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Membuat susu kental manis sendiri I / Homemade Sweet Condensed Milk I

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey.

Have you ever think to make your own sweet condensed milk? Maybe for you who can find it easily around corner in your place, making it at home will consuming a lot of effort and not practical at all. But for those who's just like me, finding this product is like finding a water in desert :))

Maybe because in Turkey not many people know and use this sweet condensed milk. And indeed, provide need demand, right? ^,^
In my homeland, mostly people using this, we call it "susu kental manis". Even you can find in economic packet for you to bring anywhere ^,^

Well, anyway... If you like to make everything by homamade, or you can't find it in your place, or you just want to try to make it.. here it is my recipe for homemade sweet condensed Milk

Yield ± 250 ml

What you need and how to make it:
 50 gr unsalted butter
 ¾ cup granulated sugar
 ¾ cup water
 1 cup powdered milk

In small sauce pan, combine butter, sugar and water and bring to a boil over medium heat just until sugar dissolves. Turn off the heat. Stir in powdered milk into it gradually, whisk until all well blended.

Bring some amount of water to simmer on medium heat to double boil. Place that sauce pan on a double boil and continue to stir until milk dissolves. Do not too long on double boil, just warm enough. Remove from the double boil and store in clean jars.

Note: used for a recipes use sweetened condensed milk. This Homemade sweetened condensed milk can not be stored too long (maximum 2 weeks it in fridge), so just make it enough for your need.

Check my other version of homemade condensed milk here.

SKM resep II


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Citra, what a great you can enjoy all the yummy treats made with condensed milk :)

  3. Thank you so much for the recipe. I sometimes don't find condensed milk, so for sure I will use this.

  4. Had no idea you could do this at home!

  5. Now that is something I never thought of making. thanks for the great information.

  6. I never thought to make my own....have to keep this recipe on hand.


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