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Çiğ Börek / Turkish meat filling fried pastry

Resep dalam bhs İndonesia ada dibagian bawah

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Çiğ börek (Turkish Raw meat pastry). And since börek is almost everyday meal in our house, today İ am going to share on of our favorite börek called çiğcbörek (read; chee borek). Çiğ means raw, because this börek, filled with raw mincemeat and fried in oil. #börek #burek #borek #cigborek #çiğbörek #turkishfood #meatpastry #turnoverrecipe #breakfast #friedpastry

Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkey 

From many foods you should try during your visit to Turkey is börek. 
Börek/ burek/ borek is made in numerous different shapes and filling but its unifying characteristic tends to be the usage of cheese.

Börek can be either  oven baked, pan fried or slightly deep fried. Generally, the preparation method is adapted to the given shape of the pastry.
This popular meal may be prepared in a large pan and cut into portions after baking or as individual pastries. You can check my "böreklar" category to know more about this wide various Turkish pastry

Çiğ börek (Turkish Raw meat pastry). And since börek is almost everyday meal in our house, today İ am going to share on of our favorite börek called çiğcbörek (read; chee borek). Çiğ means raw, because this börek, filled with raw mincemeat and fried in oil. #börek #burek #borek #cigborek #çiğbörek #turkishfood #meatpastry #turnoverrecipe #breakfast #friedpastry
And since börek is an almost everyday meal in our house, today İ am going to share one of our favorite börek called çiğcbörek/ çibörek (read; chee borek). Pastry shell filled with raw mincemeat and fried in oil, is very popular in Turkey in places where a Tatar community exists, such as Eskişehir and Konya.

The deep-fried turnover-like with ground or minced meat and onions as filling. It is made with a single round piece of dough folded over the filling in a half-moon shape.
So if you wanna experience one of Turkish street food you come to the right page to get the best Turkish food recipe.
Let's jump to the recipe shall we

Make about 15-18 pcs (depending on how big you want)
Ingredients for pastry:
  • 500 gr AP flour
  • 55 gr thick Turkish yogurt
  • about 1 tbsp (15 ml) olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 medium egg
  • 150 ml + 50 ml water
  • Oil for frying
Filling ingredients:
  • 300 gr ground beef (İ use with 10% fat)
  • 1 big onion, finely chopped or shredded
  • 1 clove of garlic finely minced
  • 1 tsp salt or to taste
  • ½ tsp black pepper powder
  • red pepper flake (optional)
  • about 150-200 ml water
How to make:

1) İn a big kneading bowl mix all ingredients except oil for frying. Add 1st portion of water (150 ml) then knead to combine. 

2) Continue to knead until you get an elastic dough. You might add more water if you feel your dough still dry/ hard to knead, add 2nd portion (50 ml) of the water but do it carefully. İf you already get soft and elastic dough (if you push the dough it will spring back) you are done. Shape it a ball and cover with a damp kitchen towel and let it rest about 30 minutes.

Çiğ börek (Turkish Raw meat pastry). And since börek is almost everyday meal in our house, today İ am going to share on of our favorite börek called çiğcbörek (read; chee borek). Çiğ means raw, because this börek, filled with raw mincemeat and fried in oil. #börek #burek #borek #cigborek #çiğbörek #turkishfood #meatpastry #turnoverrecipe #breakfast #friedpastry

3) Meanwhile mix all filling ingredients and set a side.

4) Divide the dough into 1-18 balls. Flatten each ball on lightly floured table. Using rolling pin open the dough and roll it pretty thin, place enough filling over one side of that round dough then fold into half circle. Press to shield the edges then using serrated cutter trim the edge to get serrated edges. Other way you can just simply press the edge with fork. Do to all remaining dough and filling.

5) Heat enough olive oil (or vegetable oil) in a wide frying pan. Fry the pastry/ börek until golden brown in batches.

