♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.

Mi Godhog Djawa Daging sapi ( Javanese beef Noodle stew )

This winter I crave a lot of Indonesian food. Probably because mostly Indonesian food are spicy and warm (make my feel warm also ^_^ ) .. but whatever it is, one reason is because I'm far away from my homeland and only these foods (at least) can be panacea of longing my homeland.
Mi godhog Djawa or noodle stew from Java (my home), consisting of noodles and vegetables in beef or chicken stew. With the shrimp-scented make this meal become one of favorite for each member of my family in Indonesia.

Ingredients:(make 2 portions)
- About 250 grams of wet noodles. Or 1 packet (110 g) dried noodles, cook in boiling water and drain.
- Few shrimps. Remove the head part and puree with mashed spiced.
- Beef meat approximately 200 grams (you can also use chicken). Cut into bite size.
- 1 medium size carrot. Cut into matchsticks.
- Cabbage finely chopped, about 2 handfuls.
- Approximately 1 handful bean sprouts.
- 1 medium size tomato (optional), cut into pieces.

- If you can find green mustard leaves you can add that also- cut roughly (as original one in Java)
- Coriander/ parsley leaves to taste. Chop roughly.
- Chicken/ beef broth around 700 ml
- Enough oil for stir-fry

Mashed/ puree these ingredients:
- 4 ~ 5 cloves garlic
- 3  small red onion (1/2 if you use large size).
- 2 tsp pepper seed (can be less or more according to your taste)
- Shrimp heads.
- Salt to taste.

Easy to cook:
1) Heat oil in big skillet. Stir fry mashed ingredients until fragrant. Stir in beef /chicken and shrimp, pour broth (or hot water), cover the pan and let meat cooked.
2) Mix in carrots, cook until slightly soft. Then add cabbage, bean sprouts, noodles and tomatoes. Cook for few minutes. Taste the flavor. Add salt or pepper as you like.
3) Sprinkle with celery and turn off the heat.

Serve immediately and enjoy while it's warm with a sprinkling of  fried onions and pickles as complement.

Enhanced by Zemanta

I don't Know what you call it.. I just call it PIZZA TUTUP (Closed Pizza)

Feeling Pizza crave these few days, me and hubby. But I'm boring with regular pizza that I usually serve or usually we bought. So I made this style... it is yummy good looking indeed. And we love it. The sesame seed I sprinkled on top make this pizza slightly has Turkish touch... Since this is weekend (means time to fill up our refrig stock), I just can found these ingredients. But you can vary this with chicken, tuna, turkey or beef according to your taste.

For Pizza dough
Material I:
- 1 tbsp plain flour
- 1 packet (5 g) dry instant yeast
-  ½ tbsp caster sugar
- ½  cup warm water
Mix materials I stir until well blended. Cover with plastic film or kitchen towel, let it stand about 1 hour until fluffy.

Material II:
- about 2 ½ cup flour
- ½ teaspoon salt
- ½ cup olive oil
- about ½ cup warm water
Mix the flour and salt. Add  ingredients I, knead. mix in olive oil, knead again. Add warm water gradually, knead again until soft smooth and not sticky at your hand (there may be additional flour/ water at this stage). Cover with plastic film or  towel and let stand 1 hour until the dough become double.
For filling.
- 150 gr beef sausage. cut into small cubes (1x1cm)
- 150 gr sucuk. can be replaced with beef sausage. cut into small cubes (1x1 cm)
- 2 medium green peppers. seeded and cut into small cubes.
- 2 medium red bell pepper. Seeded and cut into small cubes.

- Some Olive, cut into pieces.
- About 150 grams of fresh mushrooms. cut into cubes.
- about 200 grams of cheddar cheese. Cut into cubes or grated harshly.
- about 100 grams white cheese.
- 1 large onion. finely chopped.
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped / grated fine.
- 2 tbsp homemade tomato paste (I mixed with chilly paste). Dilute with a little water so as not clotted.
- Enough Thyme and basil.
- Salt and pepper to taste.
- 1 tablespoon butter for sauteing
For spread on top.
- 1 egg yolk beaten with 2 teaspoons water
- enough black and white sesame seed.

