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Rose Macarons with rose jam butter cream filling

Selam everybody...... Merhaba from Turkey.

As spring blooms in every corner of my town, these eye catching rose macarons beautifully bloom with perfect feet in my oven. My overwhelming happy heart because I can add more collection for my macarons flavor. And proudly I can pass another macarons baking without fail.

This is true story... once you succeed baking nice, perfect and yummy macarons. I'll tell you, YOU CAN NOT STOP! ^,^
And you better start to find some new friend to enjoy them together. Or... maybe you start thinking to make money by selling them among friends and relatives.. why not? 

Macarons is very expensive here. Once I tried to buy from local patisserie at one mall, I must paid 25 TL (Turkish lira) for 4 small macarons! Just convert it to your own money.
And for me nothing so special about that macarons I bought but they came with nice pastel color which I like, that's all.

And it was too sweet for me. 

Long long time ago when I was visiting my sister who lived in Kajang, Malaysia at that time, I remember I ate macarons at Kuala Lumpur, in one cafe  inside petronas tower. . . I remember I ate chocolate macarons with chocolate filling. The tart was perfect and the sweet was just balanced with the bitterness of the chocolate. And that was I think best chocolate macarons I ate until.. I can bake it by my self.. lol.

Should I fly to Paris to taste better macarons? ๐Ÿ˜ ^,^

Well.... just go to your local market to grab some almond meal. Then go to your kitchen to start baking them by your self. You will get cheap yet yummy macarons without flying to France.

Okay. I want to go to France one day, but not today. Cause today I am busy in my kitchen baking my Rose Macarons. 
For filling this time I make butter cream mix with rose jam. Beside the filling, I'm satisfied with the rose flavor in my macarons. I use local brand rose essence food grade for it. The flavor is just perfectly taste and smelt without any excessive. Just love it.

If you can find food grade rose essence, you can use it. But next time I will try to mix dried rose petal instead to get rose taste and fragrant for this macarons.
Rose essence not rose water

Personally I didn't like the buttercream icing for my macarons . This is my 1st using butter cream as macarons filling instead using my regular chocolate (dark or white or using cocoa) ganache filling.

The texture of this buttercream filling is soft, and when you bite the sandwich, it's spreading out from cookies...not good. I didn't like it. Next time I'll go with my previous chocolate filling. But of course you may choose any filling recipe you prefer.

Recently I bought 1 sheet macarons baking mat with some cute tiny shape like mold. So I do some trial do use it. There are Panda head shape, penguin and heart shape. For my rose macarons today I would like to try with heart shape. 

I need twice or three time to try using this mat to accustomed how much batter I should pipe for perfect amount for each mold. Because if you pipe too much then you rap the baking tray to flatten and remove bubble, the batter will flow out of mold. 
Also when you pipe it less than should be, you won't get your macarons batter perfectly fill the mold shape.....For me, need longer time to pipe all my macarons batter.
Well.. I think I prefer use my regular way, no mold.

Let's start to the recipe shall we.

I make my butter cream in ahead then keep in fridge until ready to pipe. Or you can make it after you done with your macarons, it's totally up to you. Check my other macarons post to see other filling recipe.

Raspberry Rose Butter Cream
  • 100 gr salted butter, soften in room temperature
  • 80 gr icing sugar
  • 3 tbsp rose petal jam (you can use raspberry jam for raspberry butter cream)
  • few drops rose essence
In medium bowl, cream butter until pale and fluffy. Then whisk all other ingredients until well blended and fluffy. Spoon into zip lock bag or piping bag. Keep in refrigerator until ready to use for macarons filling.

