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Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça

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Selam everybody.......
Merhaba from Türkiye 👋

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Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça

Pogačice (diminutive of pogača) is a type of pastry. Pogača, Poğaça or Pogacha (Cyrillic: Πогача) is a type of pastry eaten in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia (in Serbia, traditional in Belgrade bakeries), Montenegro, Hungary, Greece (where its called Bogatsa Μπογατσα) and Turkey (where it is called poğaça) with variations. It is called pogatschen in Austria. 

Pogača is sometimes served hot as an appetizer instead of bread. Hot pogača filled with sour cream (or feta cheese in Turkey and Bulgaria) is considered a particularly delicious specialty.
Mostly eaten for breakfast but also as appetizer during noon together with Turkish bulgur salad (kısır), or potato salad and hot tea.

Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça

In Turkey there are a few types of Poğaça... some use yeast (they call mayalı Poğaça) and some use baking powder. My post now it's yeast poğaça type. 
No yeast version close to pastry texture or shortbread more than bread-y texture. For the non-yeast version, you can visit my previous post here. Or Check the category section  " Börekler" for more variation.

And as I mentioned before, my today post is poğaça with yeast- so I can call it breakfast bread. Because the texture is more to soft bread (typical Asian soft bread). With potato filling. 
This patates poğaça is also famous and mostly eaten during breakfast for everybody in Türkey among many other breakfast menus like simit / Turkish bagel or börek (phyllo pastry)

Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça

You also can mix it with cream cheese for richer flavor or with any favorite filling. Since the filling is potato, you can not keep more than a day in room temperature. Wrap it with ziplock plastic and keep in freezer or refrigerator for longer time. Just warm up in microwave or low temperature oven (wrap with baking paper/ aluminium foil) for few minutes.

This poğaça perfect for kid's and toddler lunch box or maybe your husband's. Absolutely on your list for fill your picnic basket or become your table center during tea time with friends or family gathering 😊

Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça

Very easy to make with the straight dough method and guarantee you are gonna make it again and again 😊

Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça
By: Çitra's Home Diary

🍞 400 gr Flour
🍞 40 gr sugar
🍞 5 gr (1 ½ tsp) dry yeast
🍞 225 gr milk
🍞 1 medium egg
🍞 50 gr butter, melted
🍞 10 gr vegetable oil
🍞 1 tsp salt

Topping brush:
🍞 1 small egg beaten with 2 Tbsp milk/ water
🍞 very soft butter (brush after baking)

Potato filling
🍞 1 medium (± 300 g potato)
🍞 25 gr butter
🍞 3-4 Tbsp water/ milk
🍞 pinch of salt
🍞 pinch of sugar
🍞 grated cheese/ cream cheese (optional)

How to make potato filling:
⇒ Boil or bake potato until soft/ tender then make puré. Mix in butter while it's hot. Add milk/ water, salt and sugar. Mix it well to combine. Set a side. You add cheese if you like.

How to make:

1) Melt butter with oil, set a side. In mixing bowl put flour, sugar and dry instant yeast. Add in milk and egg and Start to knead until it come together. Knead in melted butter + oil and salt. You can use electric mixer or manual kneading. 

2) Continue kneading the dough until it really smooth, elastic, and not tacky to your hand. Round it and cover with plastic wrap or kitchen towel. Let it rest until it double in volume.
Note: The time is depend on your room temperature and humidity. If I make this in winter. I keep the dough in slightly open oven with hot water next to the bowl.

3) Deflate dough to remove air. Knead lightly for couple minute. Divide the dough into smaller ball portion ( 10-12 pcs). I weight my dough 45 gr each for precise portion. Round it like a ball, do to all the dough.

4) Take one ball, roll it into a long log (pict #2). Then flatten with rolling pin, fill with enough filling, do not too much otherwise it'll difficult for you to cover it again. Pinch the edge to seal along the dough (pict#4).
Roll gently to perform long log again before you fold into an oval shape ( see pıct #5 & # 6).

Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça

5) Arrange onto baking tray lines with parchment paper. Lightly cover with kitchen towel and let it rest until noticeably puffy.

6) Pre heat oven at 160-170℃ few minutes before baking time. Brush the bread with egg wash then bake 15-18 minute or until golden brown. Remove them from the oven, and brush with soft butter. This will give the bread a satiny, buttery crust. Cool it on a cooling rack.
Note: Time and temperature of baking is only guidance, adjust to your own oven condition.

Happy baking 😊

You may wanna try this BREAD WITH SAUSAGE TOPPING

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 
Send me some 💚

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Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça



Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Inshaallah kabar baik semua ya.
Kali ini saya mau bagikan resep salah satu makanan Türki yang sudah cukup terkenal. Terkenal karena makanan yang satu ini semacam simit yang menjadi menu sarapan kebanyakan orang Türki sini yaitu Poğaça, dibaca Po-a (a. nya hampir tak terbaca)-ca.

Pogačice (nama lain dari pogača) adalah sejenis pastry.
Poğaça juga umum ditemui di Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kroasia, Slovenia, Republik Makedonia, Serbia (di Serbia disebut roti Beograd), Montenegro, Hongaria, Yunani (di mana disebut Bogatsa Μπογατσα) dan Turki (di mana disebut poğaça) dengan variasi yang banyak. Di Austria disebut pogatschen.

Jadi makanan ini khas Eropa timur karena selain terkenal di Türki, juga menjadi makanan umumnya penduduk negara-negara tersebut diatas.

