Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
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Köfte or Kofta is definitely everyone's number one favorite here. As kebab, köfte is like a staple and almost everyday meal for locals. Men women adult to toddler.
And just like kebab, köfte has many variants based on the meat used and its origin.
There is İzmir köftesi origin from İzmir city (see recipe here), or when you visit Bursa you should try Pideli Köfte, it's a small flat meatball served over pide flatbread flush with yummy tomato sauce then "fizz" with hot melted butter. You can check how to make it home here. There is another köfte from İnegöl town named İnegöl Köfte.
Each köfte (meatball) has its own type.
And today İ'd like to share my family's favorite; Köfte Kebabı or Kofta (meatball) kebab. At a glance, it may look alike Adana Kebab, but it's totally different.
This is just simply meatball wrap over 2 cm wide bamboo skewer then grill or roast in oven/grilling. The spice used for this köfte is more simple than Adana Kebab, but believe me, it is still packed with the flavor of Turkish cuisine.
Serve it with fresh simple salad and pickles. Wrap it wit lavash bread or pide bread.
So..are you with me to the most fave meal of any family? Take a note and follow my simple yet best köfte kebabı.
Best meat to make this kebab is using lamb meat mix with beef, but if you don't like lamb too much, just reduce the portion of lamb and replace with beef.
Köfte Kebabı / Turkish lamb Kofta (meatball) Kebab, authentic and best recipe
By: Çitra's Home Diary
Make 8-10 skewers (depends how big/ small your meatball)
Assalamu'alaykum..... Merhaba dari Türkey.
Tak terasa sudah weekend aja yah.... Berasa cepat atau saya aja yang merasa kurang waktu. Ah.. mudah-mudahan saya tidak termasuk orang yang merugi. Karena Allah sudah berpesan dalam Al Ashr 1-3:
Naah.... biasanya kalau weekend atau akhir pekan saya biasa masak sesuatu yang istimewa buat keluarga. Biasanya masakan yang "top request" deh...hehehehe... Selain bikin cake atau dessert lain tentunya.
Salah satu masakan favorit anak dan suami adalah köfte atau meatball Turki. Yaaa... seperti kebanyakan favorit keluarga lokal disini ya. Kali ini saya bikin köfte kebab. Sekilas mirip dengan Adana kebab yang saya posting sebelumnya... tapi ini beda banget. Köfte kebab ini berbahan dan berbumbu sederhana layaknya köfte atau meatball tapi saya susun dalam tusukan bambu menyerupai kebab.
Di Turki sendiri ada banyak macam köfte(metaball) berdasarkan bahan atau daerah asal. Tiap region mulai timur hingga barat mempunyai jenis köftenya masing-masing. Misalnya izmir köfte, atau yang terkenal dari Bursa adalah pideli köfte dan inegöl köfte dari İnegöl. Belum lagi içli köfte atau çiğ köfte...semua sudah pernah saya posting ya sebelumnya...tinggal diaduk-aduk aja list diside bar saya... 😊
Yukk... yang pengen coba menyajikan masakan khas Turki buat keluarga.. dijamin otentik dan lezat seperti yang biasa ditemui di resto-resto disini.
Saya pakai daging kambing muda dengan campuran daging sapi seperti rata-rata yang dipakai disini. Tapi kalau ingin pakai daging sapi full atau porsinya lebih banyak daging sapi ya gak papa.
Resep Köfte Kebab khas Turki
By: Çitra's Home Diary
🍡 500 gr ground lamb
🍡 100 gr ground beef
🍡 ±100 gr tail fat, finely minced
🍡 1 big yellow onion, finely chopped or shredded
🍡 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped or shredded
🍡 3-4 tbsp bread crumb
🍡 1 tsp salt or to taste
🍡 1 tsp black pepper powder
🍡 1 tsp sweet pepper (optional)
🍡 ¼ tsp cumin powder
🍡 1 tsp baking soda
🍡 Some 2 cm wide bamboo (or metal) skewers
How to make:
🔪 İf using bamboo skewer, soak them previously in water for a few minutes. Drain.
