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Orange yogurt mini cake with orange glaze/ cake yogurt dengan orange glaze

Merhaba from Turkey everybody....Selam.

Still playing with orange flavor here.... yess... if you are citrus lover, join with me in this simple Orange yogurt mini cake. I serve these cute yummy cake with bright orange glaze. Yoghurt cake is also very familiar here in Turkey. We use yogurt a lot in our cakes, dessert, snacks, soups and even in other main dishes.

Making this mini version is just helps you simple to serve them with your friends or family members during coffee or tea time.

If you want to make big cake version, use 1 loaf pan (25x10cm) with adjustment on baking time. Just with skewer inserted in middle of cake to check whether cake is done.

Orange yogurt mini cake with orange glaze/ cake yogurt dengan orange glaze | Çitra's Home Diary. #yogurtcake #orangecake #miniorangecake #orangeglaze

  • 3 large eggs
  • 230 gr caster sugar
  • 245 g plain thick yogurt
  • 120 ml olive oil or vegetable oil
  • 170 g AP flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2 tsp orange zest
  • 1 tsp vanilla powder

For the glaze:
  • 110 gr confectioners/ icing sugar
  • 2 tbsp fresh-squeezed orange juice

Orange yogurt mini cake with orange glaze/ cake yogurt dengan orange glaze | Çitra's Home Diary. #yogurtcake #orangecake #miniorangecake #orangeglaze
  1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Prepare 12 mini bundt cake (or muffin) moulds, lightly grease with margarine, set a side.
  2. Sift together the baking powder,  AP flour, vanilla powder and salt into a bowl.
  3. In another bowl, whisk together yogurt, sugar, eggs, and orange zest. Slowly combine dry ingredients into wet ingredients. 
  4. Mix in olive/ vegetable oil into the batter and fold thoroughly with rubber spatula , make sure it is incorporated.
  5. Divide the batter evenly into the prepared molds, fill up to ¾ full. 
  6. Bake for about 25~35 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Remove from oven and let it cool completely.
For orange glaze:
Combine icing sugar and orange juice, stir to well combine.
Flush over the cakes before serving.

Orange yogurt mini cake with orange glaze/ cake yogurt dengan orange glaze | Çitra's Home Diary. #yogurtcake #orangecake #miniorangecake #orangeglaze


  • 3 telur ukuran besar
  • 230 gr gula kastor
  • 245 gr yogurt kental (yang plain atau rasa vanila jg boleh)
  • 120 ml minyak zaitun/ minyak sayur
  • 170 gr terigu serba guna
  • 2 sdt baking powder
  • ½ sdt garam
  • 2 sdt orange zest
  • 1 sdt vanilla powder
bahan untuk glaze:
  • 110 gr gula icing / gula halus
  • 2~3 sdt orange juice segar
Orange yogurt mini cake with orange glaze/ cake yogurt dengan orange glaze | Çitra's Home Diary. #yogurtcake #orangecake #miniorangecake #orangeglaze
Cara membuat cake:
  1. Panaskan oven pada 180°C. siapkan 12 cetakan kek mini, olesi dengan margarin tipis-tipis
  2. Ayak jadi satu; baking powder,  tepung terigu, vanilla bubuk dan garam.
  3. Aduk rata dalam mangkok besar; yogurt kental, gula, telur, dan orange zest. Campurkan bahan kering secara perlahan sambil diaduk rata.
  4. Campurkan juga minyak sayur dan aduk balik dengan spatula hingga rata benar.
  5. Tuang ke dalam cetakan yang sudah disiapkan sampai ¾ penuh.
  6. Panggang sekitar 25~35 minutes atau sampai matang (cek dengan tusuk gigi). Keluarkan dari oven dan dinginkan diatas rak pendingin hingga benar-benar dingin.
Cara membuat glaze:
  1. Campurkan orange juice dan gula icing, aduk hingga rata. Adjust kekentalan sesuai selera, jika terlalu encer bisa ditambahkan gula icing, masukkan sedikit demi sedikit agar tidak over.
  2. Siramkan glaze ketika cake dihidangkan.

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.


  1. This is such a pretty dessert! I love the orange flavor, especially paired with vanilla as you've done here. Lovely!

    1. Yes.. Vanilla is lovely pair in any flavor and dessert.thanks

  2. I love citrus cakes and these mini-bundt ones look totally delectable!!!

  3. These are so pretty! What a perfect recipe for Spring get togethers. :o)

  4. I tried it twice alrwady and it was delicious cake and because my son love it. Definitely will make it again, love citrus cake! Regard, Umm Adam Danial.

    1. Mashaallah... so happy that your family love it Umm. İ saw in your facebook you made this many times now :)


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