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Resep Donat kentang/ Potato Donuts recipe

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Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Turkey.

This is actually very late post. I made this potato doughnuts last weekend, but since the pictures and recipe slipped somewhere in my computer, I just found it today and want to share it with you right away.

This potato doughnut is pretty familiar among Indonesian food bloggers. We use almost same source of recipe and method and we are all very much happy with the result. The doughnut it self keep fluffy and yummy even 2nd or sometimes 3rd days when you keep tightly in airtight container in fridge.

But I think no yummy yet fluffy doughnut can survive up to 2nd or 3rd day, right? The recipe I adapted totally from Ibu Fatmah Bahalwan (Natural Cooking Club owner).

You can just simply enjoy the doughnuts with icing sugar or any topping you like. Even you can flatten the dough and make your filling doughnut. So here the recipe.

Potato Doughnuts
Recipe By Fatma Bahalwan (NCC)
Recook by Çitra's Home Diary
  • 500 g AP flour
  • 50 g milk powder
  • 200 g potatoes, steamed/ baked then make puree
  • 11 g instant yeast
  • 100 g sugar
  • 75 g butter
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 100 ml cold water
  1. Sift together AP flour, milk powder, yeast and sugar. Mix in potato puree, egg yolks and cold water. Knead until it smooth, then knead in butter and salt. Continue kneading until you get smooth  and elastic dough. You can use mixer or kneading by hand. The dough is lightly sticky. Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes.
  2. Divide the dough into small ball, I weight each ball about 50 gr. Cover with damp kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let it rest for about 20 minutes or until it fluffy.
  3. Preheat enough cooking oil in deep fry pan. Shape each ball into ring and fry them until golden brown. You also can slightly flatten the ball and fry them till golden brown for make filled doughnut later. Fill with any jam you like.
  4. Drain doughnut from excess oil and let it completely cool. 
  5. I simply drag my doughnuts over icing sugar and serve.

Resep Donat kentang
oleh: Fatma Bahalwan (NCC)
  • 500 gr terigu
  • 50 gr susu bubuk
  • 200 gr kentang, kukus haluskan
  • 11 gr ragi
  • 100 gula
  • 75 gr mentega
  • 4 kuning telur
  • 1/2 sdt  garam
  • 100 ml air dingin
Cara membuat:
  1. campur trigu, susu, ragi, gula, aduk rata
  2. masukkan kentang kukus, kuning telur, dan air dingin..uleni hingga kalis
  3. beri mentega dan garam..uleni lagi hingga elastis. Istirahatkan 15 mnt
  4. bagi adonan sekitar 50 gr.bulatkan. diamkan 20 mnt hingga mengembang
  5. goreng hingga kecoklatan


  1. Homemade doughnuts should just be a daily thing ;)

  2. These look delicious, that texture is perfect!

  3. These look utterly amazing. I love homemade donuts.

  4. ya ampuun bikin laper, secara saya kan suka donat apalagi donat kentang, teksturnya lebih lembut dan empuk :)

    1. nggak ada yg nggak suka donat kentang ya Santi..hihhihi..^_^

  5. I've never heard of potato donuts but these look perfect!


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