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Double chocolate pistachio cookies

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Selam everybody....Merhaba from Turkiye.

İf you are my regular reader you should probably knew that İ made cookies a lot and almost everyday. yep.... İ never let my cookie jar sit empty cause we always drink coffee or tea with cookie or other light snacks.

All my cookies recipe İ already been shared on this page as well. you can check my "cookies category"

This is actually my husband's favorite cookies. He loves chocolate cookies rather than any other cookies. My kid? of course she loves chocolate cookies as well especially with an animal characters. Please do check my kid's fave chocolate cookie here

These double chocolate pistachio cookies will absolutely new fave for your family. Double the recipe to entertain your big family this weekend. You can bring your kids to make this cookie too because this is easy to make 😃.  Add more chocolate drop or pistachio as your liking.
And to get "the look" like my cookies picture here, after you shape a ball lightly roll the cookie ball over chocolate and pistachio mixture.

Double chocolate pistachio cookies recipe
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Yield : about 600 gr

  • 250 gr butter, soften at room temperature
  • 150 gr caster sugar
  • 50 gr brown sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 225 gr AP flour
  • 25 gr cornstarch
  • 20 gr powdered milk
  • 50 gr dark cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • pinch of salt
  •  ± 200 gr chocolate drop
  •  ± 150 gr pistachio, crushed
How to make:

1) Sift together AP flour, cornstarch, milk powder, dark cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set a side.

2) Cream butter, caster sugar and brown sugar with electric mixer about 5 minute until fluffy and pale. Beat in yolks and vanilla, continue to beat just until combine.

3) Lower the mixer speed and gradually add in dry ingredients, chocolate drop and crushed pistachio. Use wooden spatula to well combine. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate about 30 minute at least.
Note: you can keep up to 48 hours in fridge.

4) Pre heat oven t0 155-160°C (fan force) or 175-180 °C no fan. Take cookie dough about half tbsp (depend how big you want your cookies), use 2 spoon to shape them round and arrange onto baking tray lined with parchment paper. Arrange them with 2 inch between the ball. Lightly flatten the cookie balls with back of the fork. Bake 20-25 minute.
Cool them over cooling rack before being stored in air tight container.

Happy baking.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me som


  1. These cookies look so yummy... Love, love pistachios never thought to add them to a cookie recipe. Thanks for sharing!

    1. thank you Fred.. glad you love pistachio as well :)

  2. I can understand why they are your husband's favourite.... pistachios and chocolate are such a great combo!

    1. thank you are absolutely right..pistachio and chocolate are good friends! :)

  3. These look wonderful! I am such a fan of pistachio and chocolate as a combo.

  4. I too have a husband that is a chocolate fanatic. These sound divine. I love pistachios, and they work so well with this recipe. I know if I showed this to him...I would have to make them for sure.

  5. Love pistachio and chocolate as well, and my cookie jar is always being added to here too, my husband and kids love cookies. I'll have to try your recipe!

  6. Oh no my cookie jar is empty, looks like I may have to make a batch of these delicious looking cookies!

  7. These cookies look amazing. Anything made with chocolate and pistachios has to be good right?

  8. How gorgeous are these?! Seriously! I love pistachios but don't know that I have ever used them in cookies before! Will have to give these a go!

  9. Wow! You make cookies everyday? I bet your friends and family love coming to your house especially if the cookies look as tasty as these beauties. I can understand why they would be a favorite of your husbands. So tasty. And i'm loving the way the green pistachios look up against that dark chocolate cookie.

  10. You had me at double chocolate and with those pistachios too, your cookies are so tempting I don't think I could stop at just one!

  11. Wonderful combination of flavors, and these cookies look so tender and moist!

  12. Chocolate, more chocolate, and pistachios?! This is my kind of cookie! I love pistachios, just wish they weren't so expensive! Great recipe!

  13. Chocolate and pistachio is definitely a wonderful combination and these cookies look absolutely scrumptious!

  14. Double chocolate pistachio cookies sound way too good! I've actually never tried pistachio cookies but I would be willing to try it out. I've seen so many pistachio desserts lately but this one sounds perfect!


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