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Soft Bread With Sausage Topping (Sausage bread) / Roti Sosis.

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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Soft Bread With Sausage Topping  (#Sausagebread) / Roti Sosis.| Çitra's Home Diary. #sausagebread #sausageroll #rotisosis #sosislipoğaça

Baking bread became my daily routine since I married 11 years ago. I didn't bake much bread back a long time ago before I married.

One, we (Asians) mostly eat rice and (or) noodles as the main carbohydrate source. 
We have bread as well mostly soft bread and it tastes somehow sweet. And we eat soft bread generally for snacking between the main mealtime or in our breakfast. 

Our bread mostly has various sweet toppings or filling even some use sausage and cheese as filling or topping.

And after married, I enjoy baking bread as my Turkish husband is a bread eater. I started to bake artisan-style bread* cause this is what locals here consume. Different from what most Asians eat. 

(*)Artisan bread is a term that has no absolute definition but refers to a style of short shelf-life bread that is usually offered unpackaged (in baskets) and consumed immediately after baking for maximum freshness

Soft Bread With Sausage Topping  (#Sausagebread) / Roti Sosis.| Çitra's Home Diary.

For other bread recipes I already baked please do check my "Bread/Buns/Pizza" category.
But my today post is about Indonesian soft bread with sausage topping. I baked this many times and become our favorite. Perfect for breakfast or brunch and regular menu for my kid's lunch box

Soft Bread With Sausage Topping 
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make ±16 bread


Basic soft bread :
🍞 350 gr Bread flour
🍞 15 gr powdered milk
🍞 50 gr caster sugar
🍞 2 tsp instant dry yeast
🍞 1 tsp bread improver (optional)
🍞 210 gr milk
🍞 2 egg yolks
🍞 60 gr butter
🍞 1 tsp fine salt

🍞 Grated cheddar cheese
🍞 medium size sausage
🍞 tomato ketchup
🍞 mayonnaise
🍞 dried oregano/ thyme/ celery (optional)
🍞 melted butter 

How to:

1. In a mixing bowl, mix and knead all ingredients EXCEPT butter and salt. You can knead it by hand, mixer, or bread machine. mix until all come together. Then add butter and salt.
Continue to knead until the dough is soft, smooth, and reach "windowpane" stage.

How to perform windowpane stage: take a piece of your dough then stretching it out wide until it is nearly translucent without ripping. You want to do this to make sure that your gluten is sufficiently developed on.

Soft Bread With Sausage Topping  (#Sausagebread) / Roti Sosis.| Çitra's Home Diary.
Windowpane stage. 

2. Round the dough and place over lightly grease bowl, cover with damp towel kitchen or plastic film and rest it until double it size. How long it will depend on your room temperature. Just place it in the warmest place in your house.

3. Flatten the dough to remove the air bubble then divide the dough into 15-16 equal part. I weigh my dough 45 gr each. Using your palm roll each part into a ball. Do to all the rest of the dough (see pict #1).
Do one ball at a time; flatten the ball then roll into oval shape. Push middle part a little flat than out side round for sausage topping (pict #5).
Spread some cheese followed by sausage the sprinkle again with some cheese (pict #3, #4, #6). You can place the bread over the paper cup or just put onto baking tray lined with baking paper. Do to all remaining dough. Let them rest again about 30 minutes or until noticeably puffy.

Soft Bread With Sausage Topping  (#Sausagebread) / Roti Sosis.| Çitra's Home Diary.

4. Preheat oven to 160-170 ℃. Just before baking, pipe alternately tomato ketchup and mayonnaise over the sausage, then sprinkle with some dried oregano/ thyme/ celery
Bake the bread for 15 to 18 minutes, until golden. Remove them from the oven, and brush with melted butter. This will give the buns a satiny, buttery crust.
Cool the buns on a rack.
Note: Time and temperature of baking is only guidance, adjust to your own oven condition.

Happy baking 😊

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Soft Bread With Sausage Topping  (#Sausagebread) / Roti Sosis.| Çitra's Home Diary.



Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Sejak menikah 11 tahun lalu baking roti sendiri sudah menjadi rutinitas saya sehari-hari. Paling enggak 2 atau 3 hari sekali saya bikin roti sendiri.
İya.. dulu boro-boro bikin roti sendiri... makan rotipun jarang-jarang ya... sebab makanan utama kita kan bukan roti. Roti hanya sebagai snack teman ngopi atau ngeteh atau pas sarapan pagi gitu kan.

Beda dengan disini yang makanan utamanya roti. Karena sebagai makanan utama, tekstur roti sini beda dengan roti manis (soft bread) yang umumnya kita makan.
Tekstur roti Turki keras di bagian kulitnya tp empuk-kenyal bagian dalamnya. Seratnya kasar dan berongga. Dengan tekture seperti itu makan roti khas sini jadi kenyang seperti kita kenyang makan nasi/ mie gitu 😊
Umumnya disebut "artisan bread" yang umumnya dibuat dengan menggunakan sourdough sebagai raginya. Dibuat dan dipanggang "fresh" dari toko roti yang mempunyai oven batu sendiri.

