♥♥ When two Cultures mixed (。◕‿◕。) Everything in my Page are only simple thing, but I did it with great love.
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

DIY Non toxic water color for kids

"Family is like branches on tree, We all grow in different directions yet our root remains as one"

Selam Everybody....Merhaba from Turkey......

Out door activities in my opinion is the best thing to do for our kids. I was grew up in tropical country with mostly sunshine almost whole year... Even when it rainy season, me  and my siblings also some neighbor's kids played under the rains without worrying and guilty feeling from our parents.... and guest what?! We hardly ever got heavy/ serious sickness due to those activities.

Maybe because playing out side require many physical activities which influence increasing immune system for our body. And beside that out door activities may reduce kid's stress.

And kids in my era (around 70~80's) there was not any electronic gadget like phone or any fancy toys like now days. We were simply happy play with mud, sand, kite, bike, snail, grass or anything we found ^,^
Surely every kids have their own era just like we do. 

My kid doesn't go to school yet, hence in summer time regularly I take her to park to play. But sometimes even in winter with thick snow I'll let her play with snow for few minutes. But that's it... not really much can do out door in winter.. so mostly I tried to make her busy in home. 


Best Homemade Playdough

It's all about Children,

Children... they are in fact who always wiser and more mature than us, the parents.

They are actually who teaching and mentoring us to be a better person everyday.

No matter how bad we are as their parents, they are always be the best children we ever have.....

We owe to them always... Children who everyday become the victim from how bad we control and manage our own emotion.

The children who burnt by residue of our incompetence for trying to be an adult human being.
Actually the children who suffer and endure the consequences of worst days we made day by day...

The children who probably sacrificed their future just because we couldn't contrive our own.

But they are still laughing and giving us so much love.. They always make our life happy and bright.

Assalamu'alaikum..... Merhaba from Turkey....

Cold and mostly cloudy and rainy days.. sunny and warm day outside no longer there accompany our kids playing outside the house. My kid is pretty much active and easy to get bored in something, so outdoor activity is her favorite thing to do. But this mid fall when raining almost everyday make her outdoor activity (mostly in playground) become muddy and wet.. I don't mind the dirty part... but when it follow by illness and flu after it...that makes me try to keep my daughter stay inside for a while.


HIKAYAH : Kisah Petani dan Keledainya.

Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba dari Turki..

Dulu sebelum tidur, Bapak Almarhum selalu mendongeng untuk saya dan saudara2 saya. Banyak sekali kisah mulai dari kisah nabi nabi sampai hikayat Abu nawas yg melekat di pikiran saya hingga saya setua ini. 

Saya pikir ada baiknya cerita-cerita yang beliau kisahkan  pada kami saat itu, saya tuangkan dalam tulisan di blog saya yang sederhana ini dengan harapan anak-anak saya kelak (dan juga pembaca yang lain) juga bisa mengenal hikayat-hikayat itu juga. 
Dan bagi saya dengan menuliskannya kembali disini dapat menjadi pengingat bagi saya akan almarhum Bapak dan kebiasaaan bercerita sebelum tidur tersebut dan meneruskan kebiasaan itu kepada anak saya, Inshallah...

I miss U Bapak......

Photo Credit: wwwayazdotcom via Compfight cc

Di sebuah desa hiduplah seorang bapak petani tua dan anak laki-lakinya. Kehidupan mereka sangat miskin hingga tak memiliki apa-apa lagi selain keledai tua. Akhirnya si petani memutuskan untuk menjual Keledai mereka ini.


Assalamu'alaikum.... Merhaba dari Turki..

Dulu sebelum tidur, Bapak Almarhum selalu mendongeng untuk saya dan saudara2 saya. Banyak sekali kisah mulai dari kisah nabi nabi sampai hikayat Abu nawas yg melekat di pikiran saya hingga saya setua ini. 

Saya pikir ada baiknya cerita-cerita yang beliau kisahkan  pada kami saat itu, saya tuangkan dalam tulisan di blog saya yang sederhana ini dengan harapan anak-anak saya kelak (dan juga pembaca yang lain) juga bisa mengenal hikayat-hikayat itu juga. 
Dan bagi saya dengan menuliskannya kembali disini dapat menjadi pengingat bagi saya akan almarhum Bapak dan kebiasaaan bercerita sebelum tidur tersebut dan meneruskan kebiasaan itu kepada anak saya, Inshallah...

Photo source ciktom.com
Suatu ketika, Rasulullah saw dan para sahabat ra sedang ifthar (buka puasa). Setiap kali mereka makan sebuah kurma, biji- biji sisanya mereka sisihkan di tempatnya masing-masing.

Beberapa saat kemudian, Ali menyadari bahwa dia memakan terlalu banyak kurma. Biji- biji kurma sisa mereka menumpuk lebih banyak di sisi Ali dibandingkan di sisi Rasulullah. Maka Ali pun secara diam- diam memindahkan biji-biji kurma tersebut ke sisi Rasulullah.

Kemudian Ali ra dengan tersipu-sipu mengatakan, “ Wahai Nabi, engkau memakan kurma lebih banyak daripada aku. Lihatlah biji-biji kurma yang menumpuk di tempatmu. ”Nabi pun tersenyum dan menjawab, “Ali, kamulah yang memakan lebih banyak kurma. Aku memakan kurma dan masih menyisakan biji-bijinya. Sedangkan engkau, memakan kurma berikut biji-bijinya”. (HR. Bukhori)


Celebrating Eidul Fitr (Ramazan Bayram) and also My kid's 2nd B'day

Happy Eid al Fitr 1435 H for you who celebrate it. 

