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Peynirli Pide / #Turkish Pide bread with cheese topping Serve with Çoban salata

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Selam Everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey...

Same as bread, pide is a staple dish in Turkey. People eat pide anytime, anywhere.  Pide is a Turkish pizza look a like-with Turkish flair. It has a chewy texture rather than 'bread-y'.

With typical distinctive charcoal aroma from traditional stone oven pide easily can be found in every corner in Turkey. The topping and filling can be vary in each regions.

Peynirli Pide / #Turkish #pita bread with cheese topping Serve with Çoban salata | Çitra's HOme Diary. #çobansalatası #saladrecipe #turkishfood #turkishpide #cheesepide #peynirlipide #resepmasakanturki #turkishpide #pitabread
If you are my regular reader you should already know very well that I made and post many pide recipes. Because as I mentioned earlier this famed Turkish dish is a staple and daily meal here. I like pide especially with meat topping. I made pide at least once in week for our dinner or lunch.

Generally we eat pide with simple salad like mix of lettuce, tomatoes, green onion, olive or other vegetables, with simply olive oil, salt and lemon dressing. Or sometime with Ezme (similar to meze). Also to complete the whole dish we serve Ayran for the drink.

You can find pide salonu/ pide restorant with stone oven like this in every corner in Turkey
And to enrich your pide recipe today I'll share my peynirli pide recipe or pita bread with cheese topping. Peynir means Cheese in Turkish.
Basically making this peynirli pide is same like my other pide recipe except for the topping.

You should prepare pide bread first then roll it into long oval shape then fill with any topping you want. No tomato pasta or ketchup here! 😊 We are making traditional Turkish pide.
Today I like cheese as topping, with some tomato slices. I use two kind of cheese, crumble white cheese then above it generously shredded kaşar peynir or similar to cheddar cheese.
You can use any easy melting cheese you like.

Peynirli Pide / #Turkish #pita bread with cheese topping Serve with Çoban salata | Çitra's HOme Diary. #çobansalatası #saladrecipe #turkishfood #turkishpide #cheesepide #peynirlipide #resepmasakanturki #turkishpide #pitabread

So here my Peynirli Pide recipe.
Make 4 medium pide

Pide bread:
  • 500 g bread flour
  • 200 ml warm water
  • 2 tsp instant dry yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • fine semolina flour, enough for dusting the working table (optional), you can use AP flour
  • feta or white cheese, shredded/ crumbled
  • cheddar or gouda or provolone or mix some of them, shredded
  • tomato slices (optional) 
  • olive oil for brush pide

1) For Pide; In a big bowl, dissolve yeast, sugar, and 1 tbsp flour with warm water. Let it stand for about 5~10 minutes or until foamy.

2) To the foamy yeast mixture, add in flour and salt. Start to knead. You can knead manually or with stand mixer with hook paddle. Knead in olive oil and continue to knead until it smooth and elasticNote: you may need more water or flour, add it carefully.

3) Cover with damp kitchen towel or plastic wrap, let it stand until it double in volume. How long it's depend on your local temperature. 

Peynirli Pide / #Turkish #pita bread with cheese topping Serve with Çoban salata | Çitra's HOme Diary. #çobansalatası #saladrecipe #turkishfood #turkishpide #cheesepide #peynirlipide #resepmasakanturki #turkishpide #pitabread

4) Flatten the dough and put on lightly floured working table with semolina flour. Make a big ball and divide the ball into 4 equal parts. Shape each part into smaller balls.
Working one ball at a time. Using rolling pin, roll the dough into long oval shape about 1 cm thick. Move the rolled dough over baking paper then place it on baking sheet. 

5) Scatter crumbled white/ feta cheese then topped with shredded cheddar cheese, be generous! ^,^ . Arrange tomato slice over the cheese.
Fold each side the dough like a small boat push and attach each sides. Do same procedure to all dough and topping. Let them rest about 30 minutes.

6)Pre heat oven at 190°C few minute before baking time. Bake them about 30 minutes or until it golden brown and cheese all melted. Once it remove from oven, brush the pide side with oilive oil or butter. Keep it cover to make them stay soft.

