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Roti Isi Abon (Floss Bread)

This is my favorite breakfast (brunch) menu, soft bread with beef  (or chicken) floss as filling. Light sweet taste combine with light savory is just perfect also for my hubby lunch box. After taste it once, hubby (who never try beef floss before), now become fan of it  d(^_^)b
You can add bread improver in this recipe to improve the softness of the bread, but since I couldn't find bread improver here in Turkey, so.. voallaaa... it's just as delicate as original from famous bakery in my hometown @(^_^)@

Make about 7 pieces.
Material I:
  • ¾ cup warm milk
  • 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • 10 g dry yeast
  • 3 tablespoons flour
Material II:
  • 3 cups flour (plus 3 ~ 4 tablespoons if necessary)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 100 gr margarine.
  • 3 egg yolks.
  • Enough water if necessary.
Materials III:
  • Enough Beef floss or chicken floss.
  • 5 tbsp evaporated milk
  • 5 tbsp mayonnaise.
>> Mix evaporated milk and mayonnaise, set aside.

Few tablespoon whole milk for spread over.

1) Mix all ingredients I, cover with plastic wrap or kitchen towel and let stand until fluffy in warm place about 30 ~ 40 minutes.
2) Combine all ingredients II (except water) with material I, knead until smooth and not sticky at your hand. At this stage it may need additional water or flour as needed. You can use electric mixer or manually by hand to do this knead job.
3) Round the dough, cover with towel or plastic wrap and rest in warm place until dough become double in size (I took about 60 minutes).
4) After dough doubled, hit and flat the dough. Divide it into 5 ~ 7 small ball. Cover them with kitchen towel and let them rest for about 30 minutes more. Take one ball, flatten it and fill with Mayonnaise+milk mixture and floss. Shape it oval or round form according to your taste. Do same thing to other small ball, cover them with kithcen towel and let them rest again ± 15 minutes.
5) Preheat oven to 170 ⁰ C. Brush the bread surface with milk, give some shallow scratches/ cut and bake until golden brown (about 15 ~ 20 minutes).
Recognize your own oven's condition is recommended. Different size and condition gives 
different heat result.

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  1. Oh these look perfect. Beautiful color on the rolls.

  2. This looks amazing. The bread is done perfectly. But I have no idea what beef floss is. Is it just gravy? What is is. I want to try this!

  3. Citra,

    I made those today. I love it!! It's so delicious! Thank you!

  4. wow this is so tempting...will definitely try it soon....

  5. I've never heard of floss bread, but it looks wonderful!


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