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#jajanpasar Gemblong ( Indonesian Glutinous rice cake coated with palm sugar)

Gemblong.. sound funny in your ear right? (^,^). It's one of the traditional Indonesian snacks (Jajan Pasar). You can get it at a traditional market or peddler in each alley in Indonesia, particularly in Java. This snack is made from glutinous rice flour mixed with fresh grated coconut and coconut milk, then fried and coated with palm sugar.

I remember this snack (jajan pasar) is one of regular one among many other traditional snack I had every morning accompanied my morning tea for breakfast. Yes.. some people eat nasi goreng or nasi uduk for breakfast sometimes, but I need something lighter than rice for my breakfast, so sometimes I just have some various jajan pasar.

Check category Indonesian Snack (jajan pasar/ kue) for more Indonesian Kueh or snack.
If you are in Indonesia, you don't have to make some effort to make this at home. But for you who can not find this snack around you, here I write this gemblong recipe for you to try.

Make about 15~20 pcs (depending on how big you shape them)
  • 200 gr glutinous rice flour
  • 100 gr desiccated coconut (if you use freshly grated coconut add 50 gr more)
  • 130 ml of warm coconut milk ( I use canned one and warm it up)
  • pinch of salt
  • enough vegetable oil for frying
Palm Sugar Coating:
  • 100 gr  sugar
  • 100 gr palm sugar
  • 100 ml of water
  • 2  pandan leaves, ripped into some pieces

How to:
1. Mix glutinous rice, desiccated/ grated coconut, and salt. Mix well. Pour warm coconut milk gradually and start knead to perform smooth dough.
2. Take a little dough. Flattened to make oval shape.
3. Heat oil in a wok/ pan over medium heat. Fry them in few batches. Drain the excess oil and let them cool completely.
4. Make sugar coating: heat sugar, palm sugar, water, and pandan leaves, stirring until frothy and thick.
5. Add in gemblong. Stir thoroughly until all coated by sugar coating. Turn off the heat. Keep stirring until sugar dried coated all kue.


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