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Tahu Acar (Tofu Salad) / Indonesian tofu salad

Selam everybody... Merhaba from Turkey...

I am so joyful and grateful because Ramadhan will soon start in these few days.... 
Ramadhan is the 9th month in Islamic calendar. The most important and sacred month to all Muslims and a month when we must "fast" during the hours of daylight which is part of our 5 pillars of IslamThe Qur'an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during this month. The actual night that the Qur'an was revealed is a night known as Lailut ul-Qadr ('The Night of Power').

Ramadhan is so important for me and family. And since this 2015 Ramadhan month is on summer time, we must prepare our self so well due to in summer time we will "fast" about 16 hours during daylight. So healthiness and good stamina are become our priority....

Beside keeping our health... preparing Ramadhan menu is also preoccupation for me and for mostly Muslim moms .... We usually already have at least 30 kind of meals, 30 kinds of dessert and 30 kind of beverages for whole ramadhan month in our mind or written on sticky paper on fridge's door :)

Well... maybe next time I will share my Ramadhan menu also here... :)

And maybe my today post also can be an idea for your Ramadhan menu .... :)

  • White firm tofu about 300 gr, fry (or you can cut into small cubes then fry them)
  • Cucumber, roughly chopped
  • Bean sprout
  • Cabbage, finely shedded
  • Carot, julienne cut
  • vermicelli (dip in hot water for few minutes then drain) or egg noodle
  • 4 big cloves of garlic, finely sliced
  • bird eye chilly to taste, chopped
  • about 2 tsp tamarind paste
  • kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) about 1 Tbsp
  • Gula jawa / palm sugar about 3 tbsp or to taste
  • salt to taste
  • Prawn cracker to serve

How to make:
Saute garlic and chilly until fragrant, add the soy sauce, brown sugar, tamarind paste and salt. Pour in enough water (about 250 ml), stir, and cook until boiling, check the taste and remove from heat.

Arrange fried tofu, vegetables and noodle in a serving bowl flush with the sauce.

Serve immediately with prawn cracker.

See this post how to make homemade tofu.


  • Tahu sekitar 300 gr, goreng 
  • mentimun, iris tipis
  • taoge
  • Kol, iris tipis 
  • mie basah/ bihun (rendam air panas sebentar lalu tiriskan)
  • 4 siung Bawang putih . cincang halus 
  • cabe rawit sesuai selera pedasnya, potong kecil
  • Air asam 2 sdt 
  • Kecap manis 1 sdm 
  • Garam secukupnya 
  • Gula merah sisir secukupnya (saya gunakan sekitar 3 sdm)
  • Kerupuk 
Cara Membuat:
Tumis bawang putih dan cabe rawit hingga harum, tambahkan kecap, gula merah, asam dan garam. Tuangkan air, aduk rata, masak hingga mendidih, angkat.

Atur sayuran, tahu dan mie dalam mangkok/ piring, tuangi dengan kuah bumbu.

Sajikan segera dengan kerupuk.

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