Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
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Pogača, Poğaça, or Pogacha (Cyrillic: Πогача) is a type of pastry eaten in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia (in Serbia, traditional in Belgrade bakeries), Montenegro, Hungary, Greece (where its called Bogatsa Μπογατσα) and Turkey (where it is called poğaça) with variations.
It is called pogatschen in Austria.
Pogača is sometimes served hot as an appetizer instead of bread. Hot pogača filled with sour cream (or feta cheese in Turkey and Bulgaria) is considered a particularly delicious specialty.
Mostly eaten for breakfast but also as an appetizer during noon together with Turkish bulgur salad (kısır), or potato salad and hot tea.
In Turkey there are a few type of Poğaça... some use yeast (they call mayalı Poğaça) and some use baking powder. For the yeast version, you can visit my previous post here and here
And my today post is Poğaça with baking powder, so the texture is more to shortbread. Different with Poğaça with yeast which has texture to soft bread, but I like them both.... They just perfect for a quick and light breakfast/ brunch.
Traditionally this poğaça has a half-round shape with filling cheese in the middle.
You can keep this in a ziplock and store it in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Just warm up in a microwave, this delicious umami pastry is ready for a kid's lunch box, your husband's, or even your own lunch box.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make 15-18 pcs
🛆 200 gr thick Turkish yogurt🛆 75 gr olive oil or vegetable cooking oil
🛆 75 gr soft butter/ margarine, soft room temperature
🛆 1 big egg, separated the yolk from white (yolk for topping)
🛆 500 gr AP flour
🛆 1 packet / 10 gr / 4 tsp baking powder
🛆 1 tsp mahlep (skip if you don't have it)
🛆 1 tsp salt
🛆 1 tsp sugar
🛆 Turkish lor peynir you can use feta cheese as well
🛆 egg yolk from 1 egg above
🛆 2 Tbsp oil
🛆 white & black sesame seed or poppy seed
How to make:
1. Pre heat oven to 160-170℃. Line 2 baking tray with parchment paper.
In a bowl, mix together; Yoghurt, oil, butter, and egg white. Use a wooden spoon to stir them until well combined.
2. Add in AP flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, and mahlep (if using) and mix well. After this you use your hand to knead the dough until it's not tacky to your hand and soft (almost like cookies dough).
3. Start filling and shaping the dough. Take the dough (as big as a golf ball). I weigh my dough about 45 gr each. round it like a ball then flatten it, wide enough to place your filling. Put cheese filling in the middle then fold the dough into a half round, and seal the edge.
4. Arrange onto prepared tray 1 inch apart. Do the same procedure until finished. For topping, you should mix the yolk with 2 tbsp oil. Brush the yolk over the dough then sprinkle with sesame seed.
5. Bake at preheated oven 20-30 minutes or until golden brown on the surface. Place cooked poğaça on to cooling rack until cold down.
Recognize your own oven to adjust temperature and baking time. Different oven may gives different result.
Afiyet Olsun. Enjoy 😊
🛆 egg yolk from 1 egg above
🛆 2 Tbsp oil
🛆 white & black sesame seed or poppy seed
1. Pre heat oven to 160-170℃. Line 2 baking tray with parchment paper.
In a bowl, mix together; Yoghurt, oil, butter, and egg white. Use a wooden spoon to stir them until well combined.
2. Add in AP flour, baking powder, salt, sugar, and mahlep (if using) and mix well. After this you use your hand to knead the dough until it's not tacky to your hand and soft (almost like cookies dough).
3. Start filling and shaping the dough. Take the dough (as big as a golf ball). I weigh my dough about 45 gr each. round it like a ball then flatten it, wide enough to place your filling. Put cheese filling in the middle then fold the dough into a half round, and seal the edge.
4. Arrange onto prepared tray 1 inch apart. Do the same procedure until finished. For topping, you should mix the yolk with 2 tbsp oil. Brush the yolk over the dough then sprinkle with sesame seed.
5. Bake at preheated oven 20-30 minutes or until golden brown on the surface. Place cooked poğaça on to cooling rack until cold down.
Recognize your own oven to adjust temperature and baking time. Different oven may gives different result.
Afiyet Olsun. Enjoy 😊
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.
Inshaallah kabar baik semua ya.
Kali ini saya mau bagikan resep salah satu makanan Türki yang sudah cukup terkenal. Terkenal karena makanan yang satu ini semacam simit yang menjadi menu sarapan kebanyakan orang Türki sini yaitu Poğaça, dibaca Po-a (a. nya hampir tak terbaca)-ca.
Pogačice (nama lain dari pogača) adalah sejenis pastry.