Heat the butter in a sauce pan. Saute onion and garlic until fragrant and transparent. Stir in and cook mushrooms until wilt. Stir in tomato paste solution. Season with salt and pepper. Then mix in sausage and sucuk, all parika , olives. Thyme and basil. Stir until all well blended. Cook for few minutes. Remove from heat. Set aside.
Divide the pizza dough into 2 equal part. Roll each with a rolling pin approximately 1 cm thin. Put filling mixture on it and sprinkle with cheese. Fold and close the pizza into half round shape. Brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame.
Bake in preheated oven, 160 deg C for approximately 25 minutes or until pizza bread well cooked.

Enjoy while warm with tomato sauce or chilly sauce and mayonnaise.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Onion Rings

What you need:
- 2 ~ 3 large onions. Peel and slice into ring approximately 1.5 cm  thickness, separate each ring.
- 1 egg, beaten.
- 3/4 cup whole milk
- 3/4 cup flour
- 1/4 cup corn meal
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- pinch of salt
- Enough Cooking oil for deep frying

How to make:
1) Whisk together flour, corn meal, cornstarch, salt, baking powder and baking soda. Stir in the egg and gradually milk. Do not pour all milk if you feel the dough is enough thick and not too thin. 
2) Heat enough cooking oil in deep skillet. Take onion and dip into the dough one at the time and fry until crisp and golden brown over medium heat.
3) Drain from remaining oil. Serve immediately with your favorite dipping sauce.

Enjoy it.

Fruity Palmiers

Sunny and lightly warm during last weekday, suddenly drop cold and rain with slightly snowy last weekend.. pfff what to do. 1st plan that we will go out somewhere to drink tea and maybe had lunch outside.. But since the weather became chill so we decided to stay home. 
Then I was thinking to make something light and cheer up our "stay home" day with this Palmier, filled with sweet mixed fruits, it is really fix our day d(^_^)b


I Fu Mie (read: Ee fu mee) / crispy noodle served with stir fry mix vegetable-Indonesian food

Back when I was a single and lives in Jakarta, this menu almost became a regular dish in every dinner. Each night a lot of non-permanent stall-We call it "Warung Makan" which provides many kinds of Chinese food or seafood on the roadside. After office hours on my way home, I just park my car at the curb and got many favorite menus-without to bother cooking by myself.

But Here .... I've never met a Chinese Restaurant, not yet maybe. So to satisfy my longing for this Chinese food, there is no other way than "a little effort" to make it by myself in my small kitchen. @(^_^)@

I Fu Mie (read: Ee fu mee) / crispy noodle served with stir fry mix vegetable-Indonesian food. #Indonesianfoodrecipe #capcay #ifumie #miesiramcapcay #asianfood #vegetarian

- about 500 gr fresh egg noodles
- about 200 gr boneless chicken. Cut into bite-size.
- about 200 gr shrimp.
- about 100 gr mushrooms. Chop roughly.
- about 1/2 cup green peas.
- about 200 grams of cauliflower, cut roughly.
- 1 large carrot. Cut round.
- 4 ~ 5 cloves of garlic. crushed and finely chopped.
- 1 medium onion, finely chopped.
- Salt and pepper to taste
- about 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
- Cornstarch 1/ 2 tbsp. Dilute with a little water.
- Enough Cooking oil.

How to cook:

1) Heat oil in a deep skillet. Divide noodles into 3 portions. and fry each portion in hot oil until dry and crispy. Drain from remaining oil and set aside.

2) Heat enough oil in a saucepan. Saute garlic and onions until fragrant and transparent, put in chicken and shrimp, stir-fry until chicken is cooked. Add carrots, cauliflower, mushrooms, and peas pour about 2 cups hot water/ chicken broth (enough to make gravy). Cover the pan and let all vegetables cooked.

3) Seasoning with salt, pepper, and oyster sauce. Test the taste. Pour the cornstarch solution and stir until thickened. Remove from heat.
Fry noddle in deep oil until crispy.
How to serve:
Place the noodles in the serving dish and flush with a hot vegetable mix. Serve immediately with pickled as a companion.

