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Indonesian style Chicken skewer sausage a.k.a Sempol Ayam

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam everybody.......Merhaba from Turkey.

Indonesian people very much love eating outside. That is why you will find many kind of street food everywhere. Mobile cart or stall along some main streets. 
Also we have many kind of street food, start from snack, main dish until dessert or even beverages. One from those thousand outside is this chicken skewer sausage or in Indonesian we call it "sempol ayam".

This skewer snack most popular in east Java. This snack is most favorite especially among students because mostly the seller open their mobile cart near schools. But later on the popularity wasn't just around the school anymore since it became everybody's favorite now.

So today I will bring Indonesian street food favorite in my house. Beside we can get the best and healthy ingredients we also can vary it with some vegetables which we never find in street food version.

Indonesian style Chicken skewer sausage a.k.a Sempol Ayam| Çitra's Home Diary. #sempolayam #chickenskewer #indonesianfood #streetfood #asianfood

The recipe I find from one Facebook cooking group. Few people already tried and recooked that recipe and said it was great and worth to try. So here I'm using the recipe from Shaafiyya Suwarno~I didn't know her (^,^) . But thank you for sharing your recipe.
Recipe by Shaafiyya Suwarno 
recooked by me

  • 500 g ground chicken 
  • 100 g tapioca starch 
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 5 cloves of garlic, finely minced (I crushed and puree my garlic with 1 tsp salt)
  • 1 tsp black pepper powder
  • salt to taste
  • Chicken powder (optional)
  • 1 carrot, medium, finely cubed (I use 2 medium)
  • 1~2 spring onion, finely chopped
For frying:
  • 2 egg, lightly beaten ( I use 1 big egg beat with 5 tbsp water)
  • some bamboo skewer
  • enough cooking oil for deep fry
How to make:
  1. Process chicken in food processor until smooth. Mix in tapioca starch, baking soda, egg, garlic puree (with salt) and pepper powder also chicken powder (if using). Pulse few time until well blended.
  2. Add in carrot and spring onion, pulse once or twice to blend. Move the mixture into a bowl.
  3. Boil water in a big pan with about 3 tbsp cooking oil, then lower the heat once it's boiling. Prepare your skewer. You can cut the skewer in half to make smaller skewer sausage and easier for you to boil and fry later.
  4. You need to lightly oil your palm during this step to prevent batter sticky to your palm. Take enough sausage mixture and start to stick the batter around the skewer. With fast circle movement try to cover your skewer with the chicken batter so it won't slip down again.
  5. Then put into boiling water. If you see skewer sausage floating over the boiling water it means it cooked and you can drain them from water. Do to the rest of the batter till you finish it up. Make ahead tip: you can keep the skewer sausage in fridge from this step.
  6. Heat enough cooking oil in a wok or deep frying pan. Beat the egg with 5 tbsp of water. Dip each skewer into the egg wash then fry until they are golden red.
  7. Serve warm immediately with chili sauce or ketchup.



Assalamu'alaykum...Merhaba dari Turki.

Kali ini edisi pengen cemal cemil tapi bingung mau bikin apa yang bahannya gampang tersedia disini.

Beberapa waktu lalu di sebuah grup masak di FB, banyak sekali yang posting sempol ayam ini...Jadinya pengen bikin juga buat camilan anak...eehhh...pas suami coba..dia suka juga..ya sudah...akhirnya ngulang-nambah bikinnya buat stok di kulkas. Jadi kalau lagi pengen tinggal goreng saja.

Resepnya disebut dari Shaafiyya Suwarno...saya nggak kenal dengan yang punya resep, tapi karena banyak yang recook dan suka hasilnya, jadi ikutan pakai resepnya mbk Shaafiyya ini. Makasih ya sudah berbagi resepnya.
Ini saya tulis kembali resep aslinya.

Sempol ayam oleh: Shaafiyya Suwarno 

  • 500 gr Daging Ayam giling halus 
  • 100 gr tepung Tapioka 
  • 1 butir Telur 
  • 1 sdt soda kue 
  • 1 Batang wortel cincang halus~saya pakai 2 ukuran medium 
  • Daun Brambang ( ini bahasa Surabaya) iris halus~saya pakai 2 tangkai daun bawang 
  • Air dan minyak goreng untuk direbus 
Bumbu Halus:
  • 5 siung bawang putih 
  • 1 sdt merica halus 
  • Garam 
  • Penyedap / kaldu bubuk secukupnya 

  • 2 butir telur ,kocok lepas~ saya pakai 1 telur dikocok dengan 5 sdm air 


  1. Campur daging Ayam giling,tepung Tapioka,soda kue,1 btr telur, 
  2. Wortel,daun brambang,dan bumbu halus, 
  3. Uleni pelan" saja dengan sendok kayu,sampai tercampur rata 
  4. Siapkan tusuk sate,buang bagian tajamnya 
  5. Rebus Air dan Minyak goreng di panci sampai mendidih ,kecilkan apinya 
  6. Oles tangan dengan minyak goreng,ambil adonan lalu tempelkan adonan ke tusuk sate seperti bikin sate lilit, 
  7. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam panci rebusan air dan minyak tadi 
  8. Setelah naik ke permukaan, angkat dan tiriskan,lakukan sampai adonan habis 
  9. Panaskan minyak goreng agak banyak supaya bisa terendam waktu menggoreng Sempol 
  10. Celupkan Sempol yang sudah matang ke kocokan telur 
  11. Goreng sampai kuning kecoklatan


  1. I've never made skewers like this and I'm definitely missing out! The combo of flavors looks just incredible. Street food oh yes!!

    1. Thank you Debra. Yaayyy for homemade healthy street food (^,^)

  2. Chicken on a tick is always a nice snack but served like this nd with all the spices is so fancy loved it =)

    1. thank you Adriana.. Hope you can try it in your kitchen :)

  3. I can see why you'd want to try this dish! It looks delicious. I am sure I would eat the whole batch myself!

  4. ini nih yang dinamakan sempol,
    gak kaya yang di jual itu tuh... sempolnya dikit banget.
    coba dulu ah...


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