain from remaining oil. Serve immediately with fried potatoes or rice and sauce with salad as side dish.


Check my other Crunchy Fried Chicken recipe here

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  1. Sometimes I like having such delicious, crispy but not very healthy chicken :) it looks really nice

  2. Oh, how fabulous!!! Love the crispy coating made to perfection! Beautiful chicken :)

  3. Oh this sounds soooo good!! Extra crisy is always better! :)

  4. Hello sweet friend! Congratulations on your site, too. Thank you for your visit and your comment about my blog. You can choose to translate the language of your choice at the upper right of the blog. Hopefully now it is easier to understand what you think, what I feel and what they cook. Be happy!

    Luiz -

  5. Oh my gosh. I'm drooling over this chicken. It is some of the crispiest I've ever seen (and I LOVE fried chicken). You've done an incredible job.

  6. Wow this looks great. Have bookmarked it.

  7. This looks far too addictive. ;) Beautiful picture of this dish.

  8. Hey Citra, this is a great recipe! I've been trying to get my fried chicken to stay crispy after coming out of the pan. The steaming part sounds good ... don't have to worry about uncooked insides. Thanks!

  9. Yum - this looks so great! I love friend chicken, so crispy and delicious - a sometimes food, but a wonderful food never-the-less

    Shari from


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