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Who's a banana cake lover here?
Me! π
But I love the one which is light, fluffy yet moist. Yep... this is the kind of banana cake I have always craving of.
My post today is so easy, so moist and so fail-proof banana cake. And the bonus (?) it's steamed!
Yes, I love steamed cake. When you steam the cake you will get more flavor from the ingredients you use. So imagine when you steam a banana cake, you will get purer, more fragrant, and more flavor of the banana compares to when you bake it.
You may love this Three Colors Marble Steamed Cake ( from egg whites)
What I love like about the steaming process is the cake will so moist with a nice crumb. Looks dense but it's actually so fluffy.
For you who always fail to bake a cake, I think this is the best way to start steaming your cake π . No burning from the oven and the process is also quite easy.
No steaming pan? No worry, I don't have it either!
Just use the biggest pan you have (which allows your 22cm pan inside it with more space), then add a stainless steel/ iron trivet with feet about 5-10 cm high to place your cake pan.
This recipe is perfect for finishing your leftover banana which sits on your table for a few days and almost becomes very soft.
Let me know if you have any questions by dropping them in the comment section below, I will respond as soon as I can.
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Steamed Banana Cake
By: Γitra's Home Diary
Make one 22-23 cm bundt pan
π 4 eggs
π 170 gr caster sugar (you can use brown/ palm sugar)
π 325 gr banana
π 250 gr AP flour
π 25 gr cornstarch flour
π 1 tbsp cinnamon powder
π 1½ tsp baking powder
π 1 tsp baking soda
π pinch of salt
π 1 packet (3 tsp) powdered vanilla
π 135 gr butter, melted
1) Prepare a big pan for steaming, fill with enough water and bring to boil over medium heat. Grease one 22-23 cam bundt pan generously with margarine/ butter, set aside.
2) Mashed banana with a fork until fine. Set aside. Sift and mix all dry ingredients, and set aside.
3) In a big mixing bowl, whisk eggs and sugar (or brown sugar). Use high speed to get fluffy, pale, and double in volume.
4) Mix in mashed banana, whisk with the lowest speed just until incorporated, followed by sifted dry ingredients. Whisk just until blended.
5) Add in melted butter. Using a rubber spatula, start to fold the batter until perfectly incorporated. Make sure to scrape down the bottom part as well.
6) Pour into the prepared bundt pan and place in the prepared steamer. Make sure the water is enough for steam. Cover the lid and steam for about 45-50 minutes over medium heat, or until inserted skewer comes oΔ±t clean.
Note: Check the water during the steaming process, you may add more boiling water if the water will run out.
7) Let it rest over the cooling rack until cool before unmolding.
Serve with a sprinkle of powder sugar.
Happy cooking.
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me π Send me some π
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Bolu Pisang kukus
Oleh: Γitra's Home Diary
satu loyang tulban 22-23 cm
π 4 butir telur
π 170 gr gula kastor (bisa pakai gula merah/ palm sugar)
π 325 gr pisang
π 250 gr tepung AP
π 25 gr tepung maizena
π 1 sdm bubuk kayu manis
π 1½ sdt baking powder
π 1 sdt soda kue
π sejumput garam
π 1 bungkus (3 sdt) vanili bubuk
π 135 gr mentega, lelehkan
Jangan lupa subscribe dan aktifkan tanda "lonceng" ya
Cara membuat:
1) Siapkan panci pengukus, isi dengan air dan didihkan dengan api sedang. Olesi satu loyang tulban 22-23 cam dengan margarin/mentega secukupnya, lalu taburi tepung tipis-tipis. Sisihkan.
2) Haluskan pisang dengan garpu saja. Sisihkan. Ayak dan campur semua bahan kering, sisihkan.
3) Dalam mangkuk besar, kocok telur dan gula (atau brown sugar). Gunakan kecepatan tinggi untuk mendapatkan volume yang mengembang dan pucat.
4) Campurkan pisang yang sudah dihaluskan, kocok dengan kecepatan paling rendah sampai tercampur rata, diikuti dengan bahan kering yang diayak. Kocok lagi kecepatan rendah hanya sampai tercampur saja.
5) Masukkan mentega cair. Dengan menggunakan spatula, aduk lipat adonan hingga tercampur sempurna. Pastikan mengaduk hingga bagian bawah juga.
6) Tuang ke dalam loyang yang sudah disiapkan dan masukkan ke dalam kukusan yang sudah disiapkan. Pastikan airnya cukup ya. Tutup dan kukus selama sekitar 45-50 menit dengan api sedang, atau sampai tes tusuk sate yang dimasukkan keluar bersih dan tidak basah.
Note: Sesekali cek air, tambahkan air panas jika mulai menyusut.
7) Angkat dari kukusan dan diamkan di atas rak pendingin sampai dingin sebelum dilepas dari loyang.
Sajikan dengan taburan gula halus.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me π Send me some π
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