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Chicken/ beef teriyaki noodle bowl with homemade teriyaki sauce

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Chicken/ beef teriyaki noodle bowl with homemade teriyaki sauce | Çitra's Home Diary
Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Turkey.

This is my kind of comfort food. I mean with warm noodle top with teriyaki chicken and vegetables, nothing can make me feel comfier than that. Chicken or beef teriyaki is one of my favorites, I made it almost at least once a week. 

Previously I made my homemade teriyaki sauce because my fave teriyaki sauce that brought from my homeland had finished. There is some other import product sold here as well. But if you know how amazingly simple to make this teriyaki sauce, would you still purchase store-bought that cost you double?

Chicken/ beef teriyaki noodle bowl with homemade teriyaki sauce | Çitra's Home Diary

And today I'm going to share one of my fave meal; Chicken teriyaki noodle bowl. It's not so complicated to make as you imagine. Once you ready with any ingredients, cooking process it's just take few minutes. But if you are looking for rice version, just visit my Chicken rice bowl here.

You can substitute chicken breast with beef, just make sure you slice it thinly and flatten slightly the meat with tenderizer before marinate them.

Chicken/ beef teriyaki noodle bowl recipe
Serve 4.

Ingredients I:
  • 300 gr chicken breast/ beef, thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsp homemade teriyaki sauce
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 tbsp butter/ olive oil
Ingredients II:
  • 200 gr egg noodle
  • 2 tbsp butter/ olive oil
  • 3 garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 big onion, crescent sliced
  • 1 red bell pepper, julienne cut
  • 1 green bell pepper, julienne cut
  • 4 tbsp homemade teriyaki sauce
  • 1 tbsp worcestershire/ english sauce
  • ½~1 tbsp oyster sauce
  • ½ tsp salt or to taste
  • 1 tsp fresh ground pepper and more for serving
  • sesame seed for serving
  • chopped scallion for serving

Chicken/ beef teriyaki noodle bowl with homemade teriyaki sauce | Çitra's Home Diary

How to cook:
  1. In medium bowl place chicken/ beef and toss with 2 tbsp teriyaki sauce, salt and pepper. Let it sit in refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Cook noodle per direction, set a side. 
  2. Heat butter/ olive oil in a wok and cook the chicken/ beef until caramelized brown. Take off from wok.
  3. Clean a wok and heat about 2 tbsp butter/ olive oil. Saute onion, garlic, red and green bell pepper just until slightly wilt. Add in teriyaki sauce, worcertershire sauce, oyster sauce, salt and powdered pepper, test the taste.
  4. Stir in cooked noodle and chicken, toss to combine. turn off the heat.
Serve it hot with chopped scallion, sesame seeds and freshly ground black pepper
Chicken/ beef teriyaki noodle bowl with homemade teriyaki sauce | Çitra's Home Diary


Ini dia salah satu makanan favorite saya terutama kalau lagi kangen kampung halaman. Masakan dengan saus teriyaki ini termasuk sering saya bikin karena termasuk gampang dan relatif cepat bikinnya.

Kalau gak suka versi mie/ noodle bowl ini, bisa coba yang versi nasi disini..both are delicious!

Chicken/ beef teriyaki noodle bowl with homemade teriyaki sauce | Çitra's Home Diary
Daging ayam bisa diganti dengan daging sapi juga lho. Yang penting iris daging tipis-tipis dan pukul degan pemukul daging agar lunak dan tidak keras nantinya.
Resep ini untuk 4 porsi, tapi kalau yang makan lagi lapar banget, mungkin cuman jadi 2 porsi kaliii...hahahaha..

Bahan I:
🍜 300 gr dada ayam/ sapi, iris tipis (pukul-pukul daging sapi hingga lunak dan agak tipis)
🍜 2 sdm saus teriyaki siap pakai atau homemade resep disini
🍜 garam dan merica bubuk secukupnya
🍜 1 sdm mentega / minyak 
Campur ayam, garam, merica bubuk dan saus teriyaki dan diamkan kurleb 30 mnt. Panaskan 1 sdm minyak/ mentega lalu masak ayam hingga merah kecoklatan matang. Sisihkan.

Bahan II:
🍜 200 gr mie telur, rebus sesuai petunjuk
🍜 2 sdm mentega/ minyak untuk menumis
🍜 3 siung bawang putih, geprak dan cincang halus
🍜 1 bawang bombay ukuran besar, iris memanjang
🍜 1 paprika merah, iris memanjang
🍜 1 paprika hijau, iris memanjang
🍜 4 sdm saus teriyaki siap pakai atau homemade
🍜 1 sdm saus ingrris
🍜 ½ ~1 sdm saus jamur/ oyster sauce
🍜 ½ sdt garam atau sesuai selera
🍜 1 sdt merica hitam tumbuk halus, plus untuk serving
🍜 wijen putih untuk serving
🍜 irisan daun bawang untuk serving
Cara memasak:
  1. Panaskan minyak/ mentega, tumis bawang putih, bawang bombay, irisan paprika sampai agak layu. Campurkan saus teriyaki, saus inggris, oyster sauce, garam dan merica tumbuk. Masak hingga mendidih, cicipi rasanya.
  2. Lalu masukkan mie dan ayam, aduk-aduk hingga tercampur rata. Matikan api.
  3. Sajikan hangat dengan taburan wijen, irisan daun bawang dan merica tumbuk-jika suka.

Chicken/ beef teriyaki noodle bowl with homemade teriyaki sauce | Çitra's Home Diary

Check my other yummy recipe

Sawi Putih tumis Kembang Tahu / Stir-fry Napa cabbage with beancurd skin

Cap cay/ Indonesian mix vegetables stir fry

Chicken Rice Bowl

Orange Chicken

Honey Garlic chicken wings


  1. this is very awesome recipe , thakns for your sharing

  2. this looks so delicious i love teriyaky chicken ill try to make this at home for sure

    1. Thank you Nallely.... Hope you come back and tell me how you do like it :=)

  3. We enjoy a great teriyaki chicken and love you make your own sauce.

    1. thank you Candace. with homemade sauce it's even better ! :)

  4. Mmmm... perfect comfort food! Love it!

  5. Love the photos! The food looks amazing! Repinned!

  6. Love a great meal in a bowl and this looks delicious! Great combination of yummy comfort food!

  7. Makasih buat resep teriyakinya... mau dicoba dulu, semoga seenak mangkok ramen


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