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Kari Ayam dengan roti jala / #Indonesian style Chicken #Curry serve with net pancake

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Selam Everybody...... Merhaba from Turkey...

My today post is my favorite dish; Kari ayam or Indonesian chicken curry. This kari ayam I served on my family dinner table together with famed roti jala. In case you missed my roti jala recipe, you can check it here.

Kari or curry is one of the diversity of Indonesian food. This dish believed derived by Indian influence to Indonesia. Read more about Indonesian cuisine at bottom part of this post.

We have many kind of curry "bumbu" version too. "Bumbu" is the Indonesian word for spice or seasoning, and it commonly appears in the names of spice mixtures, sauces and seasoning pastes. 
Beside variation from ingredient used like chicken, lamb, beef or vegetables, curry "bumbu" also has some variation, eg. green curry, red, or yellow curry.

And today I am going to share my chicken red curry. This dish was one of food which my mom often to cook for us. Or if we celebrate something, this food is "a must" food together with other celebration's dish (we call it kenduren or selamatan)

Different from other region (like North Sumatra and Riau Islands) where they serve it with roti jala, in Java mostly we eat this curry with steamed rice together with chilly sambal and cucumber or pickle.

This recipe I get from my mom. If you search for curry recipe on the net I'm sure you will find hundreds of it. But for this curry my mom recipe is worth to try! Nothing more authentic and delicious than my mom's.'s recipe is always my best! ^,^

And last Tuesday one of my Indonesian friend came and we ate this chicken curry. She was so impressed and said it was the best chicken curry she ever eaten. Well... beside my husband and kid at least I got another satisfied "customer" who liked this chicken curry so much. ^,^

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If you never make any curry before, please do not frowned or feel scare from reading long list of ingredients. It's simple than you tough, just make sure you get all ingredients you need on your kitchen cabinet.

Indonesian Chicken curry recipe
Serve: 8~10 share

  • ± 1,2 kg chicken tights (about 8~10 tights), or 1 whole medium chicken, cut into 10
  • fresh lemon juice or you can use ±2 tbsp tamarind paste dissolve with few tbsp water
  • few hard boiled eggs (optional, but my mom always mix it with eggs)
  • ± 1200 ml medium thick fresh squeeze coconut milk*
  • ± 3 cm cinnamon stick 
  • ± 10 of cloves
  • 2 whole cardamom seed
  • 2 or 3 star anise
  • 2 lemongrass, bruised
  • 2 or 3 curry leaves ( I skipped this cause I don't have it)
  • 5 shallots, thinly slice
  • ± 1 tbsp salt or to taste
  • 2 to 3 tbsp ghee or butter ( I use butter)
(*) I use 500 ml undiluted coconut cream plus ± 700 ml water

Bumbu/ spices to puree:
  • 3 shallots
  • 4~5 cloves of garlic
  • 3~4 toasted candlenuts (kemiri)*
  • ± 1 tsp toasted coriander seeds (ketumbar)*
  • ± ½ tsp white/ black pepper corn
  • ± ½ tsp toasted caraway seeds (Ind; jinten)*
  •  ± ¼ tsp toasted fennel seeds (Ind; adas manis)*
  • ± 2~3 cm fresh ginger
  • ±  tsp powdered cardamom or 2 cardamom seeds *
  • 4  red chili pepper
(*) put all spices with mark (*) on pan and toast over medium heat until fragrant, do not burn.

Use blender or mortar and pestle to make smooth puree.

How to cook:

1) Clean the chicken and mix with fresh squeeze lemon juice or diluted tamarind paste, let it sit in fridge for few minutes.

2) In deep pan heat ghee/ butter. Saute shallots slice until aromatic and reddish. Add in bumbu/ spices puree followed by cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, star anise, curry leaves and lemongrass. Continue stir fry until fragrant and oily (the puree spices separated from oil).

3) Add in chicken and hard boiled eggs. Add 700 ml water (or all 1200 ml medium thick fresh coconut milk) and continue to cook until chicken tender. After chicken are cooked, I add my 500 ml coconut cream, stir to combine. Continue to cook until boiling.
Note: after you add coconut cream, you should stir it once in a while to prevent coconut milk become curdled. 

Serve hot with cucumber, rice or roti jala.

