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Gevrek kandil simidi / Turkish bagel ( simit) shortbread

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

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İ was not in the mood on blogging lately. İt was after İ found somebody copied many of my blog content. See this and you will understand how upset İ am.

What will you do if you were me? quit writing? 
İ reported some post content but it was too he break into my html system and make like " auto blog" from my blog. is holy day in Turkey.. İ will not let somebody without dignity spoil my days and my positive energy. 
And this 13th April is holy kandil religious holiday in Turkey called Miraç kandili.

What is Kandil night?

Kandil taken from word candle from the time of Sultan Selim II who had candles lit in the Mosques Minarets to mark the holy evenings.

There are five kandil night celebration in Turkey. 
The five holy evenings on the Muslim calendar are called Kandil
During the Ottoman Empire Sultan Selim II of 16th century lit candles on the minarets of the mosques in order to announce these holy nights to the public. Since this calendar is calculated with the revolution of the moon around the earth the dates of the Kandils differ every year.
Mevlid Kandili (Mawlid an-Nabi) - The birth of Prophet Mohammad
Regaip Kandili – The night of Muhammed's conception
Miraç Kandili (Lailat al Miraj) – Prophet Mohammad's rising to sky
Berat Kandili (Mid-Sha'ban) – The forgiveness of the sins
Kadir Gecesi (Laylat al-Qadr) – The Koran's first appearance to Prophet Mohammad

And to commemorate that day people usually make and share foods to other or chocolate to kids. The old tradition is people make and share kandil simidi during those kandil nights.

Kandil Simidi is a traditional Turkish simit pastry, which is eaten during the Kandil religious holiday. It is ring-shaped and coated in sesame seeds cookie-look alike. 
During the five nights of Kandil, these pastries are baked and offered to neighbors and relatives.

But most important thing to do during kandil night is we usually read Qur'an and especially  Yasin surah

Gevrek kandil simidi / Turkish bagel ( simit) shortbread. #COOKİES #turkishcuisine #arabiccookies #kuekering #khasturki #makananturki #turkishfoodrecipe #shortbread #mahlep #mahlabpowder #foodphotography

already shared my previous kandil simidi recipe few times ago, but today İ got a different recipe from my Turkish friend that she got from her mother-in-law.

You could check my previous recipe or try this one. Both are great for me even this one has more crumble texture than other recipes.

What makes this shortbread different from any other recipe you probably have is we use mahlep baharat (spice). Mahleb or Mahlab is an aromatic spice made from the seeds of a species of cherry, Prunus mahaleb. İt gives distinctive aroma and flavor. Most savory cookies and shortbread here use this mahlep spice.
You can find it at arabic or turkey spice shop at your local market.

Mahlep (mahlab) powder

So, for you who want to make this at home you can try my recipe here. You do not have to "celebrate" kandil night either to taste and serve this cookie for your friends and fams 😊

Yield about 800 gr

250 gr margarine, room temperature
1 Tbsp apple vinegar
1 big egg (separated yolk from white)
35 gr oil
100 gr thick yogurt
3 tsp (10 gr) baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 tsp (10 gr) sugar
tsp mahlep (mahlab) powder
4 tbsp (40 gr) cornstarch
AP flour 450-500
Toasted Sesame seeds

Gevrek kandil simidi / Turkish bagel ( simit) shortbread. #COOKİES #turkishcuisine #arabiccookies #kuekering #khasturki #makananturki #turkishfoodrecipe #shortbread #mahlep #mahlabpowder #foodphotography

How to:

Preheat oven at 180~190 °C.
İn one bowl put together soft butter, cooking oil, yolks, yogurt. Mix well until blended. 

İn other bowl mix all dry ingredient ( start with 400 gr flour first, add it later as needed), make a well in the center and pour in wet mixture. Start to knead until you can form the dough. İn this stage, you might need more flour, add it a tablespoon at a time.

Prepare your sesame seed in a plater, and beaten egg white near it. Using a rolling pin, roll the dough into about 1 finger thick (see picture above). Then cut into a circle (about 7 cm in diameter), then using small cutter, cut the inner circle as well (see pict above). İ use Turkish tea glass for outer ring and nozzle tip for the inner one.
Dip the ring into egg white then drag into sesame seed.

Arrange onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake them until golden brown about 30 minutes. Let them completely cool before storing them in a cookie jar.

Afiyet Olsun..Enjoy.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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Gevrek kandil simidi / Turkish bagel ( simit) shortbread. #COOKİES #turkishcuisine #arabiccookies #kuekering #khasturki #makananturki #turkishfoodrecipe #shortbread #mahlep #mahlabpowder #foodphotography


  1. These bagels sound delicious! I love any kind of homemade bread. Thank you for sharing them with the #CookOnceEatTwice linky too. I'm so pleased you could join in. I'd be grateful if you could mention it and add a link to it as well to help spread the word!

    1. Hai Corina.. thank you. And yes İ will edit y post after this. xoxo


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