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Perfect Peach syrup for iced tea

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Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛

Perfect Peach syrup for  iced tea | Çitra's Home Diary

Drinking tea is an old tradition of the human race. China might be the first country that drinks tea. But Turkey is the number one country that consumes more tea in the world. According to and, Turkey consumed almost 7 pounds per person per year, followed by Ireland and United Kingdom.

Turkish people love their tea hot. Not only in wintertime, the same in the summertime. 
Not commonly like other countries that enjoy their tea in a mug or a cup, Turkish tea served in a small Turkish tea glass. The glass' shape is known as "ince belli" or literally mean slim-waisted or people call it Tulip-shape glass. The glass has about 125 ml capacity.

Turkish tea served in a tulip shape glass

I love hot tea as well. But during a hot day like this August, I prefer drinking iced cold tea with a touch of freshly fruity or lemony flavor. Back when I was in Indonesia, iced cold tea was always served with any meal we eat. 
And one of the old Indonesian tea producers "Sinar Sosro" has a very popular product calls "Sosro" ice tea that packed in a carton box or in the bottle.

Perfect Peach syrup for  iced tea | Çitra's Home Diary. #peachrecipe #icedtea #peachsyrup #peachicetea #strawberryicedtea #estehbuahpersik #caramembuatesteh #şeftaliçay #şeftalisurubu
So today I will share one of my favorite ice tea with fresh and lemony peach syrup. You may remember my previous Easy Peach iced tea, this time I make the peach into fresh syrup and mix it with dark brewed tea which was previously cold in the refrigerator. 
Result; very refreshing beverage to beat the heat on summer days.

For making this iced tea, I use approximately 1 tablespoon of black tea ( I use "ceylon" tea) mix with ½ tablespoon jasmine tea for 2 glasses (500 ml).
That formula depends on the tea you use, you may add or reduce and see how dark (and aromatic) the tea you prefer. And double it for more yield.

Perfect Peach syrup for  iced tea | Çitra's Home Diary. #peachrecipe #icedtea #peachsyrup #peachicetea #strawberryicedtea #estehbuahpersik #caramembuatesteh #şeftaliçay #şeftalisurubu

Peach syrup for  iced tea
By: Çitra's Home Diary

First, we need to make peach syrup. 

Ingredients for peach syrup:
🍑 4 peaches (about 600 gr / 4 cup chopped)
🍑 2 cup (420 gr) sugar
🍑 2 cup (500 ml) water
🍑 1 Tbsp lemon juice 

Make the peach syrup:

1) I do not pell my peaches. Stoned and roughly chopped the peaches. Place into a deep pan with sugar, water, and lemon juice. 

2) Over high heat, bring them to boil. After it boils, lowest the heat and close the pan with the lid. Let it gently simmer about 10 minutes before you turn off the heat.
Let it sit (with the lid on) until room temperature.

3) Using a big fork or potato masher, gently push the peaches until it lightly crushes.
Strain the syrup over a fine strainer to remove fruit pieces. Place into a clean syrup bottle and refrigerator until ready to use. 

Make about 1 lt syrup.
Use it within a week.

Meanwhile, we can brew some tea.

🍵 4 Tbsp loose black tea ( I use "ceylon" tea). Or you can use 8 tea bags
🍵 2 Tbsp loose jasmine tea (optional)
🍵 8 glass (2 lt) boiling water
Note: 1 cup=250 ml

Bring 8 cups water to a boil; remove from the heat and add 4 tablespoons loose black tea and 2 tbsp jasmine tea. 
Let steep about 5 minutes, until it's the strength you like. Strain loose tea with a fine-mesh sieve or remove the tea bags. Let cool, then transfer to a pitcher, cover, and refrigerate until it ready to use.

How to serve peach iced tea.

Pour the tea about halfway (glass or pitcher). Add the syrup until almost full, stir well and taste the sweetness as your prefer.
Add some iced cubes, peach slice, and some lemon slices if you like. Enjoy it with family and friends 🧊🍑

Check my ultimate Easy Peach Frozen Yogurt Popsicles also for more summer refreshing.

