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Labneh (strained yogurt) souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig

Resep Dalam Bhs Indonesia dibagian bawah

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey.Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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What is labneh cheese? it's yogurt that has been strained to remove its whey, resulting in a thicker consistency than unstrained yogurt. Due to the straining process to remove excess whey, even non-fat varieties of strained yogurt are much thicker, richer, and creamier than yogurts that have not been strained.

In Turkey, strained yogurt is known as süzme yoğurt ("strained yogurt") or kese yoğurdu ("bag yogurt"). Water is sometimes added to it in the preparation of cacık, when this is not eaten as a meze but consumed as a beverage. Strained yogurt is used in Turkish mezzes and dips such as haydari.

In Turkish markets, labne is also a popular as dairy product but it is different from strained yogurt; it is yogurt-based creamy cheese without salt, and is used like mascarpone.

Strained yogurt

Frankly speaking, I use this labneh cheese from strained yogurt a lot in my daily cook. Since cold soup made from this süzme yoğurt ("strained yogurt") until dessert. And I am pretty satisfied with using it. Beside richer in texture, I can reduce the sourness in it, so creamy yet healthy.

To get this labneh, you need to drain/ strain plain thick yogurt at least overnight or until 24 hours. Keep it inside the refrigerator while you drain your yogurt. Use cheesecloth and put on a sieve with a bowl for dropping whey underneath.

From 1 kg yogurt mostly I can get approximately 800 g strained creamy labneh. But of course it depends on how thick your yogurt is. Turkish yogurt is pretty thick and creamy especially type "Kaymaklı" which I'm using.

Labneh (strained yogurt) souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig. To get this labneh, you need to drain/ strain plain thick yogurt at least over night or until 24 hour. Keep it inside refrigerator while you drain your yogurt. Use cheese cloth and put on sieve with a bowl for dropping whey underneath. #labneh #creamcheese #healthycreamcheese  #cheesesoufflecake #fig  #spicybakedfig #dessert #soufflecake #citrashomediary #middleeastern #yoghurtdessert

Drain it much more than you need, it's okay, you still can use it in may thing. Check my previous post using this "yogurt cheese" like this yummy yogurt souffle or this yogurt cheesecake. Use various kind of topping as your prefer then you will get the best weekend dessert on your family table.

Labneh (strained yogurt) souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig. To get this labneh, you need to drain/ strain plain thick yogurt at least over night or until 24 hour. Keep it inside refrigerator while you drain your yogurt. Use cheese cloth and put on sieve with a bowl for dropping whey underneath. #labneh #creamcheese #healthycreamcheese  #cheesesoufflecake #fig  #spicybakedfig #dessert #soufflecake #citrashomediary #middleeastern #yoghurtdessert

nd  my today post is another recipe using labneh or strained yogurt and it's time for you to try also my Labneh souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig. This is my ultimate labneh dessert for this month, but maybe you will find my other delish recipe using this labneh...Just make sure you visit my blog often. I may have some more surprise (^,^)

Well...let's jump to kitchen and get your yogurt get strain tonight.

Labneh (strained yogurt) souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig
For souffle cheesecake:
  • 250 g Labneh cheese / strained yogurt 
  • 200 ml heavy cream
  • 80 g + 80 g caster sugar
  • 40 g AP flour
  • 15 g cornstarch
  • 4 medium egg, separated yolks from white
Labneh (strained yogurt) souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig. To get this labneh, you need to drain/ strain plain thick yogurt at least over night or until 24 hour. Keep it inside refrigerator while you drain your yogurt. Use cheese cloth and put on sieve with a bowl for dropping whey underneath. #labneh #creamcheese #healthycreamcheese  #cheesesoufflecake #fig  #spicybakedfig #dessert #soufflecake #citrashomediary #middleeastern #yoghurtdessert


1) Prepare 8" /20 cm round pan, basting bottom and side with margarine and line with baking paper, let the side 5 cm higher than the pan. Wrap outside pan with double aluminum foil. Prepare also one bigger pan for water bath baking later. Pre heat oven at 150°C.
Boil enough water also for waterbath later.

2) In big bowl,using manual whisk cream labneh with heavy cream until smooth. Whisk in 80 g of caster sugar and mix just until sugar dissolve followed by egg yolk. Sift in both flour and whisk to make smooth batter. Set a side.

3) In a clean big bowl, beat egg white till frothy, add remaining sugar in 3 batches. Continue to whip to soft peak almost firm peak. Then add the meringue to the yolk mixture in 3 batches, fold nicely in each addition, careful not to deflate it too much.

4) Prepare your water bath pan wider than your baking pan, give something like a small rack with low feet (see picture below).