I Fu Mie (read: Ee fu mee) / crispy noodle served with stir fry mix vegetable-Indonesian food. #Indonesianfoodrecipe #capcay #ifumie #miesiramcapcay #asianfood #vegetarian


Tavuklu Pide (Pizza a la Turkiye with chicken topping)

Pide, It's an oval shape bread with topping (mostly minced meat). Some other country call this Pita. Common meal and Pizza-like here in Turkey. Other pide family we call it Lahmacun (it has round shape like pizza).
Unlike my previous post of pide, this time I use Chicken= tavuk (Turkce) as topping. It's as great as meat topping with cumin powder adding, you will get "Turkish taste" in your dinner table @(^_^)@

Ingredients for 'pide' bread:
- 2 cups flour
- 2 teaspoons instant yeast
- 1/2 tbsp caster sugar.
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 3/4 cup warm water

* Take 2 tbsp of the flour, mix with sugar and yeast. Pour about 1/4 cup of warm water. and let it stand for about 30 mints until it rises.
In another bowl mix the remaining flour and salt. Make a hole in the middle, put yeast mixture,olive oil and remaining warm water (gradually). Knead until smooth and not sticky at hand.At this stage you may be need addition of flour or water (but do it carefully)
Cover with plastic film or a napkin. Let stand about 50-60 min and let the dough to rise.

Tiramisu (again)

I saw many Hearted shape in This February. They are so adorable and sometimes with lovely pink color or red. It's so Festive and gorgeous. Well, love is in the air... @(^_^)@
And why don't I spread love in the air too? 
I made this tiramisu last week, but I just can write, edit the picture and post in it my page now.  As you can see, I have some tiramisu post in previous, well.. it's because my husband request it a lot (he Loves tiramisu much I think) and I try to make it in different style and ingredients. So each of my tiramisu has it own taste and different from each other.

İngredients and how to make it:
1 recipe of chocolate sponge cake. This time I use steamed chocolate sponge cake, see the recipe here. Or you can try bake version of my other chocolate sponge cake here


Say it with BLACK FOREST

Happy Valentine Day Everyone. Hope you and Family will joy and fill with love everyday along these years.

My husband is not a romantic person. Sometimes just for my birthday, other family member must remind him to bring something for me. Also for Valentine's Day. It's the weekend and he took me Somewhere else not to farmer markets for weekend shopping as usual .. I think there will be a surprise for me .. Maybe he would take me to nice restaurant with surprise romantic dinner,but I was wrong. He brought me indeed-not to farmer market- but to other shopping places which has many discount season!  hahahahaha ....
When I ask why there is no "something" for valentine day, 
he said "for what? I said 'I love you' Everyday. I kiss you more than 3 or 4 times per day.  Isn't it a day of love for you?"

Well .. I have nothing to say against it .. I just made this Black Forrest for him to show That I Love him too ... @(^_^)@

For the cake base:
- 8 eggs
- 1 cup caster sugar
- 2 tsp vanillia powder-This kind of vanilla I can find here
- ¾ cup flour
- 2 tablespoons cornstarch
- ½ cup cocoa powder (plus some for spread baking pan)
- 125 gr margarine. Melt (plus to spread baking pan)

For the filling
- Can cherries (about 400 gr)
- Butter cream or whipped cream
- Rum  - I did not use.

For the garnishes and toppings
- Dark cooking chocolate
- Whipped cream
- Drop/ granules Dark chocolate
* Or, according to your taste and improvisation

Make cake base:
1) Grease a baking pan 7 " size with margarine/ butter and sprinkle with cocoa powder.Set aside. Sift together: flour, cornstarch, cocoa powder and powdered vanillia. Set aside.
2) preheat oven to 190 deg C. In a large bowl, beat eggs and sugar until fluffy, pale and thick. Fold in the flour mixture gradually. Fold in melted butter into it. Mix until well blended
3) Pour into baking pan and bake for about 45 minutes. Check with a skewer inserted in the cake comes out clean.
4) Let the cake cool before it is cut horizontally into 3 parts. 

Recognize your oven condition. Different size and condition gives different heat result.

Take the first piece of cake, wet with cherry water. Then spread butter cream evenly.Arrange the cherry fruit. Cover with second piece of cake. Do the same thing as before. And stacking the last piece of cake, wet with cherry water and cover the entire surface of cake with whipped cream and decorated according to taste with cherry and chocolate.

Store in refrigerator before cut and served.