Kalau pengen tahu bagaimana membuat roti khas Türki ( yang juga dimakan oleh orang Eropa dan barat lainnya) bisa di cek pada kategori "Bread/ Roti" ya.

Soft Bread With Sausage Topping  (#Sausagebread) / Roti Sosis.| Çitra's Home Diary.

Tapi hari ini saya mau sharing salah satu roti manis kesukaan keluarga saya dengan topping sosis. Sudah puluhan kali saya bikin ini baik untuk sarapan atau bekal anak sekolah. Kadang bapaknya juga minta dibawain buat minum teh di kantor 😊
Yuukk yang pengen coba bikin roti, resep saya ini mudah diikuti dan hasilnya gak mengecewakan banget. Inshaallah repeatable juga deh 😊

Soft Bread With Sausage Topping (Roti sosis) 
By: Çitra's Home Diary 

Hasil jadi ±16 bread
🍞 350 grtepung roti (kadang kalau sy kehabisan, saya pakai serba guna, kadungan protein kurleb 11%)
🍞 15 gr susu bubuk
🍞 50 gr gula pasir
🍞 2 sdt ragi instant 
🍞 1 sdt bread improver (optional, skip kalau gak ada)
🍞 210 gr susu
🍞 2 kuning telur
🍞 60 gr mentega
🍞 1 sdt garam halus
🍞 Parutan keju
🍞 sosis ayam/ sapi
🍞 saos tomat
🍞 mayonaise
🍞 Oregano/ thyme / seledri kering (optional)
🍞 mentega leleh

Cara membuat:

1) Dalam wadah besar atau bowl mixer, campur semua bahan kering; tepung, susu bubuk, gula, bread improver (jika pakai) dan ragi instant. Buat lubang ditengah-tengah. Tuang susu dan telur. Lalu uleni hingga tercampur rata (belum elastis). Lalu campurkan mentega dan garam. Lanjutkan mengulen sampai elastis, tidak lengket di tangan. 
Bisa gunakan electric mixer. Atau kalau gak ada, resep ini "kneading friendly" kok..alias mudah diulen manual aja.
Terus uleni sampai adonan mencapai tahap windowpane. Lihat gambar dibawah untuk ilustrasinya.

Cara mengetes apakah adonan sudah windowpane:  ambil adonan dan coba rentangkan lebar tanpa robek. Kalau sudah mencapai tahap itu berarti pengulenan selasai.

Note: Proses menguleni hingga tahap windowpane ini memastikan gluten dalam adonan sudah terbentuk sempurna. Proses ini penting untuk menghasilkan roti dengan tekstur halus dan lembut/ cotton soft yang lebih awet.

Soft Bread With Sausage Topping  (#Sausagebread) / Roti Sosis.| Çitra's Home Diary.
Windowpane stage. 

2) Bulatkan adonan dan taruh dalam wadah bersemir minyak tipis. Tutup dengan plastik film dan istirahatkan hingga mengembang dua kali lipat volumenya. Lama proses fermentasi tergantung dari suhu dan kelembaban ruangan masing-masing ya.

3) Kempiskan adonan dan bagi menjadi 15-16 bagian sama rata. Bila ingin rapi dan akurat bisa ditimbang. Saya timbang adonan kurleb 45 gr. Setelah dibagi/ ditimbang, bulatkan adonan semuanya (gambar #1). Istirahatkan lagi kurleb 5 menit agar elastis dan mudah dibentuk, tutup pakai serbet/ plastik ya.

4) Pipihkan 1 adonan dan gilas oval memanjang (sesuaikan dengan panjang sosis). Tekan bagian tengah lebih tipis menyerupai cekungan (gmbr 5#). Lalu beri topping keju, sosis lalu taburi keju lagi. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
Lalu tutup dan diamkan lagi kurleb 30 menit atau sampai terlihat mengembang.

Soft Bread With Sausage Topping  (#Sausagebread) / Roti Sosis.| Çitra's Home Diary.

5). Panaskan oven suhu 160-170 ℃. Semprotkan saus tomat dan mayones bergantian diatas permukaan sosis. lalu taburi oregano/ thyme/ seledri kering (jika pakai).
Panggang suhu 160-170 ℃, 15-18 menit. Olesi permukaan dengan mentega leleh begitu keluar dari oven dan dinginkan di rak pendingin.

Note: Suhu dan waktu memanggang sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing.

Semoga bermanfaat. Happy baking 😊

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 
Send me some 💚


  1. These sound so good! The only thing that I can imagine tasting better than fresh bread is when it's topped with sausage!

  2. This is a great idea. I would love to try it definitely.


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