Poğaça juga umum ditemui di Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kroasia, Slovenia, Republik Makedonia, Serbia (di Serbia disebut roti Beograd), Montenegro, Hongaria, Yunani (di mana disebut Bogatsa Μπογατσα) dan Turki (di mana disebut poğaça) dengan variasi yang banyak. Di Austria disebut pogatschen.
Jadi makanan ini khas Eropa timur karena selain terkenal di Türki, jg menjadi makanan umumnya penduduk negara-negara terebut diatas.
Poğaça biasa disajikan untuk menu sarapan pagi hari. Atau ketika ada acara kumpul-kumpul wanita Türki di siang hari disajikan dengan aneka salad, biasanya bulgur salad-kısır, salad kentang atau lainnya.
Biasa dijual di toko-toko roti dan pastry. Tapi umumnya para perempuan Türki sudah biasa membuatnya sendiri di rumah. Membuatnya cukup mudah dan cepat- hal yang sangat disukai perempuan sini. Rata-rata (walau tidak semua), perempuan disini lebih suka menghabiskan waktunya untuk beberes, membersihkan dan menghias rumah daripada berlama-lama didapur 😊
Oke deh... yang pengen tahu lebih banyak serba serbi ala Türki.. jangan lupa like FP saya di FB dan follow insta saya ya @citra_homediary
Yuukk...langsung ke resep yang penasaran pengen coba makanan Türki...
Ada beberapa jenis poğaça yang umum ditemui disini. Selain variasi isiannya juga dari jenisnya. Ada poğaça yang menggunakan ragi, sehingga teksture poğaça jenis ini lebih seperti roti manis. Ada pula jenis poğaça yang menggunakan baking powder jadi tekturnya mirip short bread, seperti yang akan saya sharing hari ini menggunakan baking powder.
Jika pengen tahu jenis lainnya bisa di cek di kategori börekler, atau breakfast and brunch ya.
By: Çitra's Home Diary
🛆 200 gr yoghurt kental 🛆 75 gr m,nyak zaitun atau minyak sayur lainnya
🛆 75 gr mentega, lembekkan suhu ruang
🛆 1 telur ukuran besar, pisah kuning dari putihnya (kutel untuk olesan topping nantinya)
🛆 500 gr terigu serba guna
🛆 10 gr / 4 sdt baking powder
🛆 ½ sdt bubuk mahlep (*)
🛆 1 sdt garam
🛆 1 sdt gula
isian:🛆 keju lhas Turki= lor peynir (bisa gunakan feta cheese atau keju yg tdk mudah leleh)
🛆 Kuning telur (dari telur diatas)
🛆 2 sdm minyak
🛆 wijen hitam dan atau putih
Mahlab adalah bumbu yang dibuat dari biji ceri liar yang digunakan untuk membumbui banyak kue-kue khas mediteranean, Eropa timur dan Timur Tengah. umumnya tidak dikenal dalam kuliner negara barat.
Kalau tidak ada bisa diskip. Atau bisa juga menambahkan sedikit bubuk kapulaga (walau aroma dan rasa berbeda) sbg alternatif nya.
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Mahlep / mahlab bubuk |
Cara membuat:
1. Panaskan oven suhu 160-170℃. Siapkan dua loyang cookies beralas baking paper.
Campur jadi satu; Yoghurt, Minyak, mentega dan putih telur. Aduk rata hngga tercampur baik. Gunakan sendok kayu untuk mengaduknya.
2. Masukkan tepung, baking powder, garam, gula dan mahlep (jika ada) dan aduk rata kembali. Setelah itu bisa diulen pelan dengan tangan sampai rata dan tidak lengket di tangan.
3. Ambil sedikit adonan kurleb 45 gr, bentuk bulat dan pipihkan. Taruh isian keju ditengahnya lalu lipat membentuk ½ lingkaran. Rapikan ujungnya. Taruh di nampan yang sudah disiapkan dan beri jarak kurşeb 2-3 cm. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
4. Aduk kutel dan minyak. Olesi permukaan pastry dengan olesan dan taburi wijen. Panggang kurleb 20-30 mnts ATAU sampa keemasan. Taruh di rak pendingin setelah matang.
Kenali oven masing-masing. Suhu dan waktu memanggang bisa bervariasi tergantung kondisi oven masing-masing.
Afiyet Olsun. Enjoy 😊
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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Turkish Recipe; Dızmana / Göçmen Böreği |
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Ispanaklı peynirli börek / Spinach with cheese phyllo pastry |
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Tavada Böreği / Borek pastry in pan |
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Laz böreği / Turkish Custard Pastry Dessert |
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