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Asinan Betawi (Indonesian Salad from Jakarta)

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Asinan is some kind of pickled vegetables or fruits dish, commonly found in Indonesia. The term "asin" isIndonesian word for "salty", which explain the process of preserving the ingredients through soaking it in the solution of saltwater. Asinan is quite similar to rujak, the difference is rujak usually served fresh, while asinan is preserved vegetables or fruits. There is many types and variations of asinan in Indonesia, however, the most popular ones are Asinan Betawi and Asinan Bogor.

Experience this Indonesian mix salad. Those who like a combination of sour and a bit of sweet in this dressing salad must be loving it. One of the popular food that I love so much!

Asinan Betawi (Indonesian Salad from Jakarta). #saladrecipe #healthyrecipe #indonesiancuisine #saladrecipe #vegetarian #veganrecipe #tofurecipe
Serves 2

Ingredients and how to make it:

For the sauce:
a) 1 tbsp fried/ roasted peanuts
b) 1 clove of  garlic
c) 1 large fresh red chili
d) some of birds eye chili (the amount depends on how spicy hot you want--I use 7, so mine is pretty hot !)
e) 1 ½ tbsp sugar (or you can use palm sugar)

f) ½ teaspoon salt
g) ½ medium lemon, squeezed (or can use 2 tablespoons vinegar)
h) ± 150 g palm sugar + ¼ cup water and cook until thick. Set aside*

Crush and blend ingredients a) up to f). Give lemon juice or vinegar. mix in 4 ~ 8 tablespoons water (sauce thickness according to your taste), I like medium consistency for my sauce, so I added 5 tablespoons. Stir well and set aside.

Asinan Betawi (Indonesian Salad from Jakarta). #saladrecipe #healthyrecipe #indonesiancuisine #saladrecipe #vegetarian #veganrecipe #tofurecipe

Salad Ingredients:
a) 1 cup bean sprouts
b) 1 medium carrot, roughly shredded
c) 1 cup finely chopped cabbage
d) 1 medium cucumber, cut into cubes
e) lettuce, roughly torn
f) Tofu, fried half-soft and cubes
g) Enough fried/ roasted peanut for sprinkling
h) Prawn Crackers or any crackers

How to serve:
Arrange all vegetables and tofu in one big bowl, add the sauce. Sprinkle with fried peanuts and then flush with melted palm sugar sauce. Stir well. Keep in the refrigerator a few moments for the soaking process. 

Serve chilled with crackers.


Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

Asinan Betawi (Indonesian Salad from Jakarta). #saladrecipe #healthyrecipe #indonesiancuisine #saladrecipe #vegetarian #veganrecipe #tofurecipe


  1. I love rojak and gado gado! This looks like a cross between the two. It's all about the sauce, isn't it? And this sounds really good! I'm getting hungry all over again and I just had lunch! :D

  2. @ping Hai Ping..U have asian taste same with me so I'm sure U know exactly how mouthwatering this one..hehehe..and yes, it's about the sauce which can make me always craving this dish :p

  3. Citraa.....
    this is my fav!! all kind of asinan - love it!! :) :)
    I never made even any... haha ha!
    Tq for sharing the recipe citra!! ;)

  4. What a gorgeous salad, Citra!! I know I'd LOVE it!

  5. @Elies_LieHahahah.. Elies.. when I lived in Jakarta few years back, I never make it by my self.. I just walk to my "warung langganan" and voallaaa... tinggal makan ajah! hehehe.. ^,^

  6. i love the taste that peanuts give to anything.i bet this sauce would be perfect with vietnamese spring rolls!! :D

  7. this is quite similar to our indian rojak here. i see that you have some lemon juice added to the sauce, everything looks so delicious!!

  8. Citra-What a FEAST! So beautiful, delicious, and perfect for a special occasion. LOVE IT:DDD


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