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İşkembe Çorbası (Turkish beef tripe soup)

İşkembe=Tripe. Çorbası= Soup. So, İşkembe Çorbası is soup with tripe as main ingredient and flavor seasoned with vinegar and lemon juice.
It's one from many kinds of other popular soup in Turkey beside Tarhana Çorba, Mercimek Çorba, ezo gelin Çorba , and many other Çorba (soup)...
Frankly, it's my 1st trial cooking this soup, and my 1st customer of course... my husband @(*_*)@ 

And while asked me to refill his 3rd bowl that 1st customer said.... " Çok Güzel Olmus!" ...(in English-more and less means "very good")
Well....If I can make it, I'm sure you can do it too... d(*_*)b


Ingredients I
- 1 kg beef tripe. Clean with plenty of water.
- 3 cloves of garlic. finely crushed for boil tripe
- 1 /2 lemon. Squeeze the juice for boil tripe.
- 1,5 ~ 2 Lt water
Ingredients II
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 +1/2 tablespoons flour
- 1 lemon.
- 5 cloves of garlic. Boiled and finely crushed.
- 1 /2 cup vinegar
- Salt to taste

- Enough margarine/ butter
- Red pepper powder to taste
*Heat the margarine and mix with powdered red pepper before serving

How to make iskembe corba:
1) In a deep pot, boil all ingredients until the tripe is really soft. ( you can add more hot water if stock runs out). Cook until the broth left about 1 lt only.
2) After the tripe really tender, strain from the broth, and continue cook the broth with medium heat. Take the tripe and cut into small pieces (approximately 1 x 1 cm). set aside.
3) Mix the flour with 2 egg yolks, lemon juice and 2 cups water. Stir until smooth and no lumps, add small amount of broth into it. Then pour into pan, stirring evenly. Add salt to taste.
4) Put tripe and garlic that have been crushed (ingredients II), and cook again about 10 min while stirring. Then add 1/2 cup of vinegar, stir well. Turn off the heat.

How to serve:
Put Iskemba corba in serving bowl, add with a mixture of melted margarine and powdered red peprika. Serve hot with lemon juice and vinegar. Enjoy with slices of breads.

Check my other recipe of İşkembe Çorbası  here
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  1. u know people here mostly go drinking iskembe corbasi after they drunk:)

  2. yeah.. my husband also said so.. :))) But we don't have to get drunk first to enjoy this corba, right? (^_^)


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