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CARA MEMBUAT KAREDOK aka LOTEK / INDONESIAN RAW VEGETABLES SALAD IN PEANUT SAUCE | Çitra's Home Diary. #Indonesianfood #indonesisch #resepkaredok #peanutsauce #veganrecipe #lotek #endonezyamutfağı #saladrecipes

Indonesian cuisine is one of the richest culinary traditions in the world and is full of intense flavors. The richness of its cuisine is a reflection of the diversity of cultures and traditions of the archipelago, which consists of about 6,000 inhabited islands, and plays an important role in Indonesian national culture in general. Almost all Indonesian dishes are rich in spices derived from spices such as candlenut, chili, temu kunci or fingerroot, galangal, ginger, kencur or kaempferia galanga, turmeric, coconut, and gula jawa or coconut/ palm sugar.

Just like what I am going to share today, it calls "Karedok". It is very similar to gado-gado, except all the vegetables are raw, while most gado-gado vegetables are boiled
Karedok is a raw vegetable salad in peanut sauce from Sundanese region, West Java, Indonesia. It is one of the Sundanese signature dishes. It traditionally includes long beans, cucumbers, bean sprouts, cabbage, Indonesian basil or lemon basil (Ind: kemangi), and small green eggplant, covered in peanut sauce dressing.

CARA MEMBUAT KAREDOK aka LOTEK / INDONESIAN RAW VEGETABLES SALAD IN PEANUT SAUCE | Çitra's Home Diary. #Indonesianfood #indonesisch #resepkaredok #peanutsauce #veganrecipe #lotek #endonezyamutfağı #saladrecipes


What makes this dish different from gado-gado, it's using kencur or kaempferia galanga, ,lemon basil (Indonesian: Kemangi), and green apple eggplant.
Karedok is also known as lotek atah (raw lotek or raw gado-gado) for its fresh and raw version of the vegetable covered with peanut sauce. 

Karedok is widely served as a daily food in the Sundanese family, usually eaten with hot rice, tofu, tempeh, and krupuk (cracker).
Nowadays karedok can be found in many variations from hawkers' carts, and stalls (warung) as well as in restaurants and hotels both in Indonesia and worldwide.

Karedok is part of a wide range of Indonesian dressing and salad combinations, along with lotek, pecel and gado-gado
In many places, to retain authenticity in both the production and flavor, the peanut sauce is made in individual batches, in front of the customers. However, since the dish has gained popularity (because of the increase of Asian-themed restaurants) Karedok sauce is now mostly made ahead of time and cooked in bulk, although this is probably more common in Western restaurants rather than in Indonesia. 

Karedok is always served with crackers or krupuk commonly made from tapioca crackers. In Indonesia, karedok is also usually enjoyed with rice, lontong (rice cake wrapped in banana leaf). And crunchy fried shallot is sprinkled over the top to seal the dish.

So if you are interested to try this healthy and vegan meal, just gather some vegetables needed, and let's make the delicious peanut sauce dressing.
And if you have any questions regarding this dish, you can leave your comment below and I will be glad to answer them as soon as I get them.

Don't forget to subscribe to my YT channel

By. Çitra's Home Diary

🥗 Long green bean (finely chopped)
🥗 Cucumber (finely chopped)
🥗 Apple green eggplant / Thai green eggplant (finely chopped)*
🥗 Bean sprout
🥗 white cabbage ( finely sliced)
🥗 Indonesian basil leaves/lemon basil/ kemangi ( roughly chopped)
🥗 Fried tempeh
🥗 Fried tofu (optional)
🥗 some cracker
🥗 Crunchy fried shallot

(*) I didn't use it this time

Peanut sauce (per serving). Double as needed

🥗 Some red chili pepper to taste
🥗 some birdeye chili or chili paid to taste
🥗 3-4 tbsp chopped of "kencur root" or kaempfaria galangga
🥗 2-3 big cloves of garlic
🥗 enough "gula jawa" (about 1 tbsp) or coconut or palm sugar
🥗 enough brown sugar ( I use 3 tbsp)
🥗 ½ tsp "terasi or balacan" / shrimp paste
🥗 ½ tsp salt or to taste
🥗 3-4 tbsp fried peanut (or roasted one)
🥗 2-4 tbsp tamarind water *
🥗 lemon or lime to taste

(*) Tamarind water=1 tsp "asam jawa" or tamarind soaked in 2 cups of warm water

How to make:

Peanut sauce dressing.
1) Using mortar and pestle, ground all chilies, garlic, kaempferia galanga, palm sugar, brown sugar, shrimp paste, and salt. ground them until really smooth.
Note: if you don't have a mortar and pestle, just use a hand blender or blender.

