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Showing posts with label Tapioca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tapioca. Show all posts

Cilok ( Indonesian tapioca ball in peanut sauce)

 Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada dibagian bawah

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

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Cilok ( Indonesian tapioca ball in peanut sauce)| Çitra's Home Diary. #caramembuatcilok #tapiocarecipe #Indonesiansnack #endonezyamutfağı #cilok #Indonesianfoodrecipe

What is "cilok"?

Cilok (from Sundanese language), is an Indonesian ball-shaped dumpling made from aci (tapioca starch). 
It's a Sundanese snack originating from West Java, Indonesia. 
In Sundanese language, cilok is an abbreviation of aci dicolok or "poked tapioca", since the tapioca balls are poked with lidi  (skewer made from the midrib of the coconut palm frond).

Cilok balls are boiled until cooked or deep fried in ample cooking oil and might be served with peanut sauce, kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), sambal, or chili sauce.
The texture of cilok is quite chewy, its shape and texture are quite similar to Japanese dango, although almost all cilok variants are savory compared to sweet dango.

Cilok is a popular street snack, usually sold by traveling vendors using carts or bicycles frequenting residential areas, marketplace, busy street-side, or stationed in front of a school. The chewy tapioca balls with savory peanut sauce are a popular snack among Indonesian school children

Indonesian cold beverage "es doger" / Es Doger Tape ketan hitam

Recipe in English please scroll down

Es Doger Tape ketan hitam / Indonesian cold drink "es doger" | Çitra's Home Diaryö #indonesianbeverage #coldbeveragerecipe #coconutmilkrecipe #blackglutinousrice #tapiocapearlrecipe

Assalamu'alaikum....... Merhaba dari Turki.

Postingan hari ini adalah es tape ketan hitam a la Es Doger. 
Saat ini di Turki sedang puncaknya musim panas, dimana suhu bisa mencapai 40°C dengan kelembaban yang tinggi. Jadi malleessss banget mau ngapa-ngapain. Kalau ingin keluar rumah- untuk belanja atau ngantar anak ke taman atau sekedar cari "fresh air"- kita biasa nunggu sekitar pukul 6 sore atau 7. 
Jam 6 atau jam 7 sore, matahari masih bersinar kalau musim panas seperti sekarang. Jam 9 malam baru matahari terbenam dan udara mulai segar.

Jadi pengen yang serba segar. Mulai makanan yang serba sayuran segar, sampai pencuci mulut yang fruity. Naahhh.... karena saya punya stock tape ketan hitam yang saya buat sebelumnya, saya pengen bikin yang menyegarkan yang juga ada tape ketan hitamnya.

Dan lagi kepengeeeennn banget minum es doger. Jadi keingetan dulu jaman bebujangan pas ge-kost di daerah Menteng, sering minum es doger yang suka lewat depan rumah. Versi asli es doger yang di jakarta sih terdiri dari tape singkong, ketan hitam dan biji mutiara dengan serutan es santan yang gurih, diberi sirup gula (warna merah) lalu disiram susu kental manis yang banyak. Kadang suka ada serutan kelapa mudanya, tapi seringnya ya begitu aja.....hhmmm..... segar kan? (^,^)
Es Doger Tape ketan hitam / Indonesian cold drink "es doger" | Çitra's Home Diaryö #indonesianbeverage #coldbeveragerecipe #coconutmilkrecipe #blackglutinousrice #tapiocapearlrecipe

Bubur Biji Salak Labu kuning / Indonesian pumpkin tapioca ball sweet porridge

Resep dalam bahasa Indonesia ada di bagian bawah

Selam everybody......Merhaba from Türkiye..

Bubur biji salak literally means snake fruit's stone/seed porridge. 
It's one of the traditional Indonesian food made of tapioca starch mix with ketela/ ubi jalar (same to sweet potatoes). The mixture dough is then shaped like "salak" fruit's stone (slightly oval shape) and cook into boiling water until floating. The balls then cook in thick palm/ coconut sugar sauce, thicken by adding some tapioca/ cornstarch. Served with a tasty slightly savory thick coconut milk. So this dish doesn't use any salak fruit at all in it.

It looks like Bubur candil indeed, but the difference is bubur candil is made of glutinous rice flour. Check this link for making bubur candil.

Although it tastes sweet, this porridge is not categorized as a dessert. I usually like to eat this sweet porridge in the morning for breakfast only as a substitute for rice.

Traditionally biji salak made of ubi jalar/ sweet potatoes puree, but people now days vary it with other tubers like potatoes or pumpkin. And today I am going to share my Biji salak made of pumpkin. I use homemade pumpkin puree, but you can use the canned one.
Before use your pumpkin puree make sure you reduce the water content by cook it first until you get thick consistency.
So let's jump to the recipe and get traditional Indonesian Biji salak on your family table.

Check category Indonesian Snack (jajan pasar/ kue) for more Indonesian Kueh or snack.

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