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Sarımsaklı Yoğurt sosu / Turkish garlic yogurt sauce. Healthy and delicious.

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Sarımsaklı Yoğurt sosu / Turkish garlic yogurt sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #yogurtrecipe #yogurtsauce #garlicrecipe #garlicyogurtsauce #dippingsauce #homemadesauce #healthyfood #turkishfoodrecipe

It is no doubt that garlic is ancient medicine. Imagine if it mixes with yogurt, what will happen? We can maintain our health by consuming a bowl of garlic yogurt in our daily diet.

In the days when modern medicine was not available, people used garlic for many years to protect their health. This method, which is traditional in many regions where modern medicine still does not reach, continues to be applied. It is consumed both its green stems also the dried clove.

Garlic taken with yogurt can be consumed more easily and facilitates digestion. And here some of the benefits:

1. If you have an appetite problem, one serving of garlic yogurt a day will increase your appetite.
2. It provides a great benefit to the problem of high blood pressure.
3. It contributes to the rapid healing of wounds formed after surgery and for various reasons.
4. It has been used successfully for many years in the treatment of dysentery and typhoid diseases.
5. When used for vascular occlusion, surprisingly; gives positive results in a short time.
6. 'Oleum Allincine' garlic oil was discovered by scientists J. Cavallit and J.
7. It is against cancer and arteriosclerosis, which is the most frightening disease in the world.
8. In Sweden, one of the European countries, children eat garlic before going to school; this protects them against polio.
9. By making an antibiotic effect, it strengthens the immune system of our body. It is very effective against viruses and bacteria.
10. It is a very effective fighter against epidemics, cold sores, parasites, and intestinal worms.
11. It dries out inflammation in the body and increases sexual power.
12. Makes the sound beautiful, prevents constipation.
13. Helps you stay young, stops hair loss, delays hair graying.
14. It optimizes the cholesterol level in the blood. Studies have shown that the cholesterol level in the blood decreases in a short time after using garlic.
15. Regularly consuming garlic, due to its blood-thinning properties; The risk of heart attack and vascular occlusion is considerably lower.
16. Flies and mosquitoes cannot harm those who regularly consume garlic.
17.Scientific research has proven that garlic reduces blood sugar levels.
18. It removes the phlegm accumulated in your lungs, it provides a great benefit to bronchitis.
19. It allows the gases in the stomach and intestines to be expelled easily.
20. In order to get all these benefits, we need to consume 2 cloves of garlic a day.

Sarımsaklı Yoğurt sosu / Turkish garlic yogurt sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #yogurtrecipe #yogurtsauce #garlicrecipe #garlicyogurtsauce #dippingsauce #homemadesauce #healthyfood #turkishfoodrecipe

So, today I will share with you how to make this amazing garlic yogurt sauce or sarımsaklı yoğurt in Turkish.
If you are my regular reader, you may notice that most Turkish food I shared is using this essential sauce. What a great and amazing sauce, right?

Where you can use Garlic Yogurt?

Did you ever add your pasta with this sauce? You will love penne or farfalle or gnocchi with this garlic yogurt sauce. And try ravioli or any meat-stuffed pasta. To enrich the dish add some melted good quality butter with a pinch of smoked paprika and pour over the garlic sauce on your pasta, I am sure you are gonna like it.
Grated and sautéed carrots with garlic yogurt will go very well.
Also make potato salad using this sauce as dressing.

Need more ideas? Here some dish that absolutely should be served with garlic yogurt sauce:

- Kıymalı yaprak sarması/ Turkish stuffed grape leaves 

And More..

Check other Turkish cuisine recipes for your dinner idea or entertain your family members and friends.

Sarımsaklı Yoğurt sosu / Turkish garlic yogurt sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #yogurtrecipe #yogurtsauce #garlicrecipe #garlicyogurtsauce #dippingsauce #homemadesauce #healthyfood #turkishfoodrecipe

Okay, let's jump to the recipe. It's amazingly simple and need only 3 ingredients! Yogurt, Garlic and salt.
You can double or triple the recipe according your needed, this recipe is completely adjustable. You want more garlic, add more garlic. You prefer less salt, just reduce it according your palate. But this competition for my family is perfect and suitable to many dish I served.