For Macarons shells.
Make 30~35 pairs depending how big you pipe your macarons
  • 70 gr egg white, today I use fresh egg white, cold (I'm doing some experiment use different condition of egg white)
  • 50 gr caster sugar (reduce by 10 gr for less sweet)
  • 100 gr almond flour
  • 140 gr powdered sugar
  • few drop rose essence
  • 2~3 drops red gel color (optional)

1) Put almond flour and icing sugar in food processor then process for about 3 minute or so until you get powdery mixture. Scrap down with spatula to evenly fine the mixture and start process again until you get fine powdery mixture.
Then sieve twice or three times into a bowl, press with back of the spoon until you get fine mixture. Set a side.
Note : 
sift the dry ingredients a few times to aerate the mixture and  for remove any big chunks of almond or pistachio flour to make smooth macarons cookie shells.

2) ฤฐn clean mixing glass/ metal bowl (do not use plastic bowl) whisk egg white until foamy. 
Note to success:
It's important to keep your mixing bowl and utensil grease-free cause meringue very very very hate oil-even just a touch of it! Plastic bowl has risk with grease even after you clean them. I always avoid to use plastic mixing bowl.

Gradually beat in caster sugar one spoon at a time. Continuously whisk between each addition. Keep to whisk until glossy and stiff peak. 
Glossy and hard peak egg white

3) After you get stiff and glossy egg white, turn you mixer at medium speed, whisk in food color (if using), whisk in low speed just until combine.

4) Dump all almond mixture to meringue, then with fold motion combine almond mixture with the meringue. At first 10th or 15th folds you may still get uneven/ rough mixture, keep folding until you get mild batter BUT NOT RUNNY. The batter should has ribbon stage consistency. See more step by step illustration here.

5) Transfer to piping bag with round tip (about 2 cm). And pipe to baking tray line with parchment paper approximately 4 to 5 cm in diameter (depending how big you prefer for your macarons). Make space approximately 2,5 cm between each round.  

6) After you pipe all batter, rap that baking tray few times (each side) to remove air bubble. ฤฐf you see some obvious bubble in the surface of your macarons you can puncture it with a toothpick. 

7) Let them sit for about 45 to 60 minute (depend on your local humidity and temperature) or until they dry on surface (when you gently touch it surface, it will not stick in your finger). This drying step to form "skin" on your macarons you you'll get nice "feet" when you bake later.

8) Pre heat your oven at 130 to 140 Celsius ( fan force) at least 15 minutes before baking time. Bake about 18 to 20 minute.  Test them 1st before you take from oven by press them gently, if it's strong and hard enough they should be okay.
Cool them completely before remove from parchment paper, otherwise your macarons will stick on your parchment paper.
Note: I had a little bit difficulty for unmold my macarons from baking mat I just bought. It has to be cool completely and need help with a thin knife to unmold my heart shape macarons.

Assembly the macarons.

Pair your macarons shells that fit best together. Take one shell from each pair then pipe (or spoon) the filling. Place the second shell cookie pressing gently on the filling to stick them together.
Once all of the macarons are assembled, you should put them in an airtight container, store them in the refrigerator, and let them rest at least for another 24 hours, they are best after 24!

But if you planning keep you macarons longer, Just keep your macarons shell without filling. Store them in airtight container/ ziplock bag and keep in freezer up to 2 months (my own experience).

Happy baking everyone!

Check my other Macarons recipe HERE.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me ๐Ÿ˜Š Send me some ๐Ÿ’š


  1. These are stunning. I love macarons and the rose flavored would be delightful, perfect for Mother's day here in the US.

  2. I have always found macarons super sweet, so I am excited to try your recipe. I think the molds are pretty cute!--but I can see why they would be more of a pain... My daughter would adore these.

    1. thank You Laura... and please let me know how this recipe works for you.

  3. I have always found macarons rather sweet too--I am excited to try your recipe. My daughter would love these!

  4. These are so pretty! I've been so afraid to make macarons, but you make it look easy - may just have to muster up the courage and give it a shot :D Good macarons are pretty pricey here in the US, too, so would be nice to make them for much cheaper at home.

  5. Oh my goodness these are so pretty! I love the idea of that rose buttercream...yum!

  6. Citra, these are so delicate and pretty! I am certain that the flavors are anything but. Such a wonderful flavor to add the rose essence!


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