Another variation from pasta family.
- 250 gr macaroni pipe or coil form. Boil as instruction on packet just until 3/4 cooked. Set aside
Red Sauce:
- 1 carrot. diced or shape match
- 200 gr ground meat
- 1 medium onion. finely chopped
- 3 cloves of garlic. Finely chopped
- 1 large tomato fruit. skin peeled and finely chopped
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste. Dissolve a half cup water / broth
- Dried basil 1 / 2 tbsp.
- Sugar, salt and pepper to taste.
- 1 1 / 2 tablespoons butter for sauteing.
White Sauce:
- 1 1 / 2 cup whole milk
- Two eggs.
- 2 tablespoons bread crumbs
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- Mozzarella Cheese or cheddar (or any kind of topping cheese you like)
Red sauce
1) Heat butter and saute the ground meat until brown. Add the garlic and onion, saute until wilted and fragrant. Add tomatoes, stirring until tomato is wilted.
2) Put carrots and cook until carrots are tender. Add dissolved tomato paste. Stir well. Seasoning with sugar, salt and pepper. Do taste test. Add dried basil leaves, stir and turn off the heat. Set aside
White sauce.
1) Beat eggs until loose, add milk, salt and pepper and bread crumbs. Stir until blended.
Pre heat oven at 160 deg C. Layered heat-resistant baking dish with butter. Arrange the macaroni, and put red sauce, pour with white sauce then sprinkle with cheese. Do the same up to three layers and all ingredients finish. Bake in oven 160 deg C until cooked (approximately 45 min)
Serve warm with chili sauce or tomato sauce
- 250 gr macaroni pipa atau bentuk keong. Rebus hingga 3/4 matang saja. sisihkan
Saus merah:
- 1 buah wortel. potong kotak/ bentuk korek
- 200 gr daging cincang
- 1 bawang bombay medium. cincang halus
- 3 siung bawang putih. Cincang halus
- 1 buah tomat besar. kupas kulit dan cincang halus
- 1 sdm pasta tomat. Larutkan dengan 1/2 gelas air/ kaldu
- daun basil kering 1/2 sdm.
- gula, garam dan merica bubuk sesuai selera.
- 1 1/2 sdm margarine untuk menumis.
Saus putih:
- 1 1/2 gelas susu cair
- 2 butir telur.
- 2 sdm remahan roti/ panir
- garam dan merica bubuk sesuai selera.
- keju cheddar parut atau mozzarella
Cara Membuatnya:
Saus merah
1) Panaskan margarine dan tumis daging cincang. Masukkan bawang putih dan bawang bombay, tumis lagi hingga layu dan harum. Masukkan tomat, aduk hingga tomat layu.
2) masukkan wortel dan masak hingga wortel empuk. Masukkan pasta tomat yang sudah dilarutkan. Aduk rata. Bumbuhi dengan gula, garam dan merica bubuk. tes rasanya. Masukkan daun basil kering, aduk dan matikan api. Sisihkan
Saus putih.
1) Kocok telur hingga lepas, tambahkan susu cair, garam dan merica serta tepung panir. Aduk hingga rata.
Olesi pinggan tahan panas dengan mentega. Susun macaroni, beri saus merah, siram saus putih lalu taburi keju. Lakukan hal sama sampai 3 susun dan adonan habis. Panggang dalam oven 160 deg C hingga matang (kurang lebih 45 mnt)
sajikan hangat dengan saus sambal atau saus tomat
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