🔪 İn a big mixing bowl place all ingredients. Knead them until well combined. Continue to knead- lift up the meatball mixture and lightly throw it against the bowl. Do it for about 3 or 4 minutes. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
Note: You can make it in advance until this step. Keep it overnight.
🔪 Lightly wet your palm with oil/ water, take the meatball about one tiny fist then wrap long around the skewer. Do to all meatball mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and keep in the refrigerator overnight before grilling them.
🔪 Grilled over charcoal or roasting oven until it cooks through.
Serve with ayran drink, pickles and salad.
Afiyet Olsun.
After all yogurt completely dissolved, pour more cold water up to 1 lt and mix/ stir again to make them well blended.Keep in refrigerator before serving.
You can add some more buzz when served if you want.
🍡 100 gr ground beef
🍡 ±100 gr tail fat, finely minced
🍡 1 big yellow onion, finely chopped or shredded
🍡 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped or shredded
🍡 3-4 tbsp bread crumb
🍡 1 tsp salt or to taste
🍡 1 tsp black pepper powder
🍡 1 tsp sweet pepper (optional)
🍡 ¼ tsp cumin powder
🍡 1 tsp baking soda
🍡 Some 2 cm wide bamboo (or metal) skewers
How to make:
🔪 İf using bamboo skewer, soak them previously in water for a few minutes. Drain.
🔪 İn a big mixing bowl place all ingredients. Knead them until well combined. Continue to knead- lift up the meatball mixture and lightly throw it against the bowl. Do it for about 3 or 4 minutes. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes.
Note: You can make it in advance until this step. Keep it overnight.
🔪 Lightly wet your palm with oil/ water, take the meatball about one tiny fist then wrap long around the skewer. Do to all meatball mixture. Cover with plastic wrap and keep in the refrigerator overnight before grilling them.
🔪 Grilled over charcoal or roasting oven until it cooks through.
Serve with ayran drink, pickles and salad.
Afiyet Olsun.
How to make Ayran/ yogurt drink
For 1 lt yield, you will need about 300 gr ~ 400 gr plain thick yogurt (depend on thickness you'd like), but mostly I make on those range quantity. Put on big jar, give pinch of fine salt (about half tsp). Pour cold water about 300 ml, using hand handle blender or just manually with wooden spoon to stir until all yogurt dissolve.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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Assalamu'alaykum..... Merhaba dari Türkey.
Tak terasa sudah weekend aja yah.... Berasa cepat atau saya aja yang merasa kurang waktu. Ah.. mudah-mudahan saya tidak termasuk orang yang merugi. Karena Allah sudah berpesan dalam Al Ashr 1-3:
وَالْعَصْرِ – إِنَّ الْإِنسَانَ لَفِي خُسْرٍ – إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ –
“Demi masa. Sungguh, manusia berada dalam kerugian, kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan serta saling menasihati untuk kebenaran dan saling menasihati untuk kesabaran.” (QS.Al-Ashr:1-3)
İnshaallah menjaga anak dan keluarga menjadi bagian dari mengerjakan kebaikan itu.. karena profesi saya ya ibu rumah tangga... 😍
Salah satu masakan favorit anak dan suami adalah köfte atau meatball Turki. Yaaa... seperti kebanyakan favorit keluarga lokal disini ya. Kali ini saya bikin köfte kebab. Sekilas mirip dengan Adana kebab yang saya posting sebelumnya... tapi ini beda banget. Köfte kebab ini berbahan dan berbumbu sederhana layaknya köfte atau meatball tapi saya susun dalam tusukan bambu menyerupai kebab.
