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Tavuk Şiş Kebap / Turkish Style Chicken Sish Kebabs

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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Tavuk Şiş Kebabı. Tavuk means Chicken in Turkish language, Şiş Kebabı is skewer kebab/ kabob. The spice using for this sish kebab is commonly use for any kind sish kebab that usually sold at kebab lokanta (restorant) here. #turkishkebab #turkishfood #middleeastern #chicken #sishkebab #kabob #maindish

In Turkey you will find ssooo many.... I mean MANY! kind of kebab varieties. The list would be very long if I mention one by one. But what I will share today is one kind from those many.

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Tavuk Şiş Kebabı. Tavuk means Chicken in Turkish language, Şiş Kebabı is skewer kebab/ kabob. The spice using for this sish kebab is commonly use for any kind sish kebab that usually sold at kebab lokanta (restorant) here. #turkishkebab #turkishfood #middleeastern #chicken #sishkebab #kabob #maindish

It's Tavuk Şiş KebabıTavuk means Chicken in Turkish language, Şiş Kebabı is skewer kebab/ kabob.
The spice using for this sish kebab is commonly use for any kind sish kebab that usually sold at kebab lokanta (restorant) here.

Tavuk Şiş Kebabı. Tavuk means Chicken in Turkish language, Şiş Kebabı is skewer kebab/ kabob. The spice using for this sish kebab is commonly use for any kind sish kebab that usually sold at kebab lokanta (restorant) here. #turkishkebab #turkishfood #middleeastern #chicken #sishkebab #kabob #maindish
This sish chicken kebab is one of my husband repeatable menu, especially at weekend or for  our summer bbq picnic together with other kind our fave kebab like çiğer kebabı or even köfte.

If you are looking for best and authentic Turkish sish kebab, you are in the right page. You can use the mariande spices for any meat your prefer e.g hindi (turkey), kuzu (lamb), sakatatlar (offal) and beef.

  • ±600 gr boneless chicken thigh / breast, cut into small bite size
  • ±100 gr chicken fat/ skin, cut into small bite size
  • 1 tsp salt or to taste
  • 2 Tbsp Turkish spice mix /Baharat mix see here for recipe (*)
  • ±2 tbsp olive oil
  • some sish/ skewers
(*) you can replace the baharat mix with:
  • 1½ tbsp sweet smoke paprika
  • 1 tsp Urfa biber/ Isot biber or to taste (you can use red pepper flake)
  • ½ tsp black pepper powder
  • 1 tsp cumin powder
  • generous pinch of dried thyme and more for serving

In medium bowl, mix all spices and olive oil. Add in chicken and fat, mix thoroughly until all meat/ fat is covered by spices. Cover with plastic wrap and let it sit at refrigerator at least 2 hours.

Arrange chicken meat on the skewer alternately with the fat. Grill over prepared charcoal until done. You can use your grilling pan.

Serve immediately with salad, lavash flat bread/ pita bread and ayran.

Tavuk Şiş Kebabı. Tavuk means Chicken in Turkish language, Şiş Kebabı is skewer kebab/ kabob. The spice using for this sish kebab is commonly use for any kind sish kebab that usually sold at kebab lokanta (restorant) here. #turkishkebab #turkishfood #middleeastern #chicken #sishkebab #kabob #maindish

For Salad

  • 1 big red onion, halved and thinly sliced
  • some stalks of parsley, roughly cut
  • red cabbage, finely sliced
  • cherry tomatoes
  • ±2 tsp sumac or to taste
  • pinch of urfa biber
  • pinch of salt
  • olive oil
  • lemon juice
Mix all salad ingredients, adjust the taste according to your preference. serve together with any kebabs.

Let's be friend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Tavuk Şiş Kebabı. Tavuk means Chicken in Turkish language, Şiş Kebabı is skewer kebab/ kabob. The spice using for this sish kebab is commonly use for any kind sish kebab that usually sold at kebab lokanta (restorant) here. #turkishkebab #turkishfood #middleeastern #chicken #sishkebab #kabob #maindish

Kali ini saya ingin berbagi salah satu makanan Turki yang kerap menjadi "request" gadis kecil saya. Tavuk Şiş KebabıTavuk artinya ayam dalam bhs Turki, Şiş Kebabı artinya kebab tusuk (mirip sate). Kalau musim panas dan "musim piknik" menu ini selalu ada diantara menu barbeque kita yang lain. Sayang sekali tahun ini kita gak bisa piknik seperti biasanya. Tapi walau demikan menu ini bisa dibakar diatas kompor dengan alat bakaran tanpa arang itu ya.
Bumbu yang saya pakai adalah campuran bumbu (baharat) khas Turki yang biasa juga dipakai di restoran-restoran lokal sini.

Yuk yang pengen bebakaran dengan selera berbeda bisa dicoba resep keluarga saya ini juga ya. Semoga suka.

Tavuk şiş kebab / kebab ayam khas Turki
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

🍡 ±600 gr daging ayam bagian paha tanpa tulang, potong sesuai selera
🍡 ±100 gr lemak/ kulit ayam, potong sesuai selera
🍡 1 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
🍡 2 sdm turkish Baharat mix . lihat note (*)
🍡 ±2 sdm minyak zaitun
🍡 tusuk sate

Note (*) Bisa diganti dengan:
🍡 1½ sdm bubuk smoked paprika
🍡 1 sdt Urfa biber/ isot biber (bias diganti dengan bon cabe atau chili flake)
🍡 ½ sdt bubuk merica
🍡 1 sdt bubuk cumin
🍡 kurleb 1 sdm thyme kering.

Cara membuat:
Campur semua bumbu dan minyak zaitun. Masukkan potongan ayam dan lemak ayam, aduk-aduk sampai semua terlumuri bumbu. Tutup dan marinasi dalam lemari es minim 2 jam. Sy biasanya menyiapkan marinasi ini malam sebelumnya untuk dibakar keesokan harinya.
Susun dan tusukan daging ayam ke tusukan sate. Panggang diatas arang atau diatas kompor hingga matang merata.
Sajikan segera dengan salad: tomat, irisan bawang bombay, parsley dan cabe hijau yang dibakar diatas arang juga.

Selamat mencoba.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

Check my other yummy recipe:

İslim kebabı


Domates Fesleğen Soslu İçli Köfte

Acılı ezme



  1. Those kebabs look absolutely perfect! I've never heard of urfa biber and now I'm really curious to look into it, thanks!

  2. What a great looking meal! I've never heard of urfa biber and am so intrigued. I'm going to look for it the next time I'm at a specialty grocery store.

  3. That plate of food is simply beautiful! So colorful and healthy.

  4. These looks so good! Especially served next to that colorful salad - very nice!

  5. I LOVE sumac but have only ever put it on hummus or cold salads. I need to give this a try and try it with chicken. I bet it's great!

  6. I love chicken that's been cooked over charcoal! I bet the cumin tastes great on it.

  7. I love kebabs, and we are coming into summer here so they are going to appear a lot more on our menu. Is there a substitute for the Urfa biber? I have never seen it here.

    1. Hi Tania. you can find Urfa biber/ urfa pepper in middle eastern shop if you have it around. For the substitute you may use spicy red chili pepper or chipotle. But Urfa biber is real deal in mostly Turkish kebabs.

  8. I'm definitely saving this recipe for grilling season next summer - Love all the flavors you have going on here!

  9. YUM! This looks so delicious. I haven't cooked with most of those spices before. Maybe I'll give them a try!


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