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Tuna Melt Sandwich

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Selam everybody...Merhaba from Turkey.

I believe this healthy yummy tuna sandwich will be in your new favorite list once you make it. It's quick and easy to make for your brunch or fill your kid's or husband's lunch box. And also such a great way to fancy up your canned tuna and vary family menu.

Just add cheese as much as you want then you will get the best tuna melt sandwich for your family.

So, if you are ready to make some delicious healty sandwich let's open up some canned tuna and don't forget to get ready with your hot tea/ coffee on pot ready (^,^)

Tuna Melt Sandwich. Recipe adapted from here with minor adjustment

  • Tuna in can 2 ( mine 80 gr each)
  • 1 medium size onion, chopped ( I use red onion)
  • ½ stalk of celery, chopped (I use 1 stalk)
  • Garlic (1 clove), minced
  • Parsley, 1 tablespoon, chopped
  • Mayonnaise, 3-4 tablespoons
  • Olive Oil, 3 tablespoons, divided
  • Mozzarella,  cup, shredded (I use local kaşar cheese~almost same as cheddar. 1 cup)
  • Bread, sliced
  • Butter, softened
  • Salt and Pepper to taste ( I didn't add salt as already tasty as my prefer)
How to prepare tuna melt:
  1. Place drained tuna in medium bowl. Add in chopped celery, parsley, minced garlic, chopped red onion. Toss them to well combine.
  2. Add in mayonnaise (I use 3 tbsp), 2 tbsp olive oil and 1 cup shredded cheese. Season with pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper, check the taste.
  3. Place a non-stick skillet on the stove and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. When the skillet is hot, take a slice of bread and generously spread butter on one side.
  4. Place the bread (buttered side down) in the hot skillet.
  5. Using a spoon, scoop about 2 tablespoons of tuna salad on bread while it is browning.
  6. Butter another slice of bread with butter and place non-buttered side on top of tuna.
  7. Using a spatula, check to see if the bread is toasted brown. If so, turn the tuna melt over and grill the other side until it's golden brown.
Serve it warm immediately with some fresh salad.


Assalamu'alaikum...Merhaba dari Turki

Ini dia salah satu menu sarapan atau brunch (setengah makan siang) favorite saya dan keluarga. Mungkin resep saya kali ini juga bisa menambah menu keluarga atau menu bekal si kecil dan suami.

Resep sandwich tuna keju. Adaptasi dari sini dengan sedikit adjusment

  • 2 x 80 gr ikan tuna kalengan, tiriskan dari minyaknya
  • 1 bawang bombay ukuran sedang (saya pakai bawang merah besar), cincang halus
  • ½ batang seledri (saya pakai 1 batang), cincang halus
  • 1 bawang putih, cincang halus
  • daun peterseli cincang, sekitar 1 sdm
  • Mayones, 3-4 sdm
  • minyak zaitun 2+1 sdm
  • keju Mozzarella parut,  gelas (saya pakai keju lokal sejenis cheddar. 1 cup)
  • roti sandwich beberapa lembar
  • mentega, lembekkan suhu ruang
  • garam dan merica seseuai selera

Cara membuat:
  1. Campur semua bahan jadi satu dalam mangkok; tuna, bawang bombay, bawang putih, daun seledri cincang, peterselu cincang, mayones, keju parut, dan 2 sdm minyak zaitun. Aduk rata, usahakan tuna jangan terlalu hancur. Bumbuhi dengan garam dan merica sesuai selera.
  2. Panaskan wajan anti lengket, beri 1 sdm minyak zaitun. Olesi roti dengan mentega pada salah satu sisi. 
  3. Lalu panggan roti (sisi yang dioles mentega) menghadap wajan panas. Lalu beri campuran tuna sekitar 2 sdm (atau secukupnya sesuai lebar roti anda) diatas roti tadi.
  4. Ambil selembar roti yang sudah diolesi mentega salah satu sisinya dan tangkupkan roti tadi diatas roti dengan isian tuna (bagian tanpa mentega menutupi tuna-keju)
  5. Jika roti dibagian bawahnya sudah kecoklatan, balikkan sandwich sehingga bagian atas berada dibawah (menghadap wajan). Dengan sendok kayu/ spatula, tekan-tekan ringan sandwich agar sedikit gepeng dan bagian roti dibawahnya matang kecoklatan.
  6. Bolak balik sandwich agar matang merata dan keju meleleh.
sajikan dengan salad sayuran dan saus sambal jika suka.


  1. You can never go wrong with a good tuna melt for lunch. I like all of the goodies that you threw into the mix.


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