For making roti jala:

  • 300 g AP flour
  • 2 large egg
  • 100 ml undilute coconut milk (I 700 ml medium thick coconut milk*)
  • 600 ml water *
  • 1 tsp salt
  • pinch of sugar
  • ½~1 tsp turmeric powder (optional)
  • 2 Tbsp cooking oil, plus for greasing the pan
(*) You can dilute 200 ml undiluted coconut milk/cream with water up to 700 ml

See how to make roti jala here.


Assalamu'alaikum..... Merhaba dari Turkey...

Postingan kali ini adalah edisi kangen masakan kampung sendiri atau boleh dibilang kangen masakan ibu. Sebenarnya semua masakan ibu saya itu ngangenin terutama sambel ulegnya dan kari kepiting.

Apa daya karena susaaaaah sekali nyari kepiting disini, akhirnya bikin kari ayam saja. Resep ini adalah kurang lebih resep ala ibu saya.. Kok kurang lebih?? ya inggih.. ibu saya kalau masak gak pernah nakerin (ditakar). Dikira-kira saja gitu.

Kebanyakan kita kan begitu ya kalau masak makanan harian... kecuali kalau bikin cake, tanpa takaran pas cakenya gak bakalan jadi...hehehe

Oke deh... chit chat nya gak perlu kepanjangan ya.... langsung saja ke pasar buat belanja. Tapi sebelum berangkat ke pasar, catet dulu ya apa yang perlu dibawa ke dapur ntar... ^,^

Resep kari ayam dan roti jala.
  • ± 1,2 kg paha ayam (isi 8~10 biji), atau 1 ayam utuh ukuran sedang, potong sesuai selera
  • lemon juice atau air asam untuk baluran ayam agar tidak amis
  • beberapa butir telur rebus (optional, ibu saya selalu nambahin telur buat nambah lauk ^,^)
  • ± 1200 ml santan segar kekentalan sedang*
  • 1 batang kayu manis ±  3 cm
  • ± 10 butir cengkeh
  • 2 biji kapulaga
  • 2 atau 3 bunga lawang
  • 2 sereh, geprak
  • 2 ~ 3 daun kari/ salam seroja (saya tidak pakai karena tidak ada)
  • 5 bawang merah, iris tipis
  • ± 1 sdm garam atau sesuai selera
  • 2 ~ 3 sdm ghee (minyak samin) atau butter
(*) saya pakai 500 ml krim kelapa instant plus ± 700 ml air.

Bumbu dihaluskan:
  • 3 bawang merah
  • 4~5 bawang putih
  • 3~4 kemiri sangrai
  • ±  tsp bubuk kapulaga atau 2 biji kapulaga sangrai
  • ± 1 sdt ketumbar sangrai
  • ± ½ sdt jinten sangrai
  • ± ½ sdt merica hitam atau putih butiran atau bubuk
  •  ± ¼ sdt adas manis sangrai
  • ± 2~3 cm jahe 
  • 4  cabe merah besar
Cara Membuat:

  1. Lumuri ayam dengan air jeruk atau air asam dan sisihkan beberapa menit dalam lemari es sebelum diolah.
  2. Panaskan ghee / butter. Saya gunakan panci kapasitas sekitar 5 lt. Tumis irisan bawang merah hingga harum dan layu. Masukkan bumbu halus dan semua bumbu yang lain. Tumis hingga harum dan berminyak (minyak terlihat terpisah dari bumbu halus).
  3. Masukkan daging ayam dan telur rebus, aduk-aduk hingga ayam dan telur terbalur bumbu dan berubah warna. Masukkan santan dan garam, aduk rata. Masak hingga mendidih dan ayam empuk/ matang sempurna. Cicipi rasanya sesuai selera.
Sajikan dengan mentimun dan nasi hangat atau roti jala.

Resep roti jala ada disini.

About Indonesian foods.

Indonesian cuisine is one of the most vibrant and colourful cuisines in the world, full of intense flavour. It is diverse, in part because Indonesia is composed of approximately 6,000 populated islands of the total 18,000 in the world's largest archipelago, with more than 300 ethnic groups calling Indonesia their home. Many regional cuisines exist, often based upon indigenous culture and foreign influences. Indonesia has around 5,350 traditional recipes, with 30 of them considered the most important. Indonesia is home to a large number of mouth-watering foods; from affordable rice, noodle and soup dishes in warungs (local diners) to street-side snacks and top-dollar plates.

