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Failproof Zebra Cake Putih Telur / Zebra Cake recipe (from egg whites)

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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

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This is my another ultimate zebra cake from egg whites. If you are my regular reader of my blog you might already familiar with my previous Zebra cake from egg white as well with steamed methodOr you might notice that I had posted so many cake/ dessert using left over eggwhites, just check my "egg white" category on this page.

We use many recipes using only egg yolks, but unfortunately not so many of us have recipe using egg whites only other than macarons and maybe angelfood cake. 
Why don't you try this gorgeous and delicious zebra cake, I'll guarantee you gonna love it and it will be on your repeatable cake to make.

It's easy to make and fail proof. I took the recipe from one Indonesian Cooking Club's recipe. 

ZEBRA CAKE from egg whites recipe

By              : NCC
recook by : Citra's Home Diary

  • 350 gr egg whites (I use leftover one)
  • 200 gr icing sugar ( I use 180 gr caster sugar but still it's too sweet for me, but of course depend on your own taste)
  • 1 tsp cake emulsifier (You can skip if you don't have it)
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 175 gr medium protein flour (I use AP flour and it worked just fine)
  • 2 tbsp milk powder
  • 200 gr butter, melted
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tbsp chocolate paste ( I use black forest paste)
  • 1 tsp mocca paste ( I skip this)


1. Preheated oven to 
170°C. Grease 20 x 7 cm round pan with margarine and line with baking paper, set aside.
In clean big bowl beat the egg white and emulsifier until frothy.  Add in lemon juice and sugar slowly while beating until it become hard peak.

2. Turn your mixer to lowest level then sift in flour and milk powder. Whisk slowly just until combined. Turn the mixer off. Slowly add melted butter and vanilla paste/ extract then fold nicely to well combine.

3. Take about 
part of the batter and fold with chocolate paste and Mocca paste. Pour into prepared pan alternately between white and brown batter to make zebra pattern.

4. Bake into a preheated oven at 170
°C for about 35 minutes or until a skewer comes out clean when inserted in the middle of the cake.
Note: Recognize your own oven, it may give different heat result.

Enjoy and happy baking.

⥥ ⥥ ⥥ ⥥ PIN THIS FOR MAKE LATER ⥥ ⥥ ⥥ ⥥


Assalamu'alaykum......Salam dan merhaba dari Turki .

Di rumah saya selalu punya stok sisa putih telur... selalu. Apalagi memasuki musim dingin seperti ini dimana saya sering masak soup ala Turki yang menggunakan kuning telur saja. Bisa dibayangin ya soup yang saya bikin dengan menggunakan campuran kuning telur, pastinya creamy, lezat dan menghangatkan suhu tubuh.

Daaannn.... karena sebelumnya juga saya bikin lapis legit prune yang legit pula kalorinya.......hehehehe 😃, karena tahu sendiri kan bahan lapis legit yang pakai buanyaakk kuning telur dan butter. Ntar ya lapis legitnya saya posting juga....gantian.

Resepnya saya pakai resep dari Bu Fatmah Bahalwan (NCC) yang terkenal failproof alias anti gagal. Makanya postingan kali ini juga saya sertakan dalam NCC Event online resep anti gagal yang linknya bisa di lihat disini.

So happy akhirnya dapat badge dari NCC online event resep anti gagal

Untuk loyang yang dipakai adalah 20 cm, tinggi 7 cm (saya pakai loyang bentuk hati kapasitas sama). Olesi dengan margarin dan alasi kertas baking. Panaskan oven suhu 170°C


By        : NCC
recook: by Citra's Home Diary
  • 350 gr putih telur
  • 200 gr gula halus ( saya pakai gula pasir halus 180 gr, tapi menurut saya masih terlalu manis,tentu sesuai selera masing-masing)
  • 1 sdt cake emulsifier (SP)
  • 1 sdt air jeruk lemon
  • 175 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
  • 2 sdm susu bubuk full cream
  • 200 gr mentega cair
  • 1 sdt vanili
  • 1 sdm pasta cokelat
  • 1 sdt pasta mocca (saya skip)

1. Kocok putih telur, tuang gula dan cake emulsifier hingga kental, tuang air jeruk lemon, aduk rata.

2. Masukkan terigu, aduk rata. Tuang mentega cair dan vanilli aduk lagi hingga rata.

Ambil sepertiga adonan, campur dengan pasta coklat dan mocca, aduk.

3. tuang kedalam loyang bulat, dititik tengah, berganti-ganti, putih dan coklat, hingga nantinya akan membentuk motif zebra. Lalu dengan menggunakan sumpit saya tarik motif dari tengah loyang ke arah luar.

4. panggang dalam oven hingga matang. Saya panggang dalam oven 170
°C selama kurleb 35 menit, cek kematangan dengan tusuk sate.

Note: Loyang bulat diameter 20 cm, tinggi 7 cm 
 (saya pakai loyang bentuk hati kapasitas sama). Olesi dengan margarin dan alasi kertas baking.


Check my other yummy posts:

Steamed  Zebra Cake from Egg White

Matcha Marble Japanese Cheesecake

Marble Ogura Cake recipe


  1. Such a cool looking cake! I imagine you could edit it a whole bunch to make it colorful for any season.

    1. thx Asley... yes you can vary this recipe for any occasion you want...that would be great idea for me too


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