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Chocolate Chiffon Cake (resep oke Chiffon kek coklat !!)

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Chocolate Chiffon Cake (resep oke Chiffon kek coklat !!) | Çitra's Home Diary. #chocolatechiffon #chiffoncakerecipe #chocolatecake #bestchiffoncakerecipe #resepchiffoncake #valentinebakingidea

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey.....

This is my 1st chiffon cake I made in Turkey! Yes, 1st I made chiffon cake in Turkey because I didn't have bundt pan special for chiffon here. I did make chiffon cake before when I was in Indonesia because we had chiffon pan. And if you don't have chiffon pan in Indonesia (or mostly Asian countries) you'll easily get it in baking ware shop anywhere you meet.

Once I tried to bring it from my homeland 2 years ago and kept it in my luggage....And when I open my was flat!! I was so disappointed and feel eerie to thought how bad "baggage people" handled our luggage!

Maybe because in Turkey people don't really familiar with chiffon cake (or maybe angle food cake) so I couldn't find it offline on bake ware shop or any shop like that here. There are some online shop but it's so expensive for me and it'll take months to delivered here cause they import from China or other Asian countries. 
So I decide to wait until I home to Indonesia or maybe somebody would go home to Indonesia and I'll ask help to bring one for me (^,^) with special note of course remembering my first bad experiment brought a pan in luggage (^,^)

And one day.... in very cold, snowy and boring day... I decide to take a walk to central market (we call it çarsı). My home is near that central market so anytime I'm boring I just drag my self there. That central çarsı is also tourists spot in Bursa, so it's big and never boring me although I went there many times.

So anywaaayyyy... I went into one glassware shop, nothing specific to look for...just wandering around and window shop sometime enough for me.... but that day I saw a cake mold similar to chiffon cake mold. It's written at label as angel food cake mold, but it's non stick pan and the bottom is fix (un-removable) like normally chiffon cake mould.

Chiffon pan I I have it! 😊

A little bit disappointed and was pessimistic whether I could use this mould for making chiffon cake or not... So I took a risk to bought it anyway. If I couldn't use it for chiffon cake, I still can use it for other purpose (^,^)
This is what I got

So this is my 1st chiffon cake trial using this mould. I made vanilla chiffon cake before-used normal chiffon cake mould- so for this trial I decided to make chocolate chiffon cake. The recipe I adapted from "Life is Great" with minor adjustment.

The pan still can hold cake nicely during "invert cooling time" even it's non sticky mould the cake didn't fall down during that cooling time. For unmould the cake I just simply run thin and sharp knife along the edge. A little bit tricky was unmold bottom part. Because the bottom is not removable one, I use one very flexible rubber spatula (so it can bend nicely) to help unmold bottom part. Carefully slide your flexible rubber spatula from side part to bottom, do it all around the pan, and voalla.. the cake easily remove from mould.

And happy ending story for me (^,^)

Chocolate Chiffon Cake (resep oke Chiffon kek coklat !!) | Çitra's Home Diary. #chocolatechiffon #chiffoncakerecipe #chocolatecake #bestchiffoncakerecipe #resepchiffoncake #valentinebakingidea
Chocolate Chiffon Cake recipe

Source "Life is Great" modified from All recipe (Erma Fox)

for bundt pan with diameter 24~26 cm/ 10"
Ingredients I:
  • 50 gr dark cacao powder
  • 10 gr instant coffee granule
  • 190 ml hot boiling water
Ingredients II:
  • 220 gr all purpose flour (original recipe use 1¾ cup
  • 25 gr cornstarch 
  • 100 gr caster sugar
  • ½ tsp baking soda
  • ½ tsp salt (original recipe use 1 tsp)
Ingredients III:
  • 7 egg yolk from medium size
  • 2 tsp sugar vanilla powder (original recipe use vanilla extract)
  • 115 gr cooking oil
Ingredients IV:
  • 7 egg white from medium egg
  • ¼ tsp cream of tar tar 
  • 150 gr caster sugar

1) In medium bowl mix all ingredients I, whisk to smooth. Let it rest to room temperature about 20~30 min-depending your local temperature/humidity. 
2) After chocolate mixture cool enough, pre heat your oven at 170°C. 
In big bowl, sift and mix all ingredients II, then whisk in ingredients III, whisk until blended. Whisk in chocolate mixture (ingredient I), and whisk the mixture thoroughly to smooth. Set a side.

3) In another clean big bowl, beat egg white and cream of tar tar until it foamy. Then gradually add caster sugar, continue to beat until stiff peak form.
4) Add meringue to the chocolate-yolk mixture in 3 batches, fold carefully to well combine. A little tips; I bang few times my bowl lightly on my table (lined with thick kitchen towel) to remove trapped air in batter.  
5) And slowly pour into ungreased bundt pan. A little tip from me; pour the batter from one spot to avoid air trap on your batter, then gently shake your pan to leveling the batter.
Bake about 30 min at 170°C, then low the temperature at 150~160°C and continue baking for more 20~30 min or until skewer comes out clean when inserted in the middle of cake.
Note: original recipe directly bake at 170°C for 50~60 minutes without lower the oven temperature.

6) Take out from oven and immediately invert the pan with help of bottle (if your pan doesn't have "leg"). Let it completely cool to room temperature before unmold. It took me about one and a half hour, but it depends your local condition.