Serve warm with ayran and simple salad. Afiyet Olsun

My simple Turkish  Çoban salata :
  • 1-2 Tomatoes, cubed 
  • 4-5 Long green chili pepper/ carliston pepper, seeded and roughly chopped
  • 1-2 cucumber , chopped roughly
  • 3-4 some small radish, thinly slices
  • some olive, stoned and crushed
  • some black sesame oil (optional)
  • freshly squeeze lemon juice from 1 lemon
  • generous glug of olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Place all salad ingredients on medium bowl, then flush evenly with the dressing, toss to combine. Ready to served.

Peynirli Pide / #Turkish #pita bread with cheese topping Serve with Çoban salata | Çitra's HOme Diary. #çobansalatası #saladrecipe #turkishfood #turkishpide #cheesepide #peynirlipide #resepmasakanturki #turkishpide #pitabread

Turkish pide dengan topping keju

Pide bread
  • 500 g terigu serba guna atau protein tinggi
  • 200 ml air hangat
  • 2 sdt ragi instant
  • 1 sdt gula
  • 2 sdt garam
  • 1 sdm minyak zaitun atau minyak sayur lain
  • tepung semolina secukupnya untuk taburan (optional), bisa gunakan terigu serba guna
Untuk topping:
keju feta dan cheddar
potongan tomat
minyak zaitun / butter untuk olesan

Peynirli Pide / #Turkish #pita bread with cheese topping Serve with Çoban salata | Çitra's HOme Diary. #çobansalatası #saladrecipe #turkishfood #turkishpide #cheesepide #peynirlipide #resepmasakanturki #turkishpide #pitabread
Cara membuat:

Pide; Dalam mangkok besar, larutkan ragi, gula dan 1 sdm terigu dengan 200 ml air hangat, aduk hingga semua larut. Diamkan sekitar 5~10 menit hingga berbusa.
Setelah campuran ragi berbusa, masukkan terigu dan garam sambil diuleni hingga tercampur rata. Masukkan juga olive oil, lanjutkan mengulen hingga kalis. Proses mengulen ini bisa manual atau dengan stand mixer.

Tutup adonan dengan serbet lembab atau plastic wrap dan diamkan hingga mengembang 2 kali volume.

Kempiskan adonan pide dan bagi menjadi 4 bagian sama besar, bisa ditimbang atau dikira-kira saja. Bulatkan tiap bagian. 
Ambil 1 bulatan adonan, taruh di meja kerja yang telah ditaburi tepung semolina (atau terigu serba guna jika tidak ada semolina), gilas dengan rolling pin membentuk lonjong panjang, sekitar 1 cm tebalnya. Pindahkan ke atas kertas baking dan taruh di loyang baking.

Taburkan keju feta lalu parutan cheddar cheese. Ambil potongan tomat, tata diatas keju.

Lalu lipat kedua bagian tepi pide, saling tumpuk diujungnya, membentuk seperti perahu. Lakukan prosedur yang sama kesemua adonan. Diamkan sekitar 30 menit sebelum dipanggang.

Panaskant oven pada suhu 190°C . Panggang pide sekitar 30 menit hingga matang. Angkat dari oven dan segera olesi permukaan piggiran pide dengan olive oil atau butter/mentega.

Sajikan hangat dengan salad dan ayran.


  1. I can almost taste the bread! What a fantastic pizza and meal. I would happily eat some right now.

  2. Bread, cheese, tomatoes, plus all those flavors? I'm sold!

  3. What an amazing bread! It looks so tender and perfect.

    1. thank you Alisa.. it has chewy texture and for sure.Yummee! :)

  4. This bread is calling my name! All that cheese...swoooooon!

  5. I haven' made Pide before but I need too! It looks so good! love that is just has the cheese and tomatoes on it!

  6. Yum! I love flat breads. This looks like such a delicious recipe. I'd love to make it with friends over so I don't eat all of it by myself. Ha!


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