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Peynirli Poğaça (Turkish pastry with cheese filling)

Selam.... Merhaba from Turkey...

Poğaça (read: po a tja, with "a" vague). In Turkey it's savory pastry with various filling, start from cheese, meat, potatoes, olive and more. Mostly eaten for breakfast or brunch with hot Turkish tea. 

But I often find this food during afternoon aile toplantı(*) together with bulgur salad, couscous salad, potato salad, pasta salad and more.

(*) Casual family gathering which sometimes Turkish women (or family) do in afternoon. They talk and share news/ story among them or family, drink tea, with light lunch such pastry ( börek poğaça çörek, etc) with salad ( like kısır, potato salad) and more. and close the gathering with turkish coffee.

In Turkey there are few type of Poğaça... some use yeast (they call mayalı Poğaça) and some use baking powder. 
And my today post is Poğaça with baking powder, so the texture is more to shortbread. Different with Poğaça with yeast which has texture to bread, but I like them both.... They just perfect for quick and light breakfast/ brunch.

For yeast version you can visit my post here and here

Telur masak Kecap / hard boiled eggs in sweet soy sauce

For Recipe in English, please scroll down.

Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba from Turkey

Sesuai janji saya sebelumnya, saya akan bagi salah satu lauk pelengkap lontong cap gomeh yang saya buat untuk menu lebaran Idhul Fitri kemarin.. yaitu telur masak kecap. Menu ini salah satu menu favorit saya. Biasanya saya menyantapnya dengan nasi hangat dan kerupuk udang saja.

Dulu saya biasa menambahkan irisan cabe rawit hingga mendapatkan pedas kesukaan lidah Surabaya saya... Tapi belakangan ini sejak saya juga harus share masakan yang saya bikin dengan putri batita saya... saya kurangi rasa pedas baik dari merica atau cabe rawitnya supaya dia juga bisa menikmati makanan khas Indonesia seperti ibunya ^,^

Syukur Alhamdulillah dia suka semua jenis makanan lho...baik makanan Turki atau tahu-tempe-krupuk yang Indonesia banget... tinggal ngelatih lidah dan perut dia dikit-dikit agar sukai pedas juga, biar bisa nge-rujak bareng sama Mommy nya ntar....hehehehehe...

Ini resep yang biasa saya pakai (juga ibu saya) dari dulu. Untuk kemiri kadang saya tambahkan..kadang juga saya tidak pakai (tapi nambahin jumlah cabe merah dikit). Dan untuk kuahnya suka-suka juga ya..mau yang agak banyak atau kental banget (masaknya agak dilamain biar kuahnya nyusut)...

Opor Ayam / Chicken braised in coconut milk ( javanese curry) Recipe

For Recipe in English please scroll down

Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba from Turkey..
Masih dalam suasana Idhul Fitri.... saya ingin sampaikan salam selamat hari raya Idhul Fitri 1 syahwal 1436 H..Mohon Maaf lahir dan bathin.

Memang kalau jauh dari tanah air... membuat kita makin menghargai tradisi yang dulu sewaktu kita di tanah air tidak terlalu kita perhatikan -- yang suatu saat kita akan rindukan...

Hal sekecil apapun yang biasa kita dapatkan di tanah air, kini menjadi suatu memori yang sangat berharga dan selalu ingin kita hidupkan kembali di tanah yang jauh dari kampung halaman kita...

Seperti halnya Lebaran yang kali ini saya lewati di Turki. Lebaran Idhul Fitri di Turki mempunyai nuansa yang berbeda dari lebaran di Indonesia- walau setiap orang sama bersemangat menyambutnya.  

Di Indonesia lebaran identik dengan aneka kue kering dan ketupat. Idhul Fitri di Turki terasa kurang jika tidak ada "baklava" dan permen/ turkish delight. Setiap rumah pasti menyajikan baklava untuk kerabat, teman dan sanak keluarga yang berkunjung di hari lebaran idhul fitri - dalam bahasa turkinya " Ramazan Bayram" atau kadang disebut "Şeker Bayram"

Baklava adalah pastry berlapis dengan isian semacam kacang kenari/ walnut atau dengan isian pistachio, dioven lalu disiram dengan sirup gula kental atau madu. Jadi bisa dibayangkan rasanya yang sangat manis legit dan gurih.

Tahun ini saya tidak sediakan Baklava di rumah. Hanya supaya tidak kehilangan nuansa "Şeker Bayram" (yang artinya Lebaran permen) saya juga sediakan permen coklat bikinan sendiri selain aneka kue kering khas Indonesia. Inshaalloh untuk permen coklat homemade akan saya posting terpisah.

Klassiske Vaniljekranse / Danish Butter Cookies Recipe

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

My post today again it's about cookies... Yes, since these Islamic Holiday (Eid al-fitr).. I made a lot of cookies..many kind.... And one of them is this Danish butter Cookies.

I decide to make this cookies because it remind me on my hometown during Eid al-fitr my mom always had this among our homemade cookies.. yes, we always store bought this cookies. It's so classic and memorable cookies for me and my siblings since it has been around veerryyy long time  - maybe since I was a kid as I remember.

So for bring back my childhood memories and having "Eid al Fitr like home" I make this nice and fragrant cookies for this Ramadhan Bayram...

Klassiske Vaniljekranse / Danish Butter Cookies Recipe | Çitra's Home Diary

Speculaas butter cookies / Butter kukis dengan bumbu spikoek

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Turkey..