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 
Send me some 💚

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Perfect Peach syrup for  iced tea | Çitra's Home Diary. #peachrecipe #icedtea #peachsyrup #peachicetea #strawberryicedtea #estehbuahpersik #caramembuatesteh #şeftaliçay #şeftalisurubu



بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟

Alhamdulillah musim panas banyak sekali buah persik di pasar. Harganya murah banget, apalagi kota Bursa-tempat saya tinggal terkenal dengan produksi buah persiknya karena banyak sekali petani menanam buah persik di bursa. Dan hasil buah persik Bursa dikenal paling bagus, hingga ada julukan "Bursanın şeftali" atau buah persiknya Bursa.

Perfect Peach syrup for  iced tea | Çitra's Home Diary. #peachrecipe #icedtea #peachsyrup #peachicetea #strawberryicedtea #estehbuahpersik #caramembuatesteh #şeftaliçay #şeftalisurubu

Bagi pengunjung setia blog saya, mungkin masih ingat postingan saya sebelumnya yaitu Es krim buah persik yang terbuat dari yogurt. Atau Panna Cotta dengan buah persk dan cream cheese yang segar dan lezat itu ya.  Atau penggemar fruit cake, bisa coba Peach upside down cake yang resepnya sudah pernah saya share sebelumnya. 

Kali ini saya ingin bagi resep sirup dari buah persik. Sirup ini biasa dipakai untuk membuat es teh manis. Berbeda dengan Es teh buah persik yang sebelumnya ya..

Peach syrup for iced tea
By: Çitra's Home Diary

Pertama-tama kita buat syrupnya dulu 

Bahan untuk syrup:
🍑 4 buah persik (± 600 gr)
🍑 2 gelas (420 gr) gula pasir
🍑 2 gelas (500 ml) air
🍑 1 sdm perasan jeruk lemon/ limau

Cara membuat syrup buah persik:

1) Cuci bersih buah persik, tidak perlu dikupas, potong-potong kotak kecil dan buang bijinya. Taruh semua bahan dalam panci.

2) Panaskan hingga mendidih dengan api besar. Setelah mendidih, kecilkan api paling kecil, tutup pancinya dan masak dengan api kecil kurleb 10 menit lagi. Lalu matikan api dan diamkan hingga suhu ruang ( panci tetap ditutup).

3) Lalu pencet-pencet pelan buah persik dengan garpu atau potato masher agar semua sari buah persik keluar. Lalu sarng dengan saringan halus. Buang sisa buah yang kasar.
Pindahkan syrup dalam botol syrup yang bersih. Simpan dalam lemari es hingga siap digunakan.
Menajdi kerleb 1 lt syrup. Bisa dipakai dalam 1 minggu jika disimpan dalam lemari es.

Sambil membuat syrup, kita bisa membuat tehnya.

🍵 4 sdm teh bubuk hitam ( bisa gunakan 8 kantong teh celup). 
🍵 2 sdm teh aroma melati (optional)
🍵 8 gelas (2 lt) air mendidih
Note: 1 cup=250 ml

Seduh teh dalam air mendidih dan diamkan kurleb 5 menit. Saring dan pisahkan ampas tehnya. Diamkan hingga suhu ruang sebelum dipindah dalam botol dan disimpan dalam lemari es.

Teh seduhan bisa didoble atau dibagi sesuai kebutuhan.

Cara menyajikan es teh buah persik.

Tuang seduhan teh dingin ke dalam gelas atau tempat minum besar sampai setengahnya. 
Lalu tuangi syrup buah persik dan aduk, cek rasanya. Jika ingin lebih manis bisa tambahi syrupnya lagi. 
Beri es batu secukupnya. Bisa juga tambahi potongan buah persik dan lemon jika suka.
Enjoy, selamat mencoba 🧊🍑

Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 
Send me some 💚

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