My waterbath pan with low feet "rack" 

5) Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Place the pan on a wider baking pan (water bath tray) and fill it with hot water (about 2 cm high of your baking pan). Bake for 1 ½ to 2 hours or until a skewer inserted in the middle of the cake comes out dry and clean. You may need a longer time to bake until done, just cover loosely your cake with aluminum foil to prevent further browning. Let the oven door ajar and leave the cake inside until cool.
Note: Check your cake once in a while, if you start to see big crack on it surface, slightly lower your temperature.

6) Chill the souffle cheesecake over night at fridge wrap with plastic cling without unmold it.

Labneh (strained yogurt) souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig. To get this labneh, you need to drain/ strain plain thick yogurt at least over night or until 24 hour. Keep it inside refrigerator while you drain your yogurt. Use cheese cloth and put on sieve with a bowl for dropping whey underneath. #labneh #creamcheese #healthycreamcheese  #cheesesoufflecake #fig  #spicybakedfig #dessert #soufflecake #citrashomediary #middleeastern #yoghurtdessert

Spicy warm honey fig:

  • 5 ripe figs
  • 4-5 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1 tsp powdered cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp powdered ginger
  • ⅛ tsp each powdered cloves and nutmeg
Make Spicy warm honey fig:

1) Gently wash the figs and wedge into 4.
2) In a small saucepan, mix butter, honey and all the spices ingredients. Warm the mixture over medium heat until the butter melt. Remove from heat.

How to serve:

Unwrap and unmold the souffle cheesecake. Place it over nice wide serving platter. Arrange fresh figs on top of it and flush with spicy honey sauce.

Labneh (strained yogurt) souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig. To get this labneh, you need to drain/ strain plain thick yogurt at least over night or until 24 hour. Keep it inside refrigerator while you drain your yogurt. Use cheese cloth and put on sieve with a bowl for dropping whey underneath. #labneh #creamcheese #healthycreamcheese  #cheesesoufflecake #fig  #spicybakedfig #dessert #soufflecake #citrashomediary #middleeastern #yoghurtdessert


Assalamu'alaikum...Merhaba dari Turkey.

Kali ini saya mo postingkan salah satu dessert favorit keluarga saya. Yaa..memang dessert/ pencuci mulut seperti ini disukai suami selain dessert manis khas Turki lainnya, yaitu Labneh souffle cheesecake dengan topping buah tin dalam saus madu berempah....jiaaahh..panjang banget ya judulnya.. hehehehe.. (^,^)

Sebetulnya apa sih labneh itu? 
Labneh itu adalah product olahan susu yang didapat dari memisahkan yogurt kental dari "whey" nya sehingga didapat produk menyerupai krim keju. Labneh ini sudah umum dikenal di daerah Timur Tengah, Mediteranian dan sekitarnya termasuk di Turki.

Tapi di pasar/ toko-toko di Turki sendiri, sebutan Labneh adalah produk krim keju (cream cheese), digunakan sama seperti mascarpone. Sedangkan yogurt yang disaring dan dipisahkan "whey" nya disebut süzme yoğurt atau kese yoğurdu 

Dibanyak negara, yogurt yang disaring ini menjadi trend sehat sebagai alternatif pengganti krim keju. Lebih sehat dari krim keju.
Labneh (strained yogurt) souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig. To get this labneh, you need to drain/ strain plain thick yogurt at least over night or until 24 hour. Keep it inside refrigerator while you drain your yogurt. Use cheese cloth and put on sieve with a bowl for dropping whey underneath. #labneh #creamcheese #healthycreamcheese  #cheesesoufflecake #fig  #spicybakedfig #dessert #soufflecake #citrashomediary #middleeastern #yoghurtdessert

Nah, karena penghujung musim panas disini lagi musim fig atau buah tin, maka saya sajikan souffle cheesecake dari labneh ini dengan topping buah tin ini. Cocok banget deh kalao dijodohin dengan souffle cheesecake ini.
Tapi kalau ingin divariasikan topping lain juga sangat boleh banget, misalnya strawberry compote atau blackberry compote/ jam. Untuk cari ide toppingnya bisa dilihat di postingan saya disini.

Untuk membuat Labneh souffle cheesecake ini, kita kudu menyaring dan memisahkan yogurt kental (plain) sehari sebelumnya. Caranya, dengan menggunakan kain keju atau yang biasa dipakai membuat tahu/ keju dan menggantung/ dleteakkan diatas saringan agar "whey" terpisah dari yogurt. Taruh dalam kulkas selama proses pemisahan.

