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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
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Selam...Merhaba from Türkey.
İt's pineapple tart cookies AGAIN...!! 😉
YYaaayyy..... İ hope you are not bored with it. Yep. This is the MOST repeatable cookie İ made for our cookie jar.
İ lloovvee it and never get bored of it. İf you know what pineapple tart cookies ( İnd, Nastar) is and you ate them before İ believe you like them as well.
Pineapple tarts cookies is one of Indonesian traditional (and some neighbouring countries) cookies that commonly made and serve during religious holiday such as Eid-el Fitr or christmas along with many other traditional cookies like; kaastengels, putri salju, pastel mini, Butter cokies or simple chocolate cookies and more.
But in my house, no need to wait until holiday season to have this melt in mouth yummy cookies. Me and family always have evening tea time just like other Turkish family~and it would be very nice to have some cookies with it, right?
So I always have jars full with some cookies and this pineapple tarts cookies (nastar) is almost never empty cause I love it so much!
With sweet slightly sour taste from homemade pineapple jam inside of melting yummy cookie dough, nothing can beat this favorite tarts till now.
Even İ make this nastar quite often, as İ mentioned above-we never boring of it because we can vary it as many as we can. Just check my COOKİES CATEGORY to see my "nastar" variations. Just like today, İ make cheesy pineapple tart cookie. Adding some cheese into the dough definitely enrich the taste of this classic Indonesian cookies. 💙
İ didn't add shredded cheese over my cookies as the original recipe, you can add more shredded edam cheese as your prefer, see my another "nastar" with shredded cheese here.
Before making this cookie you need to prepare homemade pineapple jam in advance. See my recipe how to make thick pineapple jam for filling. You may need an only half recipe of that pineapple jam for this recipe.
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Homemade pineapple jam |
Adapted from Catatan Nina
Rebake By Çitra's Home Diary
İngredients :
- 125 g unsalted butter, soften at room temperature
- 25 g margarine, soften at room temperature
- 60 g caster sugar ( İ use icing powder)
- 1 egg + 1 egg yolk
- 150 g shredded cheese ( e.g parmesan, edam or cheddar)
- 150 g low or medium protein flour
- 25 g powdered milk
For topping:
- shredded edam cheese or gouda or other aged and not easy to melt cheese ( İ didn't use)
- 2 to 3 egg yolk mix with 2 tbsp oil for spread over
How to make :
- Sift together flour and powdered milk, set a side.
- Preheat oven at 140-150°C. Line cookie tray with baking paper.
- Cream butter, margarine, icing powder and eggs just until combine.
- Mix in cheese and dry mixture, slowly mix with mixer or you can use wooden spoon.
- Pinch small amount of cookie dough and flatten round on your palm, fill with pineapple jam then close and shape as a small ball. Arrange onto prepared cookie tray with an inch space between the cookies.
- Bake about 20 minutes then take out from oven. Lower the oven to 130°C.
- Brush cookies with egg yolk then sprinkle with shredded cheese (if using) then put back into the oven and continue to bake until golden brown for about 7 minutes or so.
- Take out from oven and chill over cooling rack. Move into airtight jar.
Happy baking 😍
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Assalamu'alaykum. Merhaba dari Türki.
Yaayyyy...nastar lagi.... 😏
Memang gak pernah bosan kok dengan kukis ini. Pokoknya isi toples di rumah hampir gak pernah absen isinya dari nastar...
Kali ini pengen coba resep nastar yang lain yang biasanya saya pakai. Resepnya saya sadur dari Catatan Nina yang koleksi resepnya yang aduhai dengan poto-poto yang cantik.
Kalau pengen lihat koleksi aneka nastar yang lain bisa lihat kategori cookies/ kue kering di bagian kanan halaman ini ya.
Resep dari Catatan Nina
Baking ulang oleh My Home Diary in Turkey
Bahan :
125 gr butter
25 gr margarin
60 gr gula pasir halus (saya pakai gula halus)
1 telur + 1 kuning telur
150 gr keju parut (saya pakai cheddar)
150 gr tepung terigu protein sedang / rendah
25 gr susu bubuk
Isian :
Selai nanas , klik disini untuk membuat selai nanas di rumah
Olesan dan Taburan :
3-4 kuning telur, kocok lepas ( saya pakai 3 kutel + 2 sdm minyak goreng)
Keju cheddar parut secukupnya ( saya skip)
Keju cheddar parut secukupnya ( saya skip)
Cara Membuat :
- Panaskan oven pada suhu 140-150°C (saya; 130°C fan force). Siapkan loyang, alasi kertas baking.
- Ayak jadi satu terigu dan susu bubuk, sisihkan.
- Campur dan kocok butter, margarin, gula halus dan telur sebentar, asal rata saja.
- Masukkan keju, kocok hingga rata sebentar saja kemudian masukkan campuran terigu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk menggunakan sendok kayu.
- Pulung adonan, bentuk bulat atau sesuai selera, beri isian selai nanas kemudian tata di loyang yang sudah disiapkan. Beri jarak antara kukis.
- Panggang hingga matang kurleb 20 menit, lalu keluarkan dari oven dan olesi dengan kuning telur dan taburi keju parut. Turunkan suhu 120°C fan force dan panggang kembali kurleb 7 menit atau sampai keemasan.
- Keluarkan dari oven dan dinginkan diatas rak pendingin sebelum disimpan dalam toples kedap udara.
Selamat mencoba. Happy baking 💛
thanks resepnya, ntar saya coba buat, moga jadi enak.
ReplyDeleteThese sound so good! I haven't thought to mix cheese and pineapple but I love cheese with sweet jam so I know I'd love these. YUM!
ReplyDeleteWhat an interesting combination of flavours. The only time I have ever had cheese and pineapple together is on pizza.
ReplyDeleteI love the make these types of ethnic foods, especially cookies! I can't wait to try these.
ReplyDeleteI had these cookies a long time ago and didn't know the name of them. They look so delicious! I love the combination of flavors together!!
ReplyDeleteThese look so delicious! Such interesting flavors.
ReplyDeleteYou know the only time I have ever eaten pineapple jam in desserts is Indonesia. I remember every time I went to Jakarta I'd pick a small bottle from the gift shop at the hotel. It really is delicious. This looks so good,
ReplyDeleteThe pineapple jam filling here looks SO good! What a fun, tropical addition to a holiday cookie assortment!
ReplyDeleteI love teatime and I can see how these would go perfectly with a nice hot cup of tea! Yum! The ingredients sound divine! I cant wait to try these out!!
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of these before. They look and sound fantastic! I like the addition of shredded cheese, I am such a huge cheese lover. Can you send me some over right now please? :D
ReplyDeleteThis looks really delicious! I love the pineapple jam in the middle
ReplyDeleteIt's like a nice little surprise with that delicious looking filling. Thanks for sharing this recipe!