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Failproof Condensed Milk Pie (tart) / Pie Susu anti gagal

Resep dalam bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam everybody...Merhaba from Turkey.

Who doesn't love delish creamy and yummy little tart for after dinner dessert. This is our kind of fave dessert. My family and I love it so much. Combination of melt in mouth pie shell together with silky cream condensed milk custard as filling would indulge our appetite as dessert should be.

My post today is special I make for an event by one large Indonesian cooking club, Natural Cooking club (NCC). The event calls failproof recipe by NCC. So we should cook and post any recipe from that cooking club. For Indonesian food blogger anywhere you can check this link to find more about it. 

And now let's talk about this seriously yummy milk pie. I made the shell pie a night before but you want to make it straight in a day that's even better. The shell is melt in your mouth type of pie shell, cookie dough alike. Just so perfect combination for this milky mini pie.

As it tittle, these cute heaven bites made just 3 ingredients as filling! The great combination and composition of condensed milk, heavy cream and yolks, that's it. Add few drops of vanilla paste/ extract.. you'll get the best, cute, yummy mini tart to enjoy with family or friends.

Go ahead and grab some ingredients from fridge and try this creamy milk pie, it's easy to make than you think.

Condensed Milk Pie recipe

Recipe by Natural Cooking Club
recook by Citra's Home Diary

Make about 25 mini pies
For pie shell:
  • 300 gr butter
  • 2 Tbsp icing sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 500 gr flour medium protein (I use AP flour)
How to make pie shell:
1 ) In a big bowl mix and knead all ingredients. Roll with a rolling pin about 4 mm thin, use a plastic sheet or parchment paper to avoid sticking.
2) Prepare mini tart tin mold - about 5 cm diameter bottom part- lightly grease with margarine/ butter. Press the pie shell into a tin mold, and trim the excess (see illustration below).
Other way is you can weight about 30 gr shell dough and press into tin mold, trim the excess.
Set a side while you make filling.

Ingredient for filling:
  • 8 medium size egg yolks, lightly beaten
  • 400 ml dairy whipped cream
  • 1 can (375 gr) condensed milk. I use my homemade condensed milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla paste
  • ½ tsp fine salt
How to make: 

1) Whisk together whipped cream, condensed milk, vanilla and salt.

2) Mix in beaten yolks and continue to whisk until well combined. Pass the mixture through a very fine sift or cheesecloth to get a smooth texture.
3) Pour into prepared shell pie and bake at preheated oven at 180°C until filling set and golden brown. I bake mine at 160°C about 40 minutes

Enjoy and happy baking.


Assalamu'alaikum.......Merhaba dari Turki.

Posting "dessert" lagi ya... Kali ini mini pie susu. Resepnya saya sadur dari NCC sekaligus meramaikan ajang event online NCC resep anti gagal. Jika kalian NCC fan juga dan suka banget dengan resep-resepnya yang anti gagal alias fail proof bisa klik link eventnya disini buat lihat kumpulan resepnya NCC yang sudah di recook oleh foodies yang lain.

Suka banget dengan resep mini pie susu ini, selain list bahannya yang gak panjang alias gak banyak macemnya, hasilnya pun enak, creamy dan yang pasti bikin ketagihan, beneran deh. Suami minta dibikinin lagi begitu pie ini habis di kulkas 😚 

Resep pie susu NCC
recook Citra's Home Diary

Bahan kulit:
  • 300 gr mentega
  • 2 sdm gula halus
  • 3 btr kuning telur
  • 500 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
Cara membuatnya:
Campur semua bahan menjadi satu, uleni hingga berbutir-butir. Satukan, kepal-kepal, gilas.
Cetak pada cetakan pie diameter 5 cm yg sudah dipoles dengan mentega. Sisihkan. (Lihat ilustrasi gambar diatas ya)

Bahan isi :
  • 8 btr kuning telur
  • 400 ml dairy whipped cream
  • 1 klg (375 g)  susu kental manis (saya pakai skm homemade)
  • 1 sdt vanilla pasta
  • ½ sdt garam
Cara membuatnya:
Aduk whipped cream, susu kental manis, vanilla dan garam, sisihkan.
Kocok lepas kuning telr, campur dengan adonan whipped cream. Saring.
Tuangkan pada kulit pie. Panggang dalam oven suhu 180’ (saya panggang suhu 160 °C sekitar 40 mnt)
Jadi 27 pcs @30gr adonan, pada cetakan diameter 5cm.

Tips: rendahkan suhu oven bila terlihat isi pie meletup. Dengan demikian permukaan pie tetap mulus.

Selamat mencoba.


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