Labneh/ yogurt yang sdh dipisahkan dari "whey" nya

Labneh (strained yogurt) souffle cheesecake with spicy warm honey fig

Bahan untuk souffle cheesecake:
  • 250 g Labneh cheese /yogurt yg sudah dipisah dari "whey"nya
  • 200 ml heavy cream
  • 80 g + 80 g gula pasir halus/ gula kastor
  • 40 g terigu serba guna
  • 15 g pati jagung (mis, maizena)
  • 4 telur ukuran sedang, pisah kuning dari putihnya
Cara membuat:

1) Siapkan loyang ukuran 8" /20 cm, olesi margarin bagian bawah dan samping lalu alasi kertas baking, biarkan bagian sisinya lebih tinggi dari loyang (sekitar 3~5 cm). Bungkus bagian luarnya dengan doble aluminium foil karena nantinya kita akan baking dengan cara water bath. Panaskan oven suhu 150°C. Siapkan air panas juga untuk proses water bath.

2) Dalam mangkok besar, campur labneh dan heavy cream, aduk dengan whisk hingga halus. Masukkan juga 80 g gula kastor dan kutel satu per satu sambil diaduk dengan whisker hingga halus dan gula larut. Campurkan kedua tepung sambil diayak dan aduk hingga tercampur rata dan halus. Sisihkan.

3) Kocok putih telur dalam mangkok bersih dan kering. Setelah berbusa, masukkan sisa (80 g) gula kastir dalam 3 tahap sambil tetap dimixer hingga soft peak hampit firm peak, jangan sampai hard peak ya mengocoknya... seperti gambar diatas saja.

lalu campurkan meringue (putih telur) ini ke campuran kuning telur diatas dalam 3 tahap. Aduk balik tiap penambahan dengan rata, tapi jangan sampai "deflate" meringuenya.

4) Siapkan loyang yang lebih besar dari baking pan, taruh semacam rack dengan kaki pendek ditengahnya, seperti gambar dibawah.

My waterbath pan with low feet "rack" 

5) Tuang adonan kedalam loyang yang sudah disiapkan, lau letakkan loyang tersebut diatas rak dalam loyang water bath dan tuang air ke dalam loyang water bath sampai kira-kira 2 cm bagian bawah loyang isi adonan. 

6) Panggang dalam oven selama 1 ½ sampai 2 jam, atau test tusuk bersih dan kering. Jika belum matang, panggang lebih lama tap tutupi bagian atas dengan selembar aluminium foil agar permukaan tidak terlalu gosong, gunakan api bawah saja. Setelah matang, matikan oven dan buka sedikit pintu oven dan biarkan souffle cheesecake didalam oven sampai dingin suhu ruang.
Note: Selalu cek cake dalam oven sekali waktu, jika terlihat mulai retak, rendahkan suhu oven sedikit agar tidak terlalu pecah permukaannya.
6) Dinginkan souffle cheesecake tanpa dibuka dari loyangnya, bungkus dengan plastic wrap dan simpan dalam lemari es paling tidak semalaman.

Spicy warm honey fig:
  • 5 buah tin
  • 4-5 sdm madu
  • 1 sdm mentega
  • 1 sdt kayu manis bubuk
  • ¼ sdt bubuk jahe
  • ⅛ sdt masing-masing bubuk cengkeh dan bubuk pala
Cara membuat Spicy warm honey fig:

1) Cuci buah tin dengan hati-hati, jangan sampai pecah. belah menjadi 4 bagian.
2) Campur mentega, madu dan semua bumbu. Panaskan diatas api kecil hingga mentega leleh sambil diaduk rata. Matikan api.

Cara menyajikan:

Lepaskan souffle cheesecake dari loyang, taruh diatas piring saji. Tata dan susun buah tin diatas cake dan siram dengan saus madu yang masih hangat.

Note: Labneh Souffle Cheesecake bisa disajikan dengan topping lain sesuai selera.

Selamat mencoba.

Other Similar post:

Labneh (strained Yogurt) Cheesecake

Three tone Yogurt "Cheese" Chocolate mousse

Yogurt "Cheese" Souffle Cake


  1. Your recipe sounds so perfect and the fig topping is amazing! Pics are beautiful and so dramatic!

    1. thank you Debra, you should try it to impress friends and family (^,^)

  2. I just went to the store to pick up figs! Haha! What timing!

    1. must use your fig immediately then.. (^,^) thx Rebecca

  3. Oh, I LOVE the sound of this! I make my own labneh and this would be a wonderful way to put it use. I love the addition of those figs, too!

  4. your pictures are so beautiful! The recipe looks great with the sweetness from the cheesecakes & the figs.

    1. thank you Kaitie.. Cheesecake and figs seems made each other :)

  5. This is utterly stunning. I've never tried making one this way and can't wait to try.


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