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AGAİN. Somebody steal my blog contents !

Selam..Merhaba from Turkey.

İ am really upset right now and really angry after İ found another stolen page using mostly my whole blog content for his blog.
The blog name is 

I already report some of content to DMCA copyright removal but since that blog stolen mostly all my blog content.. I couldn't fill many reports. İt's annoying! 😠
Blogspot should remove and ban that blog.

From screenshoot  you can see that most label that blog using also almost exactly same as my label category ... could be that thief got break into my HTML ...hiks.. 😢
anybody could help me please..?

I also already report this case to blogger forum and I hope somebody finally can help me with this annoying thing.

I can't believe that still there is somebody who no pride at all to do this..shame on you! 

TİDAK TAHU MALU! Mencuri hasil kerja orang lain.

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