Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
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I think now everyone is familiar with sate/ satay. One of Indonesia's most popular traditional foods and become everyone's favorite. And it's one of Indonesian national dishes among others eg; Rendang, nasi goreng, gado gado and more.
I am personally the number one fan of satay . In Indonesia itself there are many types of satay from various regions and of various ingredients.
For example, from Padang city (Sumatra), I like satay Padang. It made of beef/ ox tongue mix with beef meet, flush with thick yellow, curry-like sauce. Sumatranese typical food.
There is also "sate kelapa" (beef / chiken satay coated with grated coconut-My best favorite) -its mostly from Madura Island. Served with peanut sauce or simple dark sweet soy sauce.
Did I mention quail eggs satay, clam satay, 'tempeh' satay, mushrooms satay and there are dozens of other types of satay (which is nearly I have eaten already). For mutton/ lamb satay you check here for the recipe
Besides of many variations of satay, satay is usually also served with various sauces. "Sate Padang" has a different sauce from mostly generally satay sauce --You can check recipe here . There is also satay with sweet soy sauce (kecap manis) here the recipe . This time I made chicken satay with peanut sauce--the most common and popular sauce among of all.
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Homemade Satay peanut sauce |
And today I will show and share my recipe on how to make authentic famous Indonesian satay with satay peanut sauce, all from scratch. No worry... it's easy than you think 😊
First thing first. We must make satay peanut sauce in ahead. You can keep this sauce in an airtight clean jar, store in the refrigerator up to 5 days. in the freezer for up to 2 weeks, defrost before use. Warm up in a microwave or over low heat stove for 2 minutes or so.
Once you have satay sauce ready, you can prepare your meat/ chicken skewer anytime you want. Easy... !
Before you grill or roast in oven, every 500 gr meat, you should marinate your satay in a 2 tablespoon satay sauce mix with about 4-6 tablespoon kecap manis ( dark sweet soy sauce) and fresh squeeze of half lemon juice. Marinate at least 30 minutes before.
So... let's get jump to the recipe and get ready to travel your taste to famous, delicious, repeatable Indonesian satay 🍢
Indonesian satay recipe
By; Çitra's Home diary
Indonesian satay recipe
By; Çitra's Home diary
For satay:
🍡 ±1 kg chicken meat (with fat), cut into bite-size and thread onto skewer*
🍡 Indonesian kecap manis / dark sweet soy sauce
🍡 some shallot, thinly slice
🍡 freshly squeeze lime/ lemon juice
🍡 some birds eye chili (optional), thinly sliced
(*) best part is chicken thigh
How to make:
1) Make satay marinate; in a wide platter add about 4 Tbsp satay sauce add fresh 1 lime juice and some tablespoon ( about 8 Tbsp) of kecap manis and mix to combine. That marinate mix is just approximate, add if needed.
Marinate the meat by lay them in one layer and flip both sides until they all cover by marinate sauce. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes before grill.
2) Grill over charcoal, flip frequently to cook thoroughly.
Grill in the oven: Preheat oven at 200℃. take 1 rack and place it over a baking tray. Arrange satay onto prepared rack and grill in the oven for about 45 minutes. Turn over every 15 minutes and check the doneness.
Note: Better wrap your baking tray with aluminum foil for easy cleaning.
How to serve:
Take enough satay peanut sauce and dilute with a small amount of hot water to get thinner consistency before use.
İn a serving plate, add satay peanut sauce, shallot, chili (if using), and fresh lemon/ lime juice. Mix in kecap manis .
Enjoy chicken satay with peanut
sauce, rice (or rice cake), and cucumber pickle.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.
Halloo.... Ketemu lagi ya.... İnshaallah sedang berbahagia dan sehat selalu.
Kali ini posting sate lagi.. sate lagi 😊 . İya.... karena saya suka banget ama sate.. juga anak saya 👯 . Lalu ada yang nyeletuk di pojokan.."kan ribet.." ... "kan susah.." ... hehehe..
Enggak lho... kalau udah bikin bumbu satenya tinggal siapin daging atau ayam..kapanpun bisa bikin. Kalau musim panas saya suka bakar pakai arang diluar. Atau kadang kalau malas bikin arang.. ya panggang dalam oven aja cepet dan praktis.
Makanya stok bumbu sate hampir selalu ada di kulkas atau freezer.
Enggak lho... kalau udah bikin bumbu satenya tinggal siapin daging atau ayam..kapanpun bisa bikin. Kalau musim panas saya suka bakar pakai arang diluar. Atau kadang kalau malas bikin arang.. ya panggang dalam oven aja cepet dan praktis.
Makanya stok bumbu sate hampir selalu ada di kulkas atau freezer.
Atau kalau pengen versi bumbu kecap... bisa di cek di postingan saya sebelumnya ya.. link nya ada disini untuk sate bumbu kecap.
Sate ini termasuk salah satu makanan nasional Indonesia lho selain Rendang, Nasi goreng, gado gado dan beberapa makanan yang lain. Bahkan sate juga sudah terkenal di belahan bumi lain. Walau ada versi versi dari negara tetangga.. sate Indonesia tetap yang paling original sebab sate pertama kali dibuat dan ditemukan di Jawa. Yang dengan berjalannya waktu menyebar ke Asia tenggara dan ke seluruh semenanjung Asia Tmur hingga akhirnya mendunia.
Kalau di Türki terkenal dengan kebab dan banyak variasinya. Indonesia boleh bangga dengan sate ini. Kita tahu bahwa selain sate bumbu kacang, kita juga punya variasi sate dari berbagai daerah-misal sate Padang yang juga endang bambang... 😄
Atau sate klopo ( kelapa) khas Madura. Sate lilit khas Bali. Sate tempe, sate jamur, sate kekinian; sate taican 😊 dan banyak lagi.
Bahan dan cara membuat sate:
⇒ kurleb 1 kg daging ayam campur lemak dan kult boleh ( bagian paha lebih baik). Potong-potong dan susun di tusukan sate.
=> Bumbu sate, resep bisa dilihat disini
🍡 bawang merah iris halus
🍡 cabe rawit sesuai selera
🍡 kecap manis
🍡 perasan jeruk nipis/ lemon.
Buat bumbu rendaman dengan mencampur sedikit bumbu kacang dengan kecap manis dan sedikit perasan jeruk, aduk. Taruh sate dan baluri dengan bumbu marinate sambil dibolak balik hingga rata.
Bakar diatas arang sambil dicelup ke bumbu marinate. Bakar hingga matang.
bisa juga diatas teflon bakar atau dalam oven mode grill.
Hidangkan dengan acar atau potongan mentimun.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
This is a beautiful dish!! Featured it at this weeks party. Thanks for sharing at last week's What's for Dinner party. Hope to see you this week - and have a fabulous day!
ReplyDeleteThank you Helen, you are the best. And thank you for making the "what's dinner party" so fabulous
DeleteThis looks amazing ,i will try this our for a great starters,my family will love this!!
ReplyDeleteThank you K. Hope you can come back and tell me how do your family like it ^_^