This Eid al Fitr 2014 is the happiest and memorable moment for me. After more than 5 times celebrated Eid in Turkey, this is the first time I feel like celebrate Eid al Fitr in my own country. Many my Indonesian fellow came to visit with their family. Some students who study here also came to visit.. to tied more closely relationship.

Beside that memorable Eid al Fitr, this year coincide with  my lovely baby's birthday, Sahnaz Kale this July turns 2! .. Time feel too fast passing by.. I still feel I just born her few months ago..now she turns 2 !

Two happy reasons (Eid al Fitr and my princess' B'day) is enough for me to celebrate it, just simple celebration. We invited some Indonesian to spend happy moment with simple Indonesian and Turkish Foods.

Like normally b'day party I also made one simple b'day cake for my daughter. This chocolate cake  made from 1 recipe of steamed chocolate sponge cake and 1 recipe chocolate brownie recipe steamed with simple fondant decoration. And chocolate frosting recipe here.


Hello everybody....Merhabalar..

Hello everybody...I know.. I know..it has been ages I didn't post anything... For you (new readers of this page) maybe didn't know why, or my old blogger / foodies friends might just figure it out...yes since I was pregnant I didn't post regularly..... coz as you know, during my pregnancy I didn't want to go to my own kitchen or any other's one. My cake deflated, my cooking burnt, etc..so I couldn't post anything new in my blog... and also I was ssoo ssoo lazy doing anything. I just love to walk...walk around my city...lol

Let's play a "serious" game @(^,^)@

I found this picture shared many times in Facebook and  I found it very much fun and interesting. 
So I'd like to share here too with my Blogger and foodie friends here.

Here is the rule: 
SEE THIS PICTURE BELOW and WRITE DOWN on comment box FIRST 5 (FIVE) WORDS  you can find in that picture.

I didn't know where it's source but the 1st 4 words you see actually describe you

Let me start with my self :)
1. Spoken
2. Charismatic
3. Passionate
4. happy
5. Elegant

Well... what about you?

Hugs ^,^

Drink Milk !! Good for you.

Women who do not drink milk regularly during pregnancy is likely to have babies with low birth weight or allergies and impaired growth in womb, according to expert opinion. A team of researchers compared babies birth weight of mothers who regularly drank milk at least one cup a day during pregnant with mothers who are less or not drink milk regularly. It turned out that infants of mothers milk drinkers have a better weight.

From total 300 women in research, published in Canadian Medical Association Journal, they are non-smokers and have healthy lifestyle during pregnancy. A quarter of those mothers are reported routinely  not to drink milk every day.
A team of experts headed by Kristine Koski, director of the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition, McGill University in Montreal, Canada, said that the study is important because increasing numbers of women who do not consume milk during pregnancy will have a lower fat intake, weight gain limited and allergic disorders, because the habit of drinking milk during pregnancy is to prevent lactose intolerance.

The mothers and health professionals need to know that milk dietary may restrict essential nutrients and negatively affect fetal development.

Mothers who were studied are those with aged 19 to 45 years and who perform prenatal in three hospitals in Calgary between May 1997 and June 1999. Among them 72 women who did not regularly consume at least one glass of milk per day.

One cup of milk a day containing 2.5 micrograms of vitamin D, this number is highly significant value of 5 micrograms of vitamin D are recommended each day.Vitamin D is essential for growth and bone strength. Calcium from the mother is needed by the fetus which is channeled through the umbilicus.

Previous research conducted by experts from the University of Southampton explains that children who come from mothers who are deficient in vitamin D during pregnancy have lower bone growth compared with normal bone mass, it can cause the risk of fractures due to osteoporosis later in life.

Nevertheless the nutrients contained in milk can be replaced with other foods or supplements.

Dietary advice for pregnant women should be done every day at least consume one serving of milk, cheese and yogurt.

Source: kalbefarma.com

For this winter, I think it will be nice to make hot chocolate milk like this recipe


I've been gone for a while (with a happy reason) and here I am again

Hi everybody..... I know.. I know.. I've been 'disappear' for few weeks
Since early December 2011 I feel there was change in me. I became very very lazy (yes I am talking very bad  laziness .. hahaha). I did not want to do anything... start from cleaning my house, cooking, I didn't touch my craft at all, I'm even lazy to eat  and do simple things or just touch my computer / internet. I began to leery that I'm pregnant when I didn't get my period in time and start had bad nausea ...just exhausting and frustrating days for me.
Well! I'm pregnant!

During the first week of my pregnancy --This my funny story and I couldn't understand why--I could not cook anything right! Once or twice I baked cakes and everything ends up in the trash because sodden or shrink or burn! Even easy-cook dishes which usually I make everyday--sometimes too salty, or burning or taste weird ... hahahhaa ... Anyone know why is that?

little miracle inside me, 14 weeks
Frankly speaking, this is very first experience for me. Thrilling, full of surprising, delightful and little worried at same time .. so I'm trying to open minded for any information and advice from everybody, family, close friends, even from strangers I met on the bus!

well, I am so excited till I don't know what to write anymore because too many things I want to share to the world .. I am too happy @(^,^)@

These couples days I feel a little better than  previous weeks. I can do my normal activities since bad nausea slightly reduce. Only sometimes suddenly  I felt sick and nausea every time I see my husband.. hahaha...

I hope I can cook "normal" again and share it to you again.. miss that too though... :)


Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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