2) And then add the roasted/ fried peanut, and ground them again together until the peanut is smooth. Add some tamarind water, gradually until you get the right consistency, not too thick nor too thin (watch my video also).
Don't forget to check the taste. It should have umami taste, sweet and slightly sour. Add sugar or salt as your prefer.
At last, squeeze some lime/ lemon juice.

How to serve.
Roughly chop all vegetables, tofu, and tempeh, and mix with peanut sauce dressing. Serve immediately with kerupuk. sprinkle with fried shallot.


Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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CARA MEMBUAT KAREDOK aka LOTEK / INDONESIAN RAW VEGETABLES SALAD IN PEANUT SAUCE | Çitra's Home Diary. #Indonesianfood #indonesisch #resepkaredok #peanutsauce #veganrecipe #lotek #endonezyamutfağı #saladrecipes

🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 🥗 


بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Merhaba dari Türki semuanya 👋

Terima kasih udah mampir kemari ya. Boleh kok tinggalkan kesan dan pesan di kolom komen dibawah... Saya akan sangat-sangat berterima kasih dan makin semangat update-update 💟
Oh iya.. jangan lupa untuk subscribe youtube channel saya dan aktifkan tanda bell nya untuk dapat video resep baru saya ya.

CARA MEMBUAT KAREDOK aka LOTEK / INDONESIAN RAW VEGETABLES SALAD IN PEANUT SAUCE | Çitra's Home Diary. #Indonesianfood #indonesisch #resepkaredok #peanutsauce #veganrecipe #lotek #endonezyamutfağı #saladrecipes

Bicara makanan sehat.. nggak ada yang ngalahin karedok 🥗 ya. Paling enggak itu menurut saya ya moms. Semua jenis sayuran ada di situ plus protein paling sehat sedunia: tempe!
Karedok adalah salad yang terdiri dari sayuran mentah dicampur bumbu kacang dengan aroma kencur yang menggugah selera. Khas dari Jawa Barat. Dulu saya suka beli karedok ini di daerah RS persahabatan-Jkt. Tapi bisa juga lho mom dibuat dirumah,lebih sehat, lebih ekonomis dan nggak ada yg ngalahin homemade with 💖 ya 😊

Jumlah sayuran bisa disesuaikan ya moms.

Cara membuat karedok rumahan.
Oleh: Çitra's Home Diary


🥗 Seikat kacang panjang, potong halus
🥗 2-3 buah timun, potong kotak kecil
🥗 Terong lalap ➝ sy nggak pakai kali ini
🥗 Tauge segar semangkok
🥗 Secukupnya Kol, iris halus
🥗 daun kemangi seseuai selera, cincang kasar
🥗 Tempe goreng, potong kotak
🥗 Tahu goreng, potong kotak (opsional)
🥗 kerupuk kuning sesuai selera

Bumbu Kacang (untuk sekali uleg / 2 porsi)
🥗 4-5 sdm kacang tanah, goreng
🥗 2 cabe merah besar/ keriting
🥗 cabe rawit sesuai selera pedasnya
🥗 2-3 sdm kencur (yang sudah diiris halus)
🥗 3-4 bawang putih
🥗 1 sdm gula jawa sisir
🥗 2-3 sdm brown sugar atau gula biasa (bisa pakai gula jawa semua)
🥗 ½ sdt terasi
🥗 ½ sdt garam atau sesuai selera
🥗 1 sdt rendam dengan 2 gelas air panas
🥗 jeruk limau atau lemon secukupnya

Cara membuat:

1) Haluskan kacang tanah goreng bersama bawang putih,cabai rawit,kencur,gula merah,terasi bakar,garam. Bila sudah halus tambahkan air asam sedikit demi sedikit sambil dicek kekentalannya. Jangan terlalu encer/ kental.
Jangan lupa cek rasanya. Karedok mempunyai rasa khas manis, asin dan sedikit asam. Rasa kencur juga berasa segar.

2) Masukkan sayur-sayuran dan tempe juga tahu goreng (jika pakai). Aduk rata hingga bumbu tercampur rata.
Sajikan segera dengan kerupuk dan taburan bawang merah goreng.

Selamat mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.

Let's befriend at Instagram; @citra_homediary
If you making this recipe, please let me know. 
Use hashtag #citrashomediary_recipe and tag me 😊 Send me some 💚

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