Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah
Merhaba From Türkiye 👋
First of all, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you can come back, again and again, to check up on any beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweets that you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛
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Some of you may have recipes which only uses egg yolks and left the whites... Next time do not discard your egg whites, cause you still can use them in some recipes.
Or maybe you already have some leftover egg whites and still looking for recipes that use only the whites. Well.. you come to the right page 😉
I have 20+ recipes using egg whites only. You can check my web page category by ingredient and click at sub category "egg white"
If you are my old blog reader you may already familiar with my steamed cake recipe, like my famous "Zebra Steamed cake from egg white" or my "Steamed Dark Chocolate Forest Cake".
Today I'd like to share other steamed cake recipe and it uses leftover egg whites.
As you know the steam method has been used for centuries in most Asian cuisine. Unlike most western cooking method which require oven bake on mostly their cooking process, we are Asian people accustomed with steam cooking process than oven bake. We steam almost everything starts from the main dish, side dish, bread, until dessert.
Why I use steam process for my cake?With steam process we can avoid of burning or over baking/ overcooking on food. And with steaming I believe we can get healthier and more nutritious especially when we steam vegetables.
I like steam my cake especially if I use egg whites only. Cake with steaming process has more moist texture and crumb than baking one. And it's moist can last until a few days (keep in airtight container). And for me steam cake is always fail-proof in any recipe I make.
How do I steam my cake?
I do not have steamer pot like I had in Indonesia. I simply put a small rack and place it inside big pot/ pan with the lid. The rack should at least 4-5 cm high so the cake mold won't touch directly to bottom pan and the water will not splash into the cake batter.
Wrap the lid with kitchen napkin/ towel to prevent water drops into the cake.
Three Colors Marble Steamed Cake ( from egg whites)
By: Çitra's Home Diar
For one 22 x 7 cm tube pan ( or 8" tube pan)
🥚 400 gr egg white, room temperature. ( I use leftover egg whites)
🥚 2 tsp lemon juice
🥚 ¼ tsp salt
🥚 170 gr caster sugar, add or reduce ± 10 gr to your own preferred
🥚 250 gr AP flour
🥚 2 tsp baking powder
🥚 2 tsp vanilla powder ( or 1 tsp vanilla paste)
🥚 150 gr oil ( I use canola oil)
For marble pattern:
🥚 1 tsp pandan paste
🥚 Mix 2 Tbsp dark cocoa powder with 2 Tbsp hot water ( or use 1 Tbsp chocolate paste )
🥚 Mix 1 tsp cocoa powder + 2 Tbsp instant coffee with 2 Tbsp hot water ( or use 1 Tbsp mocca paste )
How to make:
1) Heat enough water in your steamer. Grease your tube pan with margarine or butter. Set aside. Sift and mix flour, powdered vanilla and baking powder. Set aside
2) Whisk egg white, lemon juice, and salt until foamy. Then gradually whisk in sugar in three batches, continue to whip until stiff peak and thick.
3) Sift in flour mixture and fold until well blended. Add in the oil and continue to fold until well cooperated, careful not deflate the batter.
4) Take about half of the batter and divide again into 3 equal parts into smaller bowls. Mix each part with pandan paste, chocolate paste, Mocca paste. Fold each color carefully, do not deflate the batter. Left the other half in white.
5) Now pour the batter into prepared pan, alternating between white, green, chocolate and mocca batter. Do until all batter finishes, take one chopstick and dip into batter, make a swirl pattern across all side. Steam for 50-60 minutes or until an inserted skewer comes out clean.
Remove from pan and rest onto cooling rack before unmold it.
Happy steaming 💟
Cake with a steam process has more moist crumb and texture than when it baked.
Cake with a steam process has more moist crumb and texture than when it baked.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
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السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋
Apa kabar semua.... Inshaallah sedang berbahagia dan sehat selalu ya. Amin.
Postingan kali ini edisi ngabisin stok putih telur yang numpuk banyak dikulkas. Tadi nya mau saya bikin kue kering.. tapi pemakaiannya sedikit sedikit.
