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Indonesian Lamb or mutton Satay /Sate daging Kambing bumbu kecap

Satay (sate) originated in Java, Indonesia. Satay is available almost anywhere in Indonesia, where it has become a national dish. It is also popular in many other Southeast Asian countries, such as: Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Thailand, and the southern Philippines, and also in the Netherlands, as Indonesia is a former Dutch colony.

Satay is a very popular delicacy in Indonesia; Indonesia's diverse ethnic groups' culinary arts (see Indonesian cuisine) have produced a wide variety of satay. In Indonesia, satay can be obtained from a travelling satay vendor, from a street-side tent-restaurant, in an upper-class restaurant, or during traditional celebration feasts. In Malaysia, satay is a popular dish—especially during celebrations—and can be found throughout the country.

Besides this lamb satay, you can see my other post, Chicken satay with peanut sauce here and here. You can use that peanut sauce for this recipe too.

  Ingredients A:
 ± 2 kg Lamb /mutton  (mixed with fat). Cut into bite-size
 ± ¾ tablespoon garlic powder
 ½ tablespoons onion powder (optional)
 ± 1 tablespoon coriander powder
 2 tsp salt or to taste
 3~4 tablespoons vegetable oil (I use olive oil)
 4 ~ 5 tablespoons sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)
→ Mix all ingredients and let sit at least 4 hours or overnight in the refrigerator. Then stacking /puncture on satay skewer

Ingredients B (for marinate during grilling):
 sweet soy sauce (I use ABC brand)
 Lemon juice
 Sliced of small ​​red onion
→ Mix all ingredients  B as marinate during grill/ roasting.

Ingredients C (soy sauce):
 thin slices of red onion
 Sweet soy sauce (I use kecap manis ABC)
 Juice of fresh lemon
 birdeye chili, sliced / ground chili to taste
→ Mix all ingredients for sauce.


  1. This looks absolutely wonderful. I love few things more than truly flavorful lamb, I think I'd absolutely adore this :) Thank you for sharing!

  2. wow, you made your own satay! that's really great and it think it's wonderful that you're doing it cos i dont think satay is not really easily available over there, right? yeah, over here, we can get them easily..infact there's one not far just behind my house.

  3. @lena Hi Lena, you are right.. there's no Satay here or Indonesian or even close to Asian food in my town, so everything I must make by my self anything I crave ^,^

  4. Hi I love Satay. When I was a small child I lived in Singapore and there were men who would ride bicycles and cook the satay on the back of those. My parents would buy them. I can still remember the taste now some 30 odd years later. Do you know what the Singaporeans marinate the meat in? I would be very happy to be able to recreate the same taste.

  5. OMG, Citra-you never cease to amaze me with your incredible foods, and most amazing desserts. This satay is so, so delicious, and looks oh, so pretty, I could easily chow down the entire tray and not share...Yumm!

  6. Luckily you're so talented in making all your favorite foods when there's so few Asian ones where you are. These look wonderful, Citra. Lamb is such a great flavorful meat by itself, I can just imagine how fragrant this would be.

  7. I want that "sate kambing"right now :) everything on the plate looks so good,,I'm ngillerrrr,,,


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