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Churros with Chocolate sauce

Frankly speaking İ never eat churros before, even there are some counters in Jakarta, cıty İ was living in before, İ didn't had intention to taste it. But after some my FB friends make by them self recently it finally tickling me... So İ'm very much curious about it. İ search what churros is.. how's the recipe and try to find out some people opinion on their blog describe how it taste.... And again-as always- wikipedia become my source to find it more ^,^

During my recipe searching İ found some recipe claimed Mexican churros while some other write about Spanish Churros.. According to wikipedia the origin of this churros is unclear. One theory is they were brought to Europe by the Portuguese. The Portuguese sailed for the Orient and, as they returned from Ming Dynasty China to Portugal, they brought along with them new culinary techniques, including modifying the dough for You tiao also known as Youzagwei in Southern China, for Portugal. However, they modified it by introducing a star design because they did not learn the Chinese skill of "pulling" the dough (the Chinese Emperor made it a capital crime to share knowledge with foreigners). As a result, churros are not "pulled" but rather extruded out through a star-shaped die.

Another theory is that the churros was made by Spanish shepherds, to substitute for fresh bakery goods. Churro paste was easy to make and fry in an open fire in the mountains, where shepherds spend most of their time.

And about the taste and texture, some people it's refer to donut taste with cinnamon. But after check mostly recipe -- and finally İ made by my self-- İt's more on fried pastry with sugar cinnamon... What do you think?
Anyway, in fact now İ like churros and definitely it's perfect friend during my chill day and best friend accompany me during my 'book time' alone after my kid sleeping, with hot coffee latte, in silent night :)

For my first adventure of churros I decide use recipe from here. No spesific reason. İ saw many recipe almost same in ingredients and method. Maybe next time İ will try Martha Steward's which use milk instead of water. 
And here the recipe....

Serve 6.
  • 75 gr butter
  • 250 ml water
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 140 gr flour. sifted
  • 3 eggs. Beaten
  • 1 lt oil for frying --> İ use small deep pan so İ only need about 500 ml oil
For dusting:
  • 2 Tbsp caster sugar
  • 1 Tbsp cinnamon powder
  • vanilla pod from 1 vanilla --> İ didn't purchase vanılla pod so İ use vanilla powdered instead
>>Mix all dusting ingredients in one plate and set a side

Chocolate dip:
  • 200 gr dark chocolate
  • 200 ml double cream --> İ use heavy cream
  • 4 Tbsp golden syrup
>> mix all ingredient in small sauce pan. Heat over low heat, stirring continuously until smooth, thick and glossy. Set a side (but keep it warm).

 How to:

  1. İn a non stick pan boil water and butter until rolling boil. Mix in salt and flour, mix it fast and vigorously until all together and form a ball. Remove from heat (İ still mix the dough to remove hot air for few minute before adding the eggs).
  2. Add beaten egg while continue mixing the dough until it smooth. Fit piping bag with star-shape nozzle and fill the piping bag with the batter.
  3. Heat oil in deep pan. The recipe calls for 170 C with candy thermometer. But since İ don't have any candy thermometer İ just simply dip 1 chopstick into hot oil, if it's bubbling ...İ start to fry my batter. Carefully pipe the batter around 5" or 6" long into the oil, cut the batter at the end of nozzle with knife. Fry until slightly golden for few minutes, flip it once or twice for even cooked. Strain and drain them onto paper towel.
  4. While it's warm roll them into cinnamon sugar mixture. Serve immediately with chocolate dip.
Well.... what a perfect "me time" İ have tonight ..... İ have my hot coffee latte, favorite book, silent night and .... warm churros con chocolate ^,^


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