Roll Pizza (sausage filling)

Pizza? Roll? Roll Pizza? I do not know whether I can call it pizza. Because mostly pizza have large round shape with toppings (or sometimes stuffed it). But whatever it is, all the ingredients to make this dish are exactly same that I use to make pizza, I just want to make some shape experiment out of ordinary pizza I've ever made ... so .. whatever you may call it, I call it Roll pizza @(^_^)@

Sauce ingredients:
- 2 tablespoons tomato paste
- 2 tbsp chilly paste (optional. If you want to use whole tomato paste, it's okay)
- 3 cloves garlic, finely grated
- thyme and dried basil to taste
- salt and sugar to taste.
- 2 tablespoons butter for sauteing
* Heat the butter saute garlic until fragrant, put tomato paste and chili paste, pour enough (just enough to make a slightly gravy)hot water. Give sugar and salt. Cook until boiling. Turn off the fire. Combine thyme and basil. Mix well and set aside.

Filling ingredients:
- 200 gr sausage chicken / beef. Cut into small cubes.
- 100 gr sücük (traditional Turkish sausage). Cut into small cubes--You can use whole ordinary sausage if you can not access to this type of Sausage.
- olives, cut into pieces.
- mozzarella cheese as much as you want.
- cheddar cheese as much as you want . Cut into small cubes.
* Mix all stuffed ingredients above, set aside.

Spread over:
- 1 egg yolk, beaten with 2 teaspoons water
- black or white sesame
For pizza dough:
- 2 cups flour
- 1 tablespoon of instant dry yeast (or leaven of a block about 5 grams)
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 cup lukewarm water
- 2 tbsp sugar
- pinch of salt
Make pizza dough:
1) Take 3 tablespoons of flour (from 2 cups recipe above). Mix with sugar and lukewarm water. Mix in instant yeast/ yeast blocks. Stir until all dissolved. Cover with a towel or plastic film and let stand a warm place about 50 minutes until fluffy.
2) Mix the remaining flour with salt and olive oil. Mix in the fluffy yeast mixture and knead until smooth and not sticky at hand. (at this stage there may be need little additional of flour or water to make dough smooth).
3) Cover with a towel or plastic film and let it rest about 45 minutes or until dough has doubled.

1) Hit and flatten pizza dough, divide the dough into 2 equal lots. Take one part and roll thin with rolling pin. Spread with sauce mixture and then spread the filling mixture (give light pressure). Roll up lengthwise (like pictures).
2) Brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with sesame. Cut into pieces about 3 fingers width.Place on to baking tray (greased with margarine/ butter). Let it stand about 30 minutes.
3) Bake in preheat oven 160 deg C about 25 minutes or until golden brown.

Serve warm .... 
hhmm ... I think I will make it again and again!


Çılbır or Poached egg with garlic yogurt sauce

Çılbır is a Turkish dish of poached eggs with garlic yogurt sauce. It is also common to have the dish topped with red chili flake (red paprika can be substituted), melted butter. A simple and healthy meal to make.

 To make this simple and healthy dish you will need:
- Several egg (as much as you need)
One by one break egg carefully in boiling water over medium heat about 7 until 10 minutes. Strain and drain carefully.
Meanwhile prepare the yogurt sauce. You will need some cloves of garlic, crush them with pestle and mortar (but I grated them). Mix garlic with plain yogurt, add pinch of salt and VERY small amount of water. Stir well to combine. Now you have 'Sarımsağı yoghurt' or garlic yogurt sauce. 
You can also see my recipe here  for garlic yogurt sauce. This sauce you can use for dipping or topping sauce of some Turkish meal for example: Grape leaves dolma or Yaprak Sarması

Soto Madura (Maduranese yellow beef soup)

Merhaba From Türkiye 👋

First, I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog. Please come back, again and again, to check up on anything beyond Indonesian or Turkish food or something sweet you might love. Your comments and emails brighten my days and make this simple blog thing worthwhile 😍💛 

And make sure you subscribe to my Youtube channel and turn on the bell sign to get more video recipes.

Soto, sroto, or coto is a common dish to be found in various regional variations of Indonesian cuisine. It is a traditional soup mainly composed of broth, meat, and vegetables. There is no clear definition of what makes a soto, but normally all traditional soups are called soto, while western/foreign influenced soups are called sop. It might be considered Indonesia's national dish, served as it is from Sumatra to Papua and in enough variations to fill an entire cookbook. Soto is ubiquitous in Indonesia, found in numerous stalls and on almost every street corner.

