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Sate donat kentang / Potato doughnuts holes in skewer

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Selam everybody......Merhaba from Turkey.

One of repeat request snack in my house is this potato doughnut. İf you never make potato doughnut before you might try this soon. The mashed potato using here is adding the fluffy -ness of these donuts. Believe me, it will be a new fave around your house soon as well.

From this basic recipe you can freely shape your donut as your liking. topping them with anything your fave or even fill it with any filling you want. But this donut hole in skewer is the most request from my daughter. İ just simply coat them with icing sugar and cinnamon

One of repeat snack in my house is this potato doughnuts. İf you never make potato doughnut before you might try this soon. The mashed potato using here is adding the fluffy -ness of these donut. Believe me, it will be new fave around your house soon as well. #doughnuts #potatodoughnuts #doughnutholes
And this post also submitted for an event by one large Indonesian cooking club, Natural Cooking club (NCC). The event calls failproof recipe by NCC. So we should cook and post any recipe from that cooking club. For Indonesian food blogger anywhere you can check this link to find more about it. 

Potato Doughnuts

  • 500 g AP flour
  • 50 g milk powder
  • 200 g mashed potato
  • 11 g instant yeast
  • 100 g sugar
  • 75 g butter
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 100 ml cold water
  • İcing sugar and ground cinnamon for dusting
  1. Sift together AP flour, milk powder and sugar. Mix in mashed potato, egg yolks and cold water. Knead until it smooth, then knead in butter and salt. Continue kneading until you get smooth  and elastic dough. You can use mixer or kneading by hand. The dough is lightly sticky. Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes.
  2. Flatten the dough and roll onto working table dust with flour. İ use rolling pin and roll into about 3 cm thick. Then cut the dough using small round cookie cutter. Or you can divide the dough into small ball. 
  3. Cover with damp kitchen towel or plastic wrap and let it rest for about 20 minutes or until it fluffy.
  4. Preheat enough cooking oil in deep fry pan. Fry them over medium high heat until golden brown. 
  5. Drain doughnut from excess oil and let it completely cool. İf you want thicker sugar coating, drag your doughnuts while they are slightly warm.
  6. I simply drag my doughnuts over icing sugar mix with ground cinnamon. Arrange them on skewer then serve.


  1. kayaknya asyik nih membuat donat yg beda dari biasanya :)

    1. makasih +Santi Dewi.. iya ...anak saya sukannya kaya' gini..

  2. I'll bet the inclusion of potato and the egg yolks make these doughnuts especially wonderful - they look great!

  3. Potato doughnuts are so delicious. My family would appreciate them served on a skewer, such as these!

  4. I'm a HUGE donut fan! Never heard of a potato donut. You learn something new every day...

  5. This looks delicious! I love the idea of potato in the donuts. Must try!

  6. Potatoes and donuts? What more you one want? These look fabulous!

  7. Wow! Who wouldn't love these fried potato donuts?! Powdered cinnamon and sugar sounds so good! I'm surprised at how fluffy the donuts look inside. Can't wait to give these a try to see how they compare to regular donuts. Thanks!

  8. Mmmmmm!!!! I need to try and make sweet potato donuts!

  9. These donuts look amazing! I have to give this one a try!


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