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Strawberry yogurt cupcake with strawberry buttercream

Selam everybody.... Merhaba from Turkey.

What I like about yogurt cake is very simple and quick to make. Like this fresh strawberry yogurt cupcake I made today. The cake was so fresh with fresh strawberry chunk inside yet fluffy and moist cake.

Every evening after dinner we-like other Turkish family- always have our Turkish tea time. For me drinking tea without any snack along with it, is just not like my style, so these strawberry cupcake are perfect for our tea time cake in front of TV.

Also if you are coffee lover, you should make them also. Cause these delish cupcake it's just perfect for afternoon coffee. Enjoy it with your favorite coffee, on your very comfortable couch with unfinished fave book. ^,^
Strawberry yogurt cupcake with strawberry buttercream
For the complete beautiful touch I made fresh strawberry butter cream icing for garnish and enrich this tasteful strawberry yogurt cupcake.
Look at them with that high cone ice cream-look alike..aren't they just adorable? Almost too cute to eat.... ALMOST. ๐Ÿ˜

But if you want to skip the butter cream it's okay, replace it with some strawberry or lemon icing glaze. They are still tasty as should be.

Make 12 big or 24 small cupcakes

  • 170 g salted butter
  • 2 large eggs 
  • 130 g thick Turkish yogurt (use your local product but make sure it's thick one)
  • 90 ml milk 
  • 200 gr AP flour
  • 10 gr cornstarch
  • 110 gr caster sugar
  • ¼ tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 2 tsp vanilla powder
  • 150 g fresh strawberries, chopped


1. Preheat oven to 170
°C~180°C. Line cupcake mold with 12 big or 24 small cupcake paper.

2. Shift together flour, cornstarch, sugar, vanilla powder, baking soda and baking power in a large bowl. Set a side.

3. In other big bowl beat butter, eggs, milk and yogurt. Beat on medium speed just until smooth. Turn off mixer, add in flour mixture and continue to whisk at low medium speed just until well combine, do not over mix.

4. Fold in the strawberries chunk. Spoon the batter into cupcakes liners 
¾ full. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean. Allow cupcakes to cool completely on cooling rack before icing/ decorate.
Strawberry yogurt cupcake with strawberry buttercream

Fresh Strawberry buttercream:
  • 500 g unsalted butter
  • 400~500 g  icing sugar
  • 5~7 big size strawberry, roughly chopped so you'll get chunk on your buttercream
  • strawberry essence few drops (optional)
  • 4 tbsp milk/water
  • ½ tbsp gelatin
How to make strawberry buttercream.
  1. Place 4 tbsp water/milk in small sauce pan, sprinkle gelatin over it, let it stand for 5 to 10 minutes. Then heat over low heat until gelatin dissolves completely.
  2. Beat unsalted butter until creamy and fluffy. Gradually beat in icing sugar and continue to whisk until smooth.
  3. Whisk in strawberry essence and shredded one, whisk to combine. Then add in warm gelatin mixture and continue to whisk until combine well.
  4. Spoon into piping bag with any nozzle tip you prefer (I use open star nozzle) and keep in refrigerator until your cupcake ready to icing/ decorate.

Strawberry yogurt cupcake with strawberry buttercream


Make 12 big or 24 small cupcakes

๐Ÿ“ 170 g mentega asin, lembekkan suhu ruang
๐Ÿ“ 2 telur ukuran besar
๐Ÿ“ 130 g yogurt kental
๐Ÿ“ 90 ml susu cair
๐Ÿ“ 200 gr terigu serba guna (protein sedang)
๐Ÿ“ 10 gr pati jagung
๐Ÿ“ 110 gr gula kastor
๐Ÿ“ ¼ sdt baking Soda (soda kue)
๐Ÿ“ 1 sdt baking powder
๐Ÿ“ 2 sdt bubuk vanilla atau 1 sdt vanilla ekstrak
๐Ÿ“ 150 g strawberry segar,potong kecil-kecil


1. Panaskan oven suhu 170
°C~180°C. Alasi loyang muffin/ cupcake dengan kertas cupcake (12 ukuran besar atau 24 ukuran kecil).

2. Ayak jadi satu terigu, pati jagung, gula pasir halus, vanilla, BP dan BS dalam mangkok besar. Sisihkan.

3. Di mangkok lain, mixer mentega, telur, susu dan yogurt sampai tercampur rata dan halus. Lalu masukkan semua bahan kering dan mixer dengan kecepatan rendah sebentar saja asal tercampur. JANGAN OVER MฤฐX.

4. Masukkan potongan strawberry dan aduk balik hingga rata. Sendokkan adonan ke dalam cetakan sampai 
¾ bagian penuh. panggang 35 - 40 mnt atau sampai lidi ditusukkan ke tengah cake tidak basah. Dinginkan sebelum di frosting.

Fresh Strawberry buttercream:
    ๐Ÿ“ 500 g mentega asin
    ๐Ÿ“ 400~500 g gula icing
    ๐Ÿ“ 5~7 buah strawberry ukurn besar, serut kasar
    ๐Ÿ“ strawberry essence (optional)
    ๐Ÿ“ 4 sdm air / susu
    ๐Ÿ“ ½ sdm gelatin bubuk

    How to make strawberry buttercream.
    1. Taruh 4 sdm air/ susu di panci kecil, taburkan bubuk gelatin dan biarkan kurleb 5 - 10 mnt hingga mengembang. Panaskan diatas api sangat kecil hingga larut dan bening.
    2. Mixer mentega hingga mengembang dan pucat, masukkan gula icing sedikit demi sedikit sambil tetap dimixer hingga halus dan rata.
    3. Tambahkan strawberry essence  dan serutan strawberry, aduk balik hingga rata. Lalu campurkan gelatin cair sambil diaduk hingga rata.
    4. Pindahkan ke piping bag dan spuitkan diatas cupcake yang sudah dingin.
    Selamat mencoba. Happy baking. ๐Ÿ“


    1. These are cupcake perfections! Beautiful buttercream piping and love the bits of strawberries in it too!!

    2. They look so pretty! What a beautiful strawberry cupcake!

    3. These cupcakes look so delicious, I love all of the icing on top!

    4. Oh my gosh, those look amazing! That buttercream...WOW!!

    5. Citra, these are beautiful! And with the beautiful strawberries coming later this Spring/Summer, this is a perfect recipe to keep on hand. Thanks!


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