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Islak Hamburger / Istanbul street food; "Wet Burger"

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Islak Hamburger / Istanbul street food; "Wet Burger" | Çitra's Home Diary. #turkishfood #Istanbulstreetfood #streetfood #wethamburger #burgerpattie #hamburger #Turkishcuisine #resepmasakanturki

Istanbul not only famous for its historical and beautiful places. It is also famous for its delicious and unforgettable traditional cuisine which around centuries ago. Also as a tourism city, Istanbul grows as a street food-city as well. When you visit Istanbul, you should try "Kumpir" or baked potato stuffed with dozens of vegetables and some protein such as boiled egg and sausage. It is easy to find this "kumpir" all around Istanbul but famous spots are in Ortaköy area or Beyoğlu area. For a homemade version, you can check my "kumpir recipe" here.

But if you are in Eminönü area, you should love another street food there "balık ekmek" or Fish sandwich in Turkish style.

You might be interested in my "balık ekmek" / Turkish fish sandwich

If you watch "No reservation with Anthony Bourdain", you might see in one episode while he was visiting Istanbul and tried one street food at famous Taksim street-- Islak hamburger.
So today I will share that Istanbul street food delicacy.
Islak hamburger (or just ıslak burger) literally means wet hamburger. Sounds funny? maybe not. Cause this burger is actually wet and moist.

So what is "ıslak burger"?
It's one of our street flavors that many Istanbul residents are addicted to. A miraculous invention that looks like a shrunken hamburger from a distance 😃. Not really a "photographic" meal to show in your ınstagram post either. But we never doubt to call it "hamburger" cause, after all, it consists of a meatball between that hamburger bun.

Islak Hamburger / Istanbul street food; "Wet Burger" | Çitra's Home Diary. #turkishfood #Istanbulstreetfood #streetfood #wethamburger #burgerpattie #hamburger #Turkishcuisine #resepmasakanturki

This hamburger is slightly different from other hamburger you ever eat. The special tomato sauce makes this burger stand out from its kind. 
The meatballs for this burger prepared slightly thinner, pan-fried, and press in a cast iron pan. Then it settled in between hamburger buns which quickly dip in that special tomato sauce to absorb the sauce. Cook for a short time in a saucepan with wet greaseproof paper on the bottom (steamed-like process), covered with a lid, until it becomes more moist and soft. Serve it hot without any other sauce.

In some street buffets, the "ıslak burger" are pressed in the toaster, and they are kept in steam boxes directly after dipping it in the sauce. You will see those wet hamburgers are stacked on top of each other in that hot box waiting for the hungry stomach.

Well, I told you it won't be pretty on your Instagram post, but believe me, This wet burger is awesome! Delicious and addictive one! You will ask for another one after you eat it 😋

Check also how to make HOMEMADE BURGER BUN

So while waiting to plan a trip to Istanbul, why don't you try this Istanbul street flavor in your kitchen first? It's easy and quick to prepare.
As I mentioned above what makes this burger different from other burgers is homemade tomato sauce. It's should be savory, umami, and garlicky tomato sauce. And it always homemade 💗
You can make it ahead the tomato sauce and meatballs first and keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

Islak Hamburger / Istanbul street food; "Wet Burger"
By : Çitra's Home Diary

🍔 soft hamburger buns (small ones)

For the patty/ meatball:
🍔 ±500 g mincemeat (about 20% fat)
🍔 1 medium onion, very finely chopped
🍔 2 cloves of garlic, finely grated
🍔 3-4 Tbsp bread crumb
🍔 1 egg
🍔 1 tbsp black pepper powder or to taste
🍔 pinch of cumin
🍔 2 tsp salt or to taste

For the sauce:
🍔 about 5-6 Tbsp olive oil
🍔 3 big tomatoes, skin off and grated/ blend
🍔 5-6 cloves of garlic, finely grated
🍔 ¼ cup of ketchup
🍔 1 Tbsp tomato paste
🍔 1 tsp salt
🍔 pinch of sugar
🍔 enough water (about 200 ml)

How to make:

Burger patty/ meatball: 

Mix all meatball ingredients (except salt) in a big kneading bowl. Lightly knead just until all incorporated, do not knead too much. Add the salt and continue to knead just until incorporated.  Heat a small pan and take a small pinch of the meatball mixture and fry it to check the taste. Add salt or pepper to adjust the flavor if need it.
Take a small ball and shape it into a thin patty (not more than 1 finger thin) and the diameter should slightly bigger than your bun's size cause it'll shrink a bit when it fry. Separate each patty with baking paper or aluminum foil.

Islak Hamburger / Istanbul street food; "Wet Burger" | Çitra's Home Diary. #turkishfood #Istanbulstreetfood #streetfood #wethamburger #burgerpattie #hamburger #Turkishcuisine #resepmasakanturki

Make the tomato sauce:

In a deep medium saucepan heat olive oil and add grated tomato and garlic, cook till bubbling. Then add in the rest of the ingredients, stir and cook until the sauce bubbling and slightly thickened. Check the taste, add sugar or salt if need it. Optionally you can add some bullion as well.

How to make and serve ıslak burger:

1) Heat grilling pan over medium-high heat, drizzle some olive oil, fry the patty until done on both sides (3-5 minutes each side). If you have a grill presser (panini press) it would be better, press the patty while pan fry. 
2) Halved the burger bun and press it into the same pan you fried the patties (white part against the pan) until slightly brown then quickly dip each bun into the sauce. Place patty between the buns.
3) Place another pan on medium-high heat and add about ½ cup of water so it covers the bottom of the pan. Once water is heated, place a large sheet of parchment paper over the water in the pan. Place the burgers on top of the parchment paper and cover pan with a lid to allow the burgers to steam for a couple minutes until the bread is soft. You can re-dip the burger into the sauce again before steam it.

Enjoy it warm, afiyet olsun.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

Islak Hamburger / Istanbul street food; "Wet Burger" | Çitra's Home Diary. #turkishfood #Istanbulstreetfood #streetfood #wethamburger #burgerpattie #hamburger #Turkishcuisine #resepmasakanturki

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