Enjoy while its hot. Afiyet Olsun

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
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Çiğ börek (Turkish Raw meat pastry). And since börek is almost everyday meal in our house, today İ am going to share on of our favorite börek called çiğcbörek (read; chee borek). Çiğ means raw, because this börek, filled with raw mincemeat and fried in oil. #börek #burek #borek #cigborek #çiğbörek #turkishfood #meatpastry #turnoverrecipe #breakfast #friedpastry



السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Salah satu makanan popular lainnya yang wajib dicoba ketika berkunjung ke Turkey adalah börek. Börek adalah juga makanan pokok selain roti, yaitu sejenis pastry dengan isian bermacam-macam (umumnya keju) disajikan mulai sebagai sarapan hingga makan malam.

Selain bentuk dan isian yang bervariasi, cara membuat börek pun ada beberapa cara misalnya dipanggang dalam oven, atau dipanggang langsung diatas api dengan menggunakan wajan yang lebar (saç tava), ataupun digoreng. Jika ingin melihat dan mencoba jenis börek lainnya bisa dilihat di kategori "böreklar".

Nah...kali ini saya ingin bagikan salah satu jenis börek kesukaan keluarga saya yaitu çiğ börek. İni jenis börek yang digoreng.
Çiğ börek secara harfiah berarti pastry mentah (çiğ=mentah. börek=pastry). Yaitu börek yang diisi cincangan daging yang tidak dimasak terlebih dahulu. İsian daging ini akan dimasak/ digoreng bersamaan dengan kulit pastrynya sehingga akan didapat isian daging yang juicy dalam börek nantinya.

Saya suka banget dengan çiğ börek ini... pas deh dengan lidah İndonesia saya..mirip-mirip pastel tapi beda isi saja. Pengen coba makanan khas Turki ini? yuk..bahan-bahannya mudah kok.

Çiğ börek (Turkish Raw meat pastry). And since börek is almost everyday meal in our house, today İ am going to share on of our favorite börek called çiğcbörek (read; chee borek). Çiğ means raw, because this börek, filled with raw mincemeat and fried in oil. #börek #burek #borek #cigborek #çiğbörek #turkishfood #meatpastry #turnoverrecipe #breakfast #friedpastry

Resep Çiğ Börek (pastry goreng isi daging cincang khas Turki)
Bahan kulit:
  • 500 gr terigu serba guna
  • 55 gr plain yoghurt kental
  • kurleb 1 sdm olive oil
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 1 telur
  • 150 ml + 50 ml air
  • minyak untuk menggoreng
Bahan isi:
  • 300 gr daging sap icincang (saya gunakan daging cincang dengan 10% lemak)
  • 1 bawang bombay ukuran besar, cincang halus
  • 1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
  • 1 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
  • ½ sdt bubuk merica
  • bubuk cabe sesuai selera (optional)
  • sekitar 150 ml air
Çiğ börek (Turkish Raw meat pastry). And since börek is almost everyday meal in our house, today İ am going to share on of our favorite börek called çiğcbörek (read; chee borek). Çiğ means raw, because this börek, filled with raw mincemeat and fried in oil. #börek #burek #borek #cigborek #çiğbörek #turkishfood #meatpastry #turnoverrecipe #breakfast #friedpastry

Cara membuat:

1) Campur semua bahan untuk kulit kecuali minyak goreng. Tuangi air 150 ml terlebih dahulu dan uleni hingga kalis. Jika diperlukan penambahan air bisa ditambahkan dari porsi yang kedua (50ml) tapi tambahkan sedikit demi sedikit saja. Tutup dengan plastic wrap atau serbet lembab dan istirahatkan sekitar 30 mnt.

2) Campur semua bahan untuk isian dan sisihkan.

3) Bagi adonan menjadi 15-18 bagian (bola kecil). Lalu gilas bulat setipis mungkin, letakkan isi disalah satu sisi lalu lipat menjadi setengah lingkaran. Tekan tepiannya untuk melekatkan sisinya. Lalu potong tepinya dengan pisau bergerigi atau bisa juga dengan garpu. Lakukan hingga semua adonan habis.

4) Goreng hingga keemasan. Hidangkan segera selagi hangat.

Selamat mencoba. Afiyet Olsun.


Check my other Yummy recipe:

Gül Böreğı (Turkish "Rose" pastry)


  1. This recipe looks so interesting and delicious! Awesome recipe! My hubby is going to love these pastries.


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