Celebrating Ramadhan Bayram/ Eid al-Fitr is always being a happiest moment in my life...after do our Fasting (sawm) during Ramadhan.The holiday celebrates the conclusion of the 29 or 30 days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. The day of Eid, therefore, falls on the first day of the month of Shawwal

In Turkey, Eid al-Fitr celebrated with baklava and candy or turkish delight. When you visit your friend or relatives during Eid al-fitri (Ramazan Bayram) they will serve you with that traditional sweets pastry.

But in Indonesian tradition, eid al-fitr identically with cookies, ketupat with many other traditional meals. Too bad I can not have ketupat here.. 😔

But even far away from my homeland I want to have my own Indonesian tradition to celebrate Eid al Fitr here... Beside Baklava (mostly I buy from patisserie here) I usually make some cookies to have Indonesian Eid al fitr's atmosphere in our house... And of course for my Indonesian fellows who visit our house they will get Indonesian aroma...

Speculaas butter cookies / Butter kukis dengan bumbu spikoek| Çitra's Home Diary. #speculaas #cookies #buttercookies #bumbuspiku #spicecookie #kuekering

We usually have many kind of cookies to serve in our living room table, waiting our guess... such as nastar, kaastengel, putri salju, sus kering, pastel mini, etc...Those are always serve on my house during eid al fitri ^,^
You can check my variant cookies recipe on cookies section. 

Patetes Gözleme (Turkish flat bread filled with potato)

Selam Everybody.....Merhaba from Turkiye.

Gözleme is a savoury traditional Turkish flatbread, made of hand-rolled dough that is lightly brushed with butter and eggs, filled with various toppings, sealed, and cooked over a griddle.

The name derives from the Turkish word göz meaning "compartment", in reference to the pocket of dough in which the various toppings are sealed and cooked. Traditionally, this is done over a saç griddle.

Kari Ikan / Indonesian style fish curry

Resep Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Selam Everybody...Merhaba from Turkey.....

My today post is Kari Ikan or Indonesian Fish Curry.
Generally we serve this curry with steamed rice together with some steamed simple steamed vegetables side dish like steamed casava's leaves or papaya leaves. 
It best makes this curry spicy as our original Indonesian style.

  • 500 grams of mackerel/ bonito/ tuna. Cut into approximately 1 inch thick
  • half medium lemon, take the juice
  • some birds eye chilies, according how spicy you wanna go
  • about 2 cm ginger, bruised
  • about 2 cm galangal, bruised
  • 4~6 kaffir lime leaves
  • 1 stalks lemongrass, white part only, bruised
  • 1 curry leaves--> I didn't use it, I use bay leaf
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 Tbsp  salt or to taste
  • 1/4 tsp ground pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 700~800 ml of coconut milk, medium thick
  • enough cooking oil.

Jamur goreng krispi /Crunchy fried mushrooms

Selam Everybody....Merhaba from Turkey...

Have you try this snack?
I remember had this snack few years ago. At that time in Indonesia, this fried mushrooms was one of favorite street snack. Even there were many franchises selling this booming snack everywhere. Big mall, school, campus, market, street stall..... 

Well, basically Indonesian like street food so much..seriously! If you visit Indonesia you will easily finding street vendors selling anything almost everywhere... and they are mostly open 24 hours!

And if there's new food on street and people like it, it will easily booming and spread so fast like virus...hahahha.. including this fried mushrooms. People are like addicted to eat it, that's why fried mushrooms' vendors spread so fast like mushrooms in rain season :)

There are many variant of mushrooms they sell, like oyster mushrooms, champignon mushrooms until enoki muhsrooms.

And today... suddenly I miss to eat that snack again.. and more I want to give other snack variant to my kid... so happy she loves it and ask again and again...

So here my recipe if you wanna try it also at home...

Damla Sakızlı Fırın Sütlaç (Turkish Rice Pudding with mastic gum)

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Damla Sakızlı Fırın Sütlaç (Turkish Rice Pudding with mastic gum). #turkishcuisine #ricepudding #dessert #tatlı #bakericepudding #sütlaç #fırınsütlaç  #sweetporidge #turkishcuisine #ricepudding #dessert #tatlı #fırınsütlaç #turkishdessert #turkishfoodrecipe #masticgum #puddingberaskhasturki #resepmasakanturki

Almost halfway of this blessing Ramadhan.... Full of blessing because this summer generally Turkey area are like spring. Usually summertime temperature so high and the air is somehow dry. Even though weather forecasts predict temperature will increase slowly start next week but again... this lovely Friday Bursa is wet and fresh again... ^,^
May Allah always gives easiness for you who are doing Ramadhan fasting. And May Allah forgive our sins and accept our deeds in this holy month.

Talking about Ramadhan and fasting... I always remember the Ramadhan atmosphere in Indonesia especially in my mom's house. She always prepared Iftar table for us, full of homy meals and "takjil". "takjil" is something sweet that we eat/ drink once the adzan echoed. It's  mostly a light thing to eat/ drink-almost like dessert- before we eat the main dish... 
How I miss my hometown now.....

Damla Sakızlı Fırın Sütlaç (Turkish Rice Pudding with mastic gum). #turkishcuisine #ricepudding #dessert #tatlı #bakericepudding #sütlaç #fırınsütlaç  #sweetporidge #turkishcuisine #ricepudding #dessert #tatlı #fırınsütlaç #turkishdessert #turkishfoodrecipe #masticgum #puddingberaskhasturki #resepmasakanturki
And here in Turkey we have a little things different than I had in my homeland but generally Ramadhan is the most joyful that we always waiting for each year.

Our today's dessert after iftar is Damla Sakızlı Fırın Sütlaç (Turkish Rice Pudding with mastic gum). The recipe I take from "Şeker bank tatlı kitab" with minor adjustment. The addition of  mastic gum in this recipe gives slightly chewy texture. But you can also try my other recipe without using mastic gum here.