Madura is one small Island east of Java Island in Indonesia, that's where this food comes from. But even though this dish from that place, you can find it anywhere Nationally. Besides this beef soup, Madura also commonly known with Coconut Satay (beef coated with grated coconut satay).
We usually eat this spicy soup with white steamed rice, "sambal" (ground chilly), fried shallot, sprinkled with chopped parsley or celery and spice up with lemon juice.


Triangle Fried Sausage Pastry (Paçanga Börek)

Crispy and tasty savory pastry is always my favorite. Always suit with my brunch tea or evening coffee. Or any gathering occasion with family and friends. And this fried sausage pastry is now becoming favorite among my friends, neighbors and family. They just love it with hot Turkish tea when they visit. @(^_^)@ 

 I shape this fried pastry with triangle shape, seems pretty and I love it. But if you want to make roll or other shape, it's oke too actually, but triangle shape is just suitable cute for this pastry d(^_^)b
Ingredients and how to make:
- a few sheets of fillo dough. Cut lengthwise about 4 fingers width and 15~20 cm length.
- 250 gr sausage (I use mix beef and chicken sausage). cut into small cubes.
- 2 large green pepper (paprika). Seeded and cut into small cubes.
- 1 large size tomato. Cut into small cubes.
- 2 large size onions. Cut into small cubes.
- 2 ~ 3 cloves garlic. finely grated.
- 4 ~ 5 tablespoons olive oil
- a little salt and pepper to taste.
- Enough Cooking oil for frying.


Bolu Coklat Kukus -Bentuk hati ( Steamed Chocolate Sponge cake) And another award passing from my lovely friend

I was planning to make another tiramisu-as my hubby request (again). He loves Tiramisu a lot I think (^_^). 1st plan I wanted to make tiramisu with lady finger base, but when I saw many egg white left in my refrig, then I decided to make this sponge cake as the base.
And here it is my basic sponge cake with steamed version. With this "heart shape" I think it'll be more cute :)

- 500 ml egg whites
- 1 cup caster sugar
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1 teaspoon vanilla powder (I just can find this powder version here ^_^ )
- 1 ½ cup flour.
- 3 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 120 ml olive oil / or melted margarine

How to make:

  1. Heat a steamer with enough water for about 45 minutes. Grease your "heart shape" pan with butter and lightly dust with flour. Set a side.
  2. Sift together: Flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, vanilla powder.Set aside.
  3. In a large bowl, using electric mixer whipped egg whites,  gradually mix in caster sugar, continue beating until sugar dissolves completely. Add salt and continue beating until fluffy and stiff.
  4. Fold in the flour mixture gradually until blended. fold in melted margarine or olive. Fold until completely mixed.
  5. Pour into baking pan and steam about 30 minutes or until cooked. Check with bamboo skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.

Enjoy with your beloved friend and family.

Today, It is really brighten my day, My lovely blog friend : Angellove's Cooking, just passing me this "Sunshine Award". Thank you so much and it definitely will sunshine may days and make me happy. 
And to all my friends, I would like to say thank you for the support and sharing. I'd like to pass this award also to my friends as list below, hope it can bright your day and bring sunshine in your smile too:

Brooks Walker @cakewalker
Cevabun @Something_good 

Keep on cooking, baking, steaming, craving, blogging and sharing! @(^_^)@

Pırasa Böreğı / Turkish Leek pastry And award from my sweet friend

Börek (also burek and other variants) is a family of baked or fried filled pastries made of a thin flaky dough known as yufka (or phyllo). It can be filled with cheese, often feta, sirene or kaşar; minced meat, or vegetables. Probably invented in Anatolia in the early Ottoman period, it became a popular element of Ottoman cuisine.
A börek may be prepared in a large pan and cut into portions after baking, or as individual pastries. The top of the börek is often sprinkled with sesame seeds.
Börek is very popular in the cuisines of the former Ottoman Empire, including North African cuisine. The Northern Slavic cuisines, historically developed by people living in close contact with the Turkic peoples of Asia and Europe, also feature derivatives of the börek. In Israel, börek is part of Mizrahi, Sephardic, and Palestinian traditions.

Pırasa = means Leeks. This pastry is made from leeks as filling. Combination of savory and lightly sweet taste from the leeks made into good combination for this pastry. No wonder this Pırasa Böreğı become one of favorite Börek here.

Wanna try it also in your kitchen? here things you need to prepare:

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