Sarımsaklı Yoğurt sosu / Turkish garlic yogurt sauce
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Make about 1 cup (250 ml). Double as needed.

🥣 1 cup (250 ml) thick plain yogurt
🥣 2-3 cloves of garlic
🥣 ±1 tsp salt ( I use Himalaya salt)
🥣 Water if needed (optional)

Mortar and pestle

How to:

Mash garlic and salt until paste-smooth. Add yogurt and mix well. 
You can add splash of water if you need your sauce slightly thin, just do it carefully. 
Some yogurt already has thinner consistency, but Turkish yogurt is very thick so sometimes I need to add a small amount of water for thinner sauce.

Enjoy. Afiyet Olsun

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
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Sarımsaklı Yoğurt sosu / Turkish garlic yogurt sauce | Çitra's Home Diary. #yogurtrecipe #yogurtsauce #garlicrecipe #garlicyogurtsauce #dippingsauce #homemadesauce #healthyfood #turkishfoodrecipe


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Tidak diragukan lagi bahwa bawang putih mempunyai khasiat setara obat dan digunakan sejak jaman dahulu. Bayangkan jika tercampur dengan yogurt yang juga dikenal hebat kasiatnya?
Kita bisa menjaga kesehatan dengan mengonsumsi semangkuk saus yogurt bawang putih dalam menu makanan kita sehari-hari.

Di masa ketika obat modern tidak tersedia, orang menggunakan bawang putih selama bertahun-tahun untuk melindungi kesehatan mereka. Cara tradisional di banyak daerah dimana pengobatan modern masih belum terjangkau ini terus diterapkan. Bawang putih banyak dikonsumsi baik bersama batang hijaunya maupun setelah dikeringkan.

Bawang putih yang ditumbuk dan dicampur dengan yogurt dapat dikonsumsi lebih mudah dan memperlancar pencernaan. Dan berikut beberapa manfaatnya:

1. Jika kamu memiliki masalah nafsu makan, satu porsi yogurt bawang putih sehari akan meningkatkan nafsu makan.
2. Memberikan manfaat yang besar untuk masalah tekanan darah tinggi.
3. Berkontribusi pada percepatan penyembuhan luka akibat setelah operasi dan karena berbagai alasan.
4. Telah berhasil digunakan selama bertahun-tahun dalam pengobatan penyakit disentri dan tifus.
5. Jika digunakan untuk oklusi vaskular, secara mengejutkan; memberikan hasil yang positif dalam waktu singkat.
6. Minyak bawang putih 'Oleum Allincine' ditemukan oleh ilmuwan J. Cavallit dan J.
7. Melawan kanker dan arteriosklerosis, yang merupakan penyakit paling menakutkan di dunia.
8. Di Swedia, salah satu negara Eropa, anak-anak makan bawang putih sebelum pergi ke sekolah; ini melindungi mereka dari polio.
9. Dengan membuat efek antibiotik, memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh kita. Ini sangat efektif melawan virus dan bakteri.
10. Bawang putih juga dikenal sangat efektif melawan epidemi, luka dingin, parasit, dan cacingan.
11. Ini mengeringkan peradangan di tubuh dan meningkatkan kekuatan seksual.
12. Membuat suara menjadi indah, mencegah sembelit.
13. Membantu Anda tetap awet muda, menghentikan rambut rontok, menunda rambut beruban.
14. Mengoptimalkan tingkat kolesterol dalam darah. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar kolesterol dalam darah menurun dalam waktu singkat setelah menggunakan bawang putih.
15. Mengkonsumsi bawang putih secara teratur, karena sifatnya yang mengencerkan darah; Risiko serangan jantung dan oklusi vaskular jauh lebih rendah.
16. Lalat dan nyamuk tidak dapat membahayakan orang yang rutin mengonsumsi bawang putih.
17. Penelitian ilmiah telah membuktikan bahwa bawang putih menurunkan kadar gula darah.
18. Ini menghilangkan dahak yang terkumpul di paru-paru Anda, ini memberikan manfaat besar untuk bronkitis.
19. Ini memungkinkan gas di perut dan usus dikeluarkan dengan mudah.
20. Untuk mendapatkan semua manfaat tersebut, kita perlu mengonsumsi 2 siung bawang putih sehari.

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