Akhirnya saya putusin bikin kek atau bolu kukus saja. Terisnpirasi postingan saya jaman baheula yang sempat populer beberapa tahun yang lalu, bolu kukus zebra putih telur. Kali ini saya bikin versi marmer tiga warna dan pakai loyang tulban.
Maunya bikin motif yang mirip baju tentara Indonesia itu.. tapi kurang berhasil... Inshaallah next time coba lagi yang lebih mirip... 😊
Postingan kali ini edisi ngabisin stok putih telur yang numpuk banyak dikulkas. Tadi nya mau saya bikin kue kering.. tapi pemakaiannya sedikit sedikit.
Akhirnya saya putusin bikin kek atau bolu kukus saja. Terisnpirasi postingan saya jaman baheula yang sempat populer beberapa tahun yang lalu, bolu kukus zebra putih telur. Kali ini saya bikin versi marmer tiga warna dan pakai loyang tulban.
Maunya bikin motif yang mirip baju tentara Indonesia itu.. tapi kurang berhasil... Inshaallah next time coba lagi yang lebih mirip... 😊
Bikin bolu kukus ini termasuk mudah, kuncinya pengadukan tepung dan minyak ke dalam kocokan putih telur harus dengan cara diaduk lipat agar tidak turun (deflate) lagi adonannya.
Mengukusnya juga dengan api sedang saja. Lalu bungkus tutup panci dengan serbet agar air tidak menetes ke dalam adonan bolu selama proses mengukus.
Okeee... yang punya stok sisa putih telur dan bingun mau diapain..dicoba yuk resep nya..Inshaallah suka dan nagih 😊
Bolu Kukus Marmer dari putih telur
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary
Untuk loyang tulban 22 x 7 cm
🥚 400 gr putih telur, suhu ruang
🥚 2 sdt perasan jeruk lemon
🥚 ¼ sdt garam halus
🥚 170 gr gula kastor (tambah atau kurangi ±15 gr sesuai selera)
🥚 250 gr tepung terigu
🥚 2 sdt baking powder
🥚 2 sdt vanili bubuk ( atau 1 sdt pasta vanili)
🥚 150 gr minyak goreng (saya pakai minyak canola)
Untuk marmer:
🥚 1 sdt pasta pandan
🥚 1 Sdm pasta black forrest (atau campur 2 sdm bubuk kakao pekat dengan 2 sdm air panas)
🥚 1 sdm pasta mocca (atau campur 1 sdt bubuk kakao + 2 sdm kopi instant + 2 sdm air mendidih)
1) Olesi loyang tulban dengan margarin, sisihkan. Panaskan air secukupnya dalam panci untuk mengukus.
2) Dalam wadah yang bersih tanpa sisa minyak, kocok putih telur, air jeruk lemon dan garam sampai berbusa banyak. Lalu masukkan gula kastor sedikit demi sedikit dalam tiga tahap sambil terus dikocok sampai kaku.
3) Ayak tepung, baking powder dan vanili bubuk. Aduk balik hingga rata. Lalu masukkan minyak goreng, aduk balik lagi hingga benar-benar rata dan tidak ada minyak mengendap di bagian bawah wadah.
4) Ambil separuh bagian adonan, lalu bagi lagi menjadi tiga bagian. Campur masing-masing bagian dengan pasta pandan, pasta chocolate dan pasta mocca. Aduk balik dengan rata.
5) Tuang adonan secara bergantian ke loyang yang sudah disiapkan. Aduk melingkar dengan sumpit membuat motif marmer. Hentakkan loyang untuk mengeluarkan sisa udara dalam adonan.
6) Kukus dengan api sedang kurleb 60 menit atau sampai lidi keluar bersih setelah ditusukkan ke bagian tengah bolu. Dinginkan diatas rak sampai dingin sebelum dikeluarkan dari loyang.
Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Follow me at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know.
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚
This looks fantastic! I love all the different layers - how eye catching. Thanks so much for sharing - what a great use for my leftover egg whites!