I serve my chocolate chiffon cake with turkish kaymak (clotted cream), pistachio and cherry compote. But it really depend on your liking to serve with.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

Chocolate Chiffon Cake (resep oke Chiffon kek coklat !!) | Çitra's Home Diary. #chocolatechiffon #chiffoncakerecipe #chocolatecake #bestchiffoncakerecipe #resepchiffoncake #valentinebakingidea



Ceritanya ini lagi trial cetakan kek yang baru saya beli. Cerita serunya bisa disimak dalam versi bahasa Inggris diatas sih.... tapi karena saya sudah capek dan males ngulang cerita silahkan yang mo tahu curhatan saya tentang susahnya cari peralatan baking di Turki sini..silahkan geser ke atas lagi ya... (^,^)

Susah cari yang tidak umum disini sih.... chiffon cake kan tidak umum dan tidak banyak orang lokal sini tahu apa itu, jadi boro-boro ada loyangnya, ngerti model kek nya aja kagak...hehehehehe.....
Dan kalau ada diantara kalian yang kebetulan punya loyang seperti ini, bisa dipakai kok untuk chiffon atau angel food cake, cara unmould nya...scroll atas yah! (^,^)

So, long story short, untuk percobaan loyang ini, saya putuskan bikin cokelat chiffon cake yang lezziizz ini.. resepnya saya dapat dari blognya "Life is Great" yang dia juga adaptasi dari Erma Fox (all recipe).

Yuk... dibikin juga...

Resep Cokelat Chiffon Cake
Modifikasi dari Life is great dan All recipe (Erma Fox)

Chocolate Chiffon Cake (resep oke Chiffon kek coklat !!) | Çitra's Home Diary. #chocolatechiffon #chiffoncakerecipe #chocolatecake #bestchiffoncakerecipe #resepchiffoncake #valentinebakingidea

Untuk loyang tulban diameter 24~26 cm
Bahan I:
  • 50 gr bubuk kakao pekat
  • 10 gr kopi instant granul
  • 190 ml air panas mendidih
Bahan II:
  • 220 gr terigu serba guna, ayak (resep asli menggunakan 245 gr tepung kek) 
  • 25 gr pati jagung, ayak -->misal maizena
  • 100 gr gula kastor/ gula pasi butir halus
  • ½ sdt baking soda
  • ½ sdt garam (resep asli 1 sdt)
Bahan III:
  • 7 kuning telur ukuran sedang
  • 2 sdt vanili bubuk (resep asli gunakan vanili ekstrak)
  • 115 gr minyak goreng
  • Bahan IV:
  • 7 putih telur ukuran sedang
  • ¼ sdt krim tar tar -->bisa diganti dengan 1 sdt perasan jeruk lemon
  • 150 gr gula castor 
Cara membuat:
  1. Dalam mangkok sedang campur semua bahan I, aduk rata hingga halus tidak bergerindil, sisihkan hingga suhu ruang sekitar 20~30 menit.
  2. Panaskan oven pada suhu 170°C. 
  3. Dalam mangkok yang besar, campur bahan II. Lalu tambahkan bahan III, whisk hingga rata. Masukkan juga campuran bahan I, whisk lagi hingga rata dan halus. Sisihkan.
  4. Dalam mangkok besar yang lain Kocok putih telur dan krim tar tar hingga berbusa. Tambahkan gula castor sedikit demi sedikit sambil tetap dimikser hingga stiff peak.
  5. Masukkan ⅓ bagian putih telur ke dalam campuran cokelat, aduk balik hingga rata. Masukkan lagi ⅓ bagian dan aduk balik. Lalu masukkan sisa putih telur dan aduk balik hingga tercampur rata sempurna. Hati-hati hentakkan mangkok ke meja untuk mengurangi udara dalam campuran kek.
  6. Perlahan-lahan tuang ke loyang tulban (tanpa dioles mentega) dari satu tempat saja untuk menghindari udara terbentuk dalam adonan kek. Goyang-goyangkan loyang agar adonan rata.
  7. Panggang dalam oven selama 30 menit dengan suhu 170°C. Lalu turunkan suhu 150~160°C dan lanjutkan panggan selama 20~30 menit lagi atau hingga lidi bersih jika ditusukkan ke bagian tengah kek. 
  8. Keluarkan kek dari oven begitu matang dan segera balik kek dalam posisi "up sidedown" hingga kek benar-benar dingin suhu ruang.
  9. Setelah kek benar-benar dingin, lepaskan dari loyang dan sajikan.
Saya sajikan chiffon cokelat ini dengan kaymak (clotted cream), taburan kacang pistasio dan chery compote... tapi tentu saja ini sesuai selera keluarga masing-masing ya. Bisa juga disajikan polos dengan taburan gula halus atau dengan saus coklatpun bisa banget ^,^

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚


  1. This is absolutely amazing, the texture looks so good!

  2. Oh my goodness nothing like a fluffy chocolate cake this looks amazing I want a slice now =)

  3. I love my angel food cake pan! But I've never used it to make a chiffon cake - this looks like a lovely option.

  4. What a gorgeous cake and I would imagine so wonderfully rich with all those egg yolks!

  5. What a stunning cake! It's almost too pretty to eat (almost!). :o)


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