In 2011, Indonesian cuisine began to gain worldwide recognition, with three of its popular dishes make it to the list of 'World's 50 Most Delicious Foods (Readers' Pick)', a worldwide online poll by 35,000 people held by CNN International.Rendang top the list as the number one, followed closely by nasi goreng in number two, and satay in number fourteen.

Indonesian cuisine varies greatly by region and has many different influences. Sumatran cuisine, for example, often has Middle Eastern and Indian influences, featuring curried meat and vegetables such as gulai and kari, while Javanese cuisine is mostly indigenous, with some hint of Chinese influence. The cuisines of Eastern Indonesia are similar to Polynesian and Melanesian cuisine. Elements of Chinese cuisine can be seen in Indonesian cuisine: foods such as bakmi (noodles), bakso (meat or fish balls), and lumpia (spring rolls) have been completely assimilated.

Throughout its history, Indonesia has been involved in trade due to its location and natural resources. Additionally, Indonesia’s indigenous techniques and ingredients were influenced by India, the Middle East, China, and finally Europe. Spanish and Portuguese traders brought New World produce even before the Dutch came to colonise most of the archipelago. The Indonesian islands The Moluccas (Maluku), which are famed as "the Spice Islands", also contributed to the introduction of native spices, such as cloves and nutmeg, to Indonesian and global cuisine.

Indonesian cuisine often demonstrates complex flavour,acquired from certain ingredients and bumbu spices mixture. Indonesian dishes have rich flavours; most often described as gurih (savory which equate to umami) and pedas (hot and spicy), and also combination of basic tastes such as manis (sweet), asin (salty), asam (sour) and pahit (bitter). Seven main Indonesian cooking methods are goreng (frying), bakar (roasting) or panggang (grilling), tumis (sautéing), sangrai (roasted), rebus (boiling) and kukus (steaming).

Today, some popular dishes that originated in Indonesia are now common to neighbouring countries, Malaysia and Singapore. Indonesian dishes such as satay, beef rendang, and sambal are favoured in Malaysia and Singapore. Soy-based dishes, such as variations of tofu (tahu) and tempe, are also very popular. Tempe is regarded as a Javanese invention, a local adaptation of soy-based food fermentation and production. Another fermented food is oncom, similar in some ways to tempe but using a variety of bases (not only soy), created by different fungi, and particularly popular inWest Java.Some popular Indonesian dishes such as nasi gorenggado-gadosate, and soto are ubiquitous in the country and considered as national dishes. The official national dish of Indonesia however, is tumpeng, chosen in 2014 by Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as the dish that binds the diversity of Indonesia's various culinary traditions.


  1. Hi, Citra.
    Saya juga dari Indonesia dan suka sekali roti jala dengan kari. Sayangnya saya tidak pintar masak :) Tapi habis baca resep disini jadi kepingin juga nyoba masak kari ayamnya.. Kapan-kapan, walaupun ga ada kepitingnya, share resep kari kepitingnya dong, Citra :) Terima kasiih..

    1. Hi Rania. Salam kenal.
      I visited your cool fashion blog...bagus-bagus banget! makasih sudah blog walking kesini ya and let's get connect each other!
      Iya, Inshaallah next time saya pengen hunting kepiting ke kota sebelah yang lebih dekat ke laut, mungkin ada kepiting, penge banget bikin kepiting kari juga! Thank U ^,^

    2. Oke Citra, let's get connected! ;) Paling aku bisa sering2 kesini, habis resepnya kayaknya enak2, tapi kalo udah agak sulit, aku nyerah deh :)
      Ditunggu ya resep kari kepitingnya, Citra.. Btw, untuk kepitingnya, bisa pake yang sudah tinggal dagingnya aja ga? Soalnya agak ribet kalo makan sambil harus mecah2 cangkangnya.. hehe. Terutama buat anak2, biar mudah makannya :)

    3. Kalau kari kepiting itu pakainya kepiting utuh Rania... kalau pakai dagingnya saja ntar hancur donk dalam kuah karinya..thank U :)

  2. Lovely! Great flavors and color to this dish! I looooove the roti jala - how pretty and unique. I'd love to try this!

    1. Hi Patricia.
      thank you. it is unique taste and look. you should try it soon. thank U ^,^

  3. you are so right, moms is always the best

    1. Thank you Heather.. everybody would agree with it ^,^


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