Di Turki sendiri ada banyak macam köfte(metaball) berdasarkan bahan atau daerah asal. Tiap region mulai timur hingga barat mempunyai jenis köftenya masing-masing. Misalnya izmir köfte, atau yang terkenal dari Bursa adalah pideli köfte dan inegöl köfte dari İnegöl. Belum lagi içli köfte atau çiğ köfte...semua sudah pernah saya posting ya sebelumnya...tinggal diaduk-aduk aja list diside bar saya... 😊
Saya pakai daging kambing muda dengan campuran daging sapi seperti rata-rata yang dipakai disini. Tapi kalau ingin pakai daging sapi full atau porsinya lebih banyak daging sapi ya gak papa.
Resep Köfte Kebab khas Turki
By: Çitra's Home Diary
🍡 500 gr daging kambing muda cincang
🍡 100 gr daging sapi cincang
🍡 ± 50 gr lemak sapi
🍡 1 bawang bombay besar, parut atau cincang halus
🍡 2 siung bawang putih, cincang atau parut
🍡 2-3 sdm tepung roti
🍡 1 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
🍡 1 sdt bubuk merica
🍡 1 sdt bubuk cabe (optinal)
🍡 ¼ sdt cumin powder
🍡 1 sdt baking soda
🍡 beberapa tusuk bambu atau logam
Cara membuat:
🔪 Jika pakai tusukan bambu, rendam dulu dalam air kurleb 30 mnt. Tiriskan.
🔪 Campur semua bahan dalam baskom lalu mulai mencampurnya dengan cara menguleni hingga rata. Banting-bating ringan saja adonan kurleb 3 menit. Tutup dengan plastik film dan diamkan dalam lemari es kurleb 30 mnt.
Note: Bisa disimpan semalaman untuk dibakar keesokan harinya.
🔪 Basahi telapak tangan dengan sedikit air,lalu ambil campuran daging giling dan mulailah menempelkan secara merata di tusukan... yaa.. mirip-mirip bikin sempol gitulah ibu-ibu... 😊 . Lakukan hingga adonan daging habis.
🔪 Panggang diatas arangsambil dibolak balik hingga matang sempurna. Bisa juga dipanggang dalam oven dengan mode grilling.
Sajikan hangat dengan lavash flat bread (semacam tortilla) dan salad serta acar cabe atau timun.
Disini semua makanan selalu disertai minuman bernama ayran, minuman sehat terbuat dari yogurt. Lihat disini cara membuat ayran.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat. 💝
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
These look so yummy! Cannot wait to try them soon! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
ReplyDeletethank you Jessica, you should try them soon, you gonna love it ^_^
DeleteI always wanted to know how those turkish kebab koftas are made. I love them but we don't really get them here. That's a useful recipe. thanks! =)
ReplyDeleteI love lamb, but don't eat it very often. I really need to change that, and these meatballs look like the perfect place to start
ReplyDeleteThese look so tasty!! My husband loves kebabs so I'm bookmarking this recipe to make this for him. :)
ReplyDeleteOhhhh... these look so tasty and I love kebobs! ~ Ben
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to surprise my Hubby with these kebabs. He was stationed in Greece and he talks often about the lamb he'd have there. Yours look delicious!!
ReplyDeleteI always adored how wonderful, perfect and melt in mouth kebab can be,wonderful recipe to try! I would love to try these.
ReplyDeleteThis looks delicious - we order lamb kofta frequently from the mediterranean restaurant on our block. I love how easy it is to make at home, too!
ReplyDeleteThe spices in these sound sooo delicious! Kebabs are always so delicious!
ReplyDeleteIzmir is one of my favorite places in Turkey. Delicious food , friendly people and hospitality!
ReplyDeleteThese kebabs look amazing!
ReplyDeleteThis looks amazing - I love kebabs like this, but never considered making them myself! Would love to try!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I went to Turkey for our honeymoon and I remember the kebabs being amazing! That said, I had NO idea how they made them. Thanks for sharing your delicious recipe!