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Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff. With step-by-step instructions

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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

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Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary

İt's been a long time I didn't post any snack recipe. In fact, I am a "snacking" person. I do love enjoying my afternoon tea /coffee with something that keeps me full until dinner.
And today I will share one of my fave ever, called "Karipap Pusing"

Similar to a Pasty, Karipap is another hugely popular snack in South East Asia. In Indonesia, it is called Pastel with its own twists. It is a snack of Southeast Asian origin. It is a small pie consisting of curry with chicken and potatoes in a deep-fried or baked pastry shell. The curry is quite thick to prevent it from oozing out of the snack.

Karipap Ayam is one of the most popular street snacks across South East Asia. They are truly delicious snacks. Crisp flaky pastry shells filled with a mild chicken and vegetables (potato and carrot mostly) curry.

A common snack in Malaysia and Singapore, the curry puff is one of several "puff" type pastries with different fillings, though now it is by far the most common. Other common varieties include eggs, sardines, and onions or sweet fillings such as yam.

Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary

Curry puffs are enjoyed throughout Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar, and Thailand. It also shares many similarities with the empanada, a popular pastry in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries.

So here its my recipe for you who enjoy traveling with your taste 😊

Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff
By; Çitra's Home Diary

Make about 18-20 pcs

Filling ingredients:
🌾 150 gr chicken minced (or beef)
🌾 2 big size carrot, cut into small cubes
🌾 1 medium potato (about 250 gr), cut into small cubes
🌾 2 spring onions, roughly sliced
🌾 1 celery, finely sliced
🌾 8 shallots, finely sliced
🌾 5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
🌾 1 tsp black/ white pepper powder (more as your preferred)
🌾 2 tsp salt or to taste
🌾 1 tsp sugar
🌾 2 tsp curry powder
🌾 Chicken bullion (optional)
🌾 2-3 Tbsp butter for stir fry
🌾 4-5 hard-boiled eggs, cut into wedges, set aside

How to make the filling:

Heat butter on a wok or deep pan, add in chicken, sliced shallot and garlic. Stir fry until chicken cook and shallot lightly brown. Stir in carrot and potato, add about a half cup of water/ broth. Put a lid and cook until vegetables cook for about 4 minutes, stir once in a while.

Season with salt, sugar, pepper powder, curry powder and add chicken bullion (if using). Add celery and spring onion. Check the taste, it should be umami with balance savory. Remove from heat.
You have chicken vegetable curry filling ready to use.

Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary

Ingredients for pastry shell
ingredient A (oil dough):
🌾 155 g AP flour
🌾 15 g cornstarch flour
🌾 95 g butter, room temperature
ingredients B:
🌾 310 g AP flour
🌾 55 g vegetable oil, heat it until very hot
🌾 1 tsp salt
🌾 125 g cold water (it's only approximately, add it GRADUALLY)

How to make:
1) Mix and knead well all ingredients A. Pull all dry ingredients and shape into a ball. Wrap it with plastic wrap and let it rest.

2) Mix all ingredients B (except water), use a wooden spoon first to pull everything together.
Note: Careful of hot oil.
Mix in the water gradually while mixing with a wooden spoon until the dough is cold enough to handle with your hand. Start kneading with your hand until it performs smooth dough. You may need more or less water. Just be careful adding the water. 
Shape it into a ball and wrap it with plastic wrap, let it rest for about 30 minutes.

 Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary

3) Divide dough A and dough B into 4 equal parts each. Shape each part like a ball. Using a rolling pin flatten the dough B then place dough A (oil dough) over it (see pict #3). Close and wrap dough A with dough B (see pict #4). Do the same process for the rest of the dough. Then wrap each ball with plastic, and rest for about 30 minutes (pict #5)

4) Do one ball at a time. Take 1 ball of the dough, and flatten it with a rolling pin to form a square (mine is not perfect 😉). Fold the square, fold the right and left sides in ⅓ parts (see pic #7 and 8). Then flatten again with a rolling pin, and try to form a rectangle (see pict #9). 
Then roll neatly like a roll cake, start from the shorter side. Do the same for the rest of the dough. Wrap each roll in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes (see pic #10 and 11).

5) Take one roll, and cut it into 1 cm thick. The thicker you cut, the wider you will get your karipap pastry later ( pict #12).

6) Using a rolling pin, flatten each cut out 1,5 mm, not too thin nor too much thin (pict #14).

7) Fill each sheet with the filling mixture, and put eggs wedge as well if using ( pict # 15). Fold and close the shell, seam and twisted the edges ( pic #16 and 17).
Note: Do it ahead. you can keep the pastry in a freezer after this step. Make sure you place each pastry not to close each other 1st. After it's frozen, keep in a container with a lid. thaw before frying.

Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary

8) Heat enough cooking oil in a pan- use medium heat. The oil should be hot enough so the pastry won't absorb too much oil. Check with a wooden chopstick, if it's bubbling when dipping into oil, it means ready to fry. Fry the karipap in medium heat until it's golden on both sides.

Happy cooking.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you're making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary



السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Semoga ketemu dalam kondisi sehat dan bersykur ya 😊
Tetap sabar dalam situasi pandemik yang belum mereda.. entah sampai kapan. Mudah-mudahan Allah yang Maha penyayang segera mengangkat penyakit ini dari seluruh muka bumi. Ada banyak hikmah nantinya setelah wabah covid19 nanti ya, Inshaallah.
Makin menjaga kebersihan, makin mencintai keluarga, makin mencintai masjid (yang kosong akibat pandemi ini 😭), makin bersukur dan menjaga kesehatan tubuh kita masing-masing. Amin.

Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary

Oke, kali ini saya akan sharing salah satu camilan yang saya bikin untuk menemani saya dan gadis kecil saya selama tinggal di rumah isolasi diri-karipap pusing atau curry puff pastry. Mungkin lidah orang Asia menyebut curry puff ini karipap gitu aja ya... mudah disebut dan diingat. Pusing itu bahasa melayu yang artinya melingkar... 😊
Mirip-mirip kasusnya dengan kukis kita lidah kucing atau katetong yang kemungkinan besar dari bahasa asing cat tongue gitu ya...hehehe 😊

Yukk... yang pengen ngemil juga boleh langsung tengok resepnya. Bisa disimpan dalam frezer buat teman ngeteh sewaktu-waktu bersama keluarga.

Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

Menjadi 18-20 karipap
Bahan isi:
🌾 150 gr daging ayam giling (atau cacah halus)
🌾 2 wortel ukuran besar, potong kotak kecil
🌾 1 kentang ukuran sedang (kurleb 250 gr), potong kotak kecil
🌾 kurleb 2 daun bawang, iris halus
🌾 seledri, iris halus
🌾 8 bawang merah, iris halus
🌾 5 bawang putih, geprak dan iris halus
🌾 bubuk merica kurleb 1 sdt atau sesuai selera
🌾 garam sesuai selera
🌾 sejumput gula
🌾 2 sdt bubuk kari
🌾 kaldu ayam bubuk (opsional)
🌾 kurleb 2 sdm margarin untuk menumis
🌾 3~4 telur rebus. Iris menjadi 6 potong/ telur, sisihkan (opsional)

Panaskan margarin dan tumis ayam cincang hingga pucat, masukkan bawang merah dan bawang putih, tumis hingga layu dan wangi. masukkan semua sayuran, aduk rata. Tambahkan air kaldu atau air biasa kurleb 100 ml, tutup wajan dan biarkan sayuran lunak dan air menyusut.
Masukkan daun bawang dan seledri, aduk rata. Bumbuhi dengan garam, gula, bubuk kari dan merica. Cicipi rasanya. Angkat dari panas dan biarkan hingga uap panas hilang.

Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary

Bahan A:
🌾 155 g terigu serba guna
🌾 15 g pati jagung
🌾 95 g margarin, suhu ruang
Bahan B:
🌾 310 g terigu serba guna
🌾 55 g minyak goreng PANAS
🌾 1 sdt garam
🌾 125 g air dingin (jumlah air dikira-kira saja sampai adonan kalis)

Cara membuat:
1) Uleni semua bahan A hingga bisa dipulung dan bulatkan. Bungkus plastik wrap dan sisihkan.
2) Masukkan semua bahan B (kecuali air), aduk dengan sendok kayu hingga rata. Masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil diuleni dengan tangan. Uleni hingga kalis dan bisa dibentuk. Jumlah air bisa kurang atau lebih sedikit sesuai kondisi tepung. Bulatkan adonan B dan bungkus dengan plastik wrap. İstirahatkan adonan A dan B kurleb 30 menit.

 Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary

3) Bagi adonan A dan B masing-masing 4 bagian dan bulatkan. Pipihkan adonan B lalu letakkan bulatan adonan A diatasnya lalu bulatkan hingga adonan A terbungkus adonan B. Lakukan prosedur yang sama pada sisa adonan lainnya. Lihat gambar 1, 2, 3, 4 dan 5 diatas.

4) Ambil 1 bulatan adonan diatas, pipihkan dan gilas dengan rolling pin hingga berbentuk persegi panjang (punya saya kurang sempurna ya perseginya 😖). Lipat adonan persegi tsb menjadi 3 bagian (lipat bagian kanan dan kiri di  ⅓ bagian) lalu gilas lagi, usahakan berbentuk persegi panjang lagi. Rapikan sisi-sisinya lalu gulung rapi seperti rollcake. Lakukan cara yg sama untuk sisa adonan lainnya. Bungkus masing-masing gulungan dalam lemari es kurleb 30 mnt.

5) Potong setebal kurleb 1 cm lebih sedikit. Makin tebal memotong adonan roll makin lebar/ besar karipap yang dihasilkan nantinya. Gambar no 12 dibawah.

6) Setelah dipotong, pipihkan lagi dengan rolling pin, jangan terlalu tebal atau tipis ya...kira-kira 1,5 mm deh 😊 Gambar no 14 dibawah.

7) İsi dengan bahan isian dan potongan telur jika pakai, lalu lipat dan pilin tepian adonan untuk seaming. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
Note: Jika ingin memfrozen, pada tahap ini bisa disimpan di frezer, saya letakkan potongan baking paper (atau plastik) diantara karipap dan atur posisi berdiri, usahakan tidak saling berdempetan.

Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary

8) Panaskan cukup minyak goreng hingga cukup panasnya. Jika minyak belum panas, karipap akan banyak menyerap minyak dan kulitnya akan mudah hancur. Jika terlalu panas akan cepat gosong tapi belum kering sempurna, kulitnya akan melempem jika dingin.

Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

Karipap Pusing / Spiral Curry Puff | Çitra's Home Diary


  1. Wow what a great dish this is! I love the step by step photos.

  2. These look really amazing and the layering is so pretty. I'm they have to be deep fried? There's quite a bit of oil in the dough so maybe they would be okay baked in an oven too?

    1. Hai D, thank you. I never bake my curry puff,traditionally it's fried. Make sure the oil is hot enough so it won't absorb more oil.

  3. The step by step pictures are so helpful! This looks delicious!

  4. Enak banget ini. Pertama makan ini di Kasih tetangga waktu tinggal di UK. Thank you untuk resepnya, mba 🥰


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