Poğaça biasa disajikan sebagai menu sarapan pagi hari. Atau ketika ada acara kumpul-kumpul wanita Türki di siang hari disajikan dengan aneka salad, biasanya bulgur salad-kısır, salad kentang atau lainnya.

Biasa dijual di toko-toko roti dan pastry hangat-hangat di pagi hari sampai tengah hari saja bersama dengan menu sarapan pagi lainnya seperti simit (Turkish bagel).

Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça

Ada beberapa jenis poğaça yang umum ditemui disini. Selain variasi isiannya juga dari jenisnya. Ada poğaça yang menggunakan ragi, sehingga teksture poğaça jenis ini lebih seperti roti manis--seperti yang akan saya share hari ini.

Ada pula jenis poğaça yang menggunakan baking powder jadi tekturnya mirip short bread, seperti poğaça isi keju yang sudah saya posting sebelumnya. 
Jika pengen tahu jenis lainnya bisa di cek di kategori börekler, atau breakfast and brunch ya.

Oke... yang pengen bikin juga...catat ya resepnya 😊
İsian pureé kentang bisa dicampur dengan keju atau krem keju sesuai selera ya untuk memperkaya rasa.. tapi opsional, tidak pakai juga gak papa.

Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary

🍞 400 gr terigu
🍞 40 gr gula
🍞 5 gr (1 ½ sdt) ragi instant kering
🍞 225 gr susu
🍞 1 telur ukuran sedang
🍞 50 gr mentega, lelehkan dengan minyak
🍞 10 gr minyak sayur
🍞 1 sdt garam

🍞 1 telur kecil, kocok dengan 2 sdm susu/ air
🍞 mentega/ margarin, lembekkan suhu ruang

İsi kentang:
🍞 1 kentang sedang (± 300 gr)
🍞 25 gr mentega
🍞 3-4 sdm susu cair/ air
🍞 sedikit garam
🍞 sedikit gula
🍞 keju parut atau krim keju (optional)

Cara membuat isian:
⇒ Rebus atau kukus atau panggang kentang hingga lunak. Lalu haluskan hingga menjadi pureé. Bisa gunakan parutan keju atau ditumbuk. Campurkan mentega ketika kentang masih panas. Lalu campurkan susu/ air, garam dan gula. Bila pakai keju juga tambahkan sekalian. Aduk rata dan ssimpan dalam lemari es.

Cara Membuat:

1) Lelehkan mentega bersama minyak sayur, sisihkan. Campurkan tepung terigu, gula dan ragi dalam mangkok besar. Tambahkan susu cair dan telur lalu uleni hingga setengah kalis. Lalu campurkan garam dan mentega leleh. Lanjutkan mengulen hingga kalis elastis dan tidak lengket di tangan. Jika adonan dipencet akan membal lagi.
Tutup dengan serbet lembab atau plastik wrap dan istirahatkan sampai mengembang dua kali lipat.

2) Kempiskan adonan dan bagi menjadi 10-12 bagian (tergatung besar/ kecil yang diinginkan). Saya timbang adonan masing-masing 45 gr. Bulatkan dan lakukan hingga donan habis.

3) Ambil 1 adonan lalu roll memanjang (gambar #2). Gilas dengan rolling pin untuk bisa diisi. Lalu isi dengan isian secukupnya (gambar #3). Rapatkan ujung-ujungnya hingga tertutup (gmbr #4).

4) Pilin lagi dengan hati hati hingga berbentuk log panjang lalu bentuk melingkar oval (lihat gmbr #5). Atur diatas loyang panggang beralas kertas roti. Tutup dengan serbet lembab hingga mengembang.

Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça

5) Panaskan oven suhu 160-170℃ . Oles permukaan roti dengan egg wash sebelum dipanggang. Panggang sampai merah keemasan kurleb 15-18 menit. 
Begitu keluar dari oven langsung olesi dengan mentega/ margarin. Lalu dinginkan diatas rak pendingin.

Note: Suhu dan waktu memanggang sesuaikan dengan kondisi oven masing-masing.

Semoga bermanfaat. Happy baking 😊

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 
Send me some 💚

Turkish Breakfast bread with potato filling / Patates Poğaça


  1. Yum! This Patates Poğaça looks really delicious and mouthwatering! I love to have this for breakfast tomorrow.

    1. Thank you chef Dennis, it is honour if you could try my recipe.

  2. This Breakfast bread was amazing. Before this morning I had never had it!!! Our family loved it.

  3. Lovely recipe. I have never tried these but it looks so tempting that i wish to try these soon. I have tried a few turkish recipes earlier, but this one is new.Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you Aditi.. I like the fact that you love Turkish food as well.

  4. Wow - I've really learned something new today! I'd never heard of these before, let alone have any idea of how to make them. These look phenomenal, and your step-by-step photos to accompany the instructions helped me visualize what to do so I feel more confident trying it myself!

    1. Thank you ^_^ You made my day. I hope my video and step by step photos could help anybody who wants to learn cooking.

  5. That breakfast bread was delicious, everyone here love it! Will be baking it more often!

  6. This is something new to me. Thanks for sharing interesting recipe for breakfast. I will try this soon

  7. Oh this sounds like a wonderful bread to try! So soft and beautifully golden. I'd love to try! :D

  8. This Patates Poğaça looks delicious and easy to make! Thank you for sharing a lovely recipe.

  9. Wow I've never tried these sweet doughy treats and I'm so inspired